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facial exercises
5 Anti-Aging Vitamins 500 336 Facercise

5 Anti-Aging Vitamins

facial exercisesAn excellent way to enhance the results of facial exercises is with antioxidants and vitamins. Get them into your diet, your skin care routine and even take supplements if necessary. Many antioxidants and vitamins can help reduce the effects of the sun and free radicals while preventing future damage. Read on to learn about some of these important and beneficial nutrients.

1. Vitamin C

One of the most essential vitamins for skin and overall health is vitamin C. It boosts immunity, stimulates collagen production, protects against sun damage, brightens skin and decreases hyperpigmentation. Citrus fruits and vegetables are rich sources of vitamin C. Some excellent choices include oranges, lemons, limes, pineapples, pears, kiwi, strawberries, bell peppers, guava and broccoli. Aim for at least 100 mg per day.

2. Vitamin E

This popular vitamin is important because it acts as a barrier against dangerous enzymes and free radicals. Together with vitamin C, it can significantly fight damage from dangerous UV rays. Good sources include wheat germ, almonds, cashews, peanuts, avocados and sunflower seeds. Studies show that consumption of 400 mg per day reduces photodamage and the appearance of wrinkles.

3. Beta-Carotene

This is one of the most critical antioxidants for skin health. Beta-carotene converts into vitamin A in our systems, where it plays a major role in cellular repair and growth. It also helps protect the skin from both sun and free radical damage, while imparting a healthy, youthful glow. Some excellent sources include pumpkins, sweet potatoes, yams, winter squash, Swiss chard, carrots, broccoli, spinach, kale, tomatoes and cantaloupe.

4. Selenium

Studies have shown this mineral to help protect against various forms of cancer, including melanoma. Selenium is crucial for protein synthesis and promotes skin quality and elasticity. Like the other nutrients we listed, it protects against sun and free radical damage. Selenium also boosts the effectiveness of vitamin E. Good sources include seafood, eggs, Brazil nuts, garlic, whole grains, chia seeds and wheat germ.

5. Omega-3 Fatty Acids

These healthy fats reduce inflammation and bolster the skin cell membrane found in the epidermis. This helps protect the skin and enables it to hold onto moisture longer, which improves texture. Excellent sources include avocados, eggs, walnuts, salmon, tuna, sardines and mackerel.

Visit this link to learn about our facial exercises and advanced skin care products.

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5 Tips for Using Retinol 500 333 Facercise

5 Tips for Using Retinol

facial exercisesWinter is the perfect time of year to add retinol to your beauty routine. Retinol is a vitamin A-derivative with powerful anti-aging effects that can dramatically change the appearance and texture of your skin. Regular use results in a reduction in the appearance of fine lines and wrinkles, large pores, acne scars, hyperpigmentation and “sun spots.”

Our Retinol Skin Conditioner is one of our best-sellers! While our products are mild, some retinols can cause dryness and irritation. Read on to learn five tips for using retinol effectively without any of these issues.

1. Start With a Gentle Product

It’s important to slowly introduce retinol to your regimen. Avoid starting with a prescription retinoid, as these can be too harsh on skin. Using a non-prescription retinol like Retinol Skin Conditioner is the safest, most gentle way to achieve results without irritation.

2. Go Slow

When you add retinol to your skin care program, don’t use it every night from the get-go. Retinol is a biologically active ingredient that needs a slow introduction. Start by using it every other night during the first week. On the second week, use it two nights in a row and take the third night off. Repeat. If your skin is extra sensitive, you may want to start off using it twice a week and then stepping up to every other night the following week. Follow either of these programs for the first three to four weeks and then you can add retinol in to your routine five to seven nights per week, depending on how your skin reacts to it. If you do experience any irritation or redness, cut back.

3. Apply to Dry Skin

For best results, wait 20 to 30 minutes after washing your face before applying a retinol product.

4. Wear Sunscreen Daily

Retinols make your skin more photosensitive, so be sure to apply sunscreen every single day. Sunlight can also render them ineffective, so if you don’t protect your skin from the sun, you’ll waste all that good product!

5. Moisturize Wisely

Many people apply moisturizer on top of their retinol. If you plan to do this, make sure the retinol absorbs a minimum of 20 minutes. If you apply moisturizer immediately, it will dilute the retinol and reduce its effectiveness.

Visit this link to purchase Retinol Skin Conditioner and learn more about our revolutionary facial exercises.

face exercises
5 Reasons to Drink Green Tea 500 333 Facercise

5 Reasons to Drink Green Tea

face exercisesTea has been touted for centuries for its medicinal and healing properties—and for good reason. Green tea is rich in antioxidants and polyphenols, which have anti-inflammatory properties that improve beauty, weight and overall health. It’s an excellent anti-aging complement to face exercises and No Lipo Lipo.

Here are five of incredible benefits of green tea.

1. Green Tea Improves Your Complexion

Drinking green tea helps flush the toxins from your skin, while reducing inflammation that causes breakouts and promoting faster healing. Green tea also contains catechins, antibacterial agents that help fight bacteria that causes acne and regulate hormonal imbalances. Studies have shown that the antioxidants in green tea also boost elasticity.

2. It Fights Aging

Green tea contains polyphenols that help combat free radicals that damage the skin and accelerate aging.

3. Green Tea Reduces Puffy Eyes

We all remember the old school tea-bags-on the-eyelids remedy that so many of us used to disguise a hangover. The good news is, green tea is actually the real deal when it comes to reducing the appearance of dark circles and puffy eyes, due to its content of tannins, antioxidants and vitamin K.

4. It Promotes Weight Loss

Research shows that green tea boasts natural thermogenic properties and polyphenols that oxidize fat faster and boosts our metabolic rate. It also contains EGCG, an antioxidant that ultimately helps break down more fat in our bodies. It has also been shown to help regular blood sugar levels.

5. Green Tea Helps Reduce Stress

Green tea is rich in the amino acid l-theanine, which helps increase alpha waves in the brain, a natural state that helps reduce stress and anxiety.

Swap out those fattening coffee drinks for two cups of green tea each day—you will love the results. Click here to learn more about our revolutionary system of face exercises.

facial exercises
5 Mistakes That Age You 500 333 Facercise

5 Mistakes That Age You

facial exercisesWhen you do facial exercises religiously and follow a strict skin care regimen, you expect to look as good as possible. While this is what should happen, you could easily make mistakes that make you age faster than your years. If you’re not seeing the results you want, it’s probably time to re-evaluate your habits, the foods you eat and the position you sleep in. Read on to learn about the most common mistakes that add years to our faces.

1. Excessive Sugar Consumption

A sweet tooth doesn’t just affect your waistline, it can age your skin and cause breakouts. When you eat sweets or simple carbs that convert to glucose in your system, the sugar molecules attach themselves to your skin’s collagen fibers. This process, known as glycation, causes the fibers to become inflexible and pull at the skin. The result is sagging skin, puffiness, enlarged pores, dark under eye circles, a loss of facial contours and diminished radiance. Skip dessert and simple carbs as much as possible to maintain a youthful glow.

2. Not Removing Makeup

No matter how tired you are, it’s critical to remove your makeup every single night. Sleeping with makeup on clogs your pores and causes breakouts, while cheating your skin of its nightly reparation. During REM sleep, your skin builds collagen and tries to repair damage; if you’ve got makeup on, it cannot do either.

3. Over-Exfoliating

Exfoliation is key for shedding the dead skin cells that clog pores and give your skin a dull, dry appearance. It also stimulates the production of new cells. However, too much exfoliation causes inflammation, which accelerates aging. Ask your dermatologist or esthetician to recommend a gentle scrub that is ideal for your skin.

4. Sleeping the Wrong Way

The best position to sleep in is on your back, as it prevents those deep wrinkles and creases we get from smashing our face into a pillow. It also helps prevent sagging and wrinkles on your décolletage. The best anti-aging practice also includes sleeping on a silk or copper-infused pillowcase to help keep hair and skin smooth.

5. Eliminating Fats

Forget about those old school low-fat and non-fat diets; fat has made a serious comeback and never should have left. Omega 3 fatty acids are absolutely essential for fighting wrinkles and maintaining plump, supple skin. They also combat inflammation and free radical damage. Avocados, nuts and oily fish such as tuna, salmon and mackerel are excellent sources of omega 3 fatty acids.

Stop making these mistakes and focus on making your skin its healthiest best. Click through for information about Facercise, our life changing system of facial exercises.

facial exercises
Skin Care & Face Coverings 500 281 Facercise

Skin Care & Face Coverings

Even though some states are easifacial exercisesng restrictions, many people are choosing or are required to continue to wear masks. If you’re opting to wear face coverings, you also need to protect your skin. Wearing masks can cause breakouts or other issues—especially with warmer weather on the horizon—so it’s essential to take care of your skin properly.

Here are a few tips for protecting your skin.

Follow Your Regular Regimen

It’s more important than ever to protect your skin and prevent the spread of bacteria. Continue with your normal skincare protocol, including facial exercises. Use all the products in your current program with vigilance. Be sure to cleanse your face thoroughly—heat, perspiration and friction from the mask rubbing your skin can cause overproduction of oil and breakouts.

Maintain Hydration

Drink plenty of water and mist your skin with Heavy Water Spritz throughout the day to keep skin hydrated and dewy.

Don’t Skip Moisturizer

Moisturizer is still an important step in maintaining your skin’s hydration levels. Our Ultra Hyaluronic Cream is an excellent choice as it can help soothe skin and contains ingredients that have been shown to increase skin moisture by 300 percent.

Consider Fabric

If you’re making your own masks at home, use fabric made of 100 percent cotton. If you use synthetic fabric, it will retain more heat specifically on the area of the skin that the mask covers. This can cause breakouts or irritation.

Apply Sunscreen Religiously

Face coverings do not provide proper sun protection. Apply Protective Sun Block SPF 30 thoroughly every day, even on the areas that your face covering hides. Masks can shift and the sun’s powerful ultraviolet (UV) rays may penetrate the material. If you’re spending time outside, re-apply the sunscreen to maintain protection.

Visit this link to learn more out our advanced skin care products and system of facial exercises.

5 Habits to Turn Back the Clock 276 183 Facercise

5 Habits to Turn Back the Clock

facial exercisesResearch shows that making small, incremental changes like wearing sunscreen and doing facial exercises is the best way to transform your lifestyle and achieve your goals. If anti-aging is a priority, read on for inspirational changes you can make that will takes years off your looks when practiced consistently. Start with one a week and by the end of the first month, you’ll be on your way to a beautiful transformation.

1. Drink Green Tea Every Day

Studies show that the antioxidants in green tea help combat free radical damage, while its thermogenic properties promotes fat oxidation and revs your metabolism.

2. Dry Brush

Boost circulation and make your skin glow by dry brushing every day before you hop into the shower. Try one of my amazing Sisal Louffas from Germany—they’re long lasting and super effective. Start at the tops of your feet and work your way up your entire body, using long, upward strokes in the direction of your heart. It’s the perfect complement to our incredible No Lipo Lipo technique—in fact, there’s a demo on the DVD that shows the proper dry brushing technique as well.

3. Wear Sunscreen Every Day

Make it a point to wear sunscreen every single day, rain or shine. You’ll reduce your risk of skin cancer and help prevent hyperpigmentation and wrinkles. Wear it on your face, neck, decolletage, hands and any other part of your body that is regularly exposed.

4. Do Facial Exercises Daily

Do our antiaging facial exercises twice a day for best results. On the Ultimate Facercise DVD, there is an 8-minute Superset that will save you valuable time.

5. Get Moving

Whether you opt for serious strength-training and cardio workouts, yoga and Pilates classes, or walks around your neighborhood, physical activity is instrumental in anti-aging and overall health. You’ll rev your metabolism, increase your calorie burn and boost heart health. If time is an issue, try some of these workout hacks to maximize even the smallest gaps in your schedule.

Click this link to learn more about our best-selling system of anti-aging facial exercises.

facial exercises
7 Anti-Inflammatory Foods 500 333 Facercise

7 Anti-Inflammatory Foods

facial exercisesThe buzz these days is all about an anti-inflammatory diet—and for good reason. Following an anti-inflammatory diet is an excellent way to improve your overall health and combat the signs of aging. Many doctors tout this type of diet because it can reduce blood triglycerides, decrease the risk of high blood pressure and prevent cardiovascular disease. Anti-inflammatory diets have been shown to improve physical recovery time and reduce the risk of many chronic illnesses and diseases. Eating anti-inflammatory foods is also an excellent complement to a good skincare program and regimen of anti-aging facial exercises.

While there are many different anti-inflammatory diets to choose from, there are several types of food that can be found in most. Most doctors recommend avoiding processed foods and those high in refined sugars and simple carbs. Read on for a few foods that will help you fight inflammation in your body.

1. Water

Proper hydration definitely helps your body fight off inflammation and flush out the toxins. If you get bored simply drinking water, switch it up with lemon water, honey water and green tea to up your antioxidant ante.

2. Leafy Greens

Dark leafy greens such as spinach, broccoli, collard greens and kale contains high levels of dietary fiber and a rich content of vitamins and minerals that fight inflammation, such as iron, calcium and an array of phytochemicals.

3. Fatty Fish

Oily fish that are high in omega-43 fatty acids are a great choice for your health, skin and waistline. Try to eat several servings of salmon, mackerel, tuna or sardines each week.

4. Nuts

Loaded with fiber, vitamin e and some healthy fat, nuts are a great way to satiate your diet and reduce inflammation. Almonds, Brazil nuts, cashews and walnuts are all great choices.

5. Whole Grains

Swap out white bread, pasta and rice for whole-grains that are fiber-rich. They will fill you up without spiking your blood sugar levels like “white” breads and other products.

6. Peppers

Bell peppers are the perfects example of colorful veggies that increase your antioxidant consumption and reduce inflammation.

7. Berries

Berries are loaded with vitamin C and antioxidants that can significantly decrease inflammation. The darker the berry, the higher the antioxidant content, but all are good choices.

Visit this link to learn more about our anti-aging skin care programs and regimen of facial exercises.

facial exercises
5 Benefits of Healthy Fats 500 333 Facercise

5 Benefits of Healthy Fats

facial exercisesOmega-3 fatty acids can be a game changer for beauty, anti-aging and overall health. We’ve always been an advocate of polyunsaturated fatty acids for the hydration they provide in addition to a host of other benefits. A diet with a good balance of antioxidants and healthy fats is the perfect complement to a consistent Facercise regimen.

Our bodies can’t produce these essential fatty acids naturally, so it’s essential to add them to your diet. Some excellent sources include avocado, eggs, coconuts, tuna, mackerel, sardines, herring, dark chocolate and extra virgin olive oil. Nuts like walnuts, almonds, Brazil nuts and macadamia nuts are also great sources of healthy fats.

Read on for five benefits of incorporating omega-3 fatty acids into your diet and enhancing the results of your facial exercises.

1. A Good Mood

Much research shows that a diet rich in healthy fats can boost your mood and reduce stress levels. Less stress = less wrinkles!

2. A Youthful Glow

Healthy fats reduce inflammation to promote clearer skin and less breakouts. They also moisturize the skin from the inside out, which helps impart a healthy glow. Omega-3 fatty acids are responsible for cellular membrane health—this membrane is important since it shields your skin from scavengers like free radicals and environmental stressors. Healthy fats also promote healthy levels of collagen and elastin, the proteins responsible for skin’s firmness and elasticity.

3. Soft, Shiny Hair

Polyunsaturated fatty acids hydrate hair follicles to help it grow stronger and fuller while imparting a beautiful shine.

4. Maximized Function

Healthy fats help your systems function optimally. A diet that incorporates polyunsaturated fatty acids improves digestion, muscle activity, brain function, circulation, cellular growth and fertility.

5. Heart Health

Omega-3s have been shown to promote a healthy cardiovascular health. Many studies also show that they can help decrease the risk of various illnesses and diseases.

Incorporate healthy fats to boost firmness and impart a healthy glow while lowering bad cholesterol. Click through to discover more anti-aging tips and learn about the benefits of facial exercises.

facial exercises
5 Reasons to Quit Smoking 1024 683 Facercise

5 Reasons to Quit Smoking

facial exercisesIt’s always shocking when we find out that one of our clients who does facial exercises religiously is a smoker. There is no better way to expedite the signs of aging than with tobacco smoke. From smoker’s lines around the mouth to a dull complexion, the effects of smoking are severely aging. Read on for motivation to quit this nasty, aging habit.

1. A Dull Complexion

Fresh glowing skin is dependent on the delivery of oxygen-rich blood to its cells. Tobacco smoke is loaded with nicotine and carbon monoxide which slows circulation. This diminishes the supply of oxygen to skin cells and result in a dull, grey tone. Smoking also increases the appearance of blood vessels while depleting important nutrients, like vitamin C, an antioxidant that brightens skin.

2. Under Eye Issues

Research shows that smokers experience diminished sleep quality while tobacco unleashes oxidative stress on the skin. This combination causes dark circles, puffy eyes and unsightly bags.

3. Yellow Teeth

Yellow teeth is a dead giveaway of a smoking habit. Nicotine stains teeth an unsightly yellow or brown, raises the risk of gum disease and can lead to tooth loss.

4. Smoker’s Lines

Smoking’s repetitive movements cause vertical lip lines, aka “Smoker’s Lines,” that are very difficult to get rid of.

5. Deep Wrinkles

Smoking slows circulation and constricts the blood vessels which cuts off skin’s oxygen supply. This dehydrates skin and breaks down collagen, leading to a deepening of fine lines and wrinkles and diminished elasticity.

6. General Havoc

Smoking cigarettes causes infections and skin disorders, slows down wound healing and causes premature aging. Spend the money you use to buy cigarettes to get take better care of your skin.

Quit smoking now! Keep yourself busy by doing Facercise every day instead of reaching for that pack of cigarettes. Click here to learn about our proprietary system of facial exercises that takes 10 years off your looks.

facial exercises
Over 40? Here’s What Dermatologists Recommend For Younger Looking Skin 1024 773 Facercise

Over 40? Here’s What Dermatologists Recommend For Younger Looking Skin

facial exercisesOnce we hit a certain age, there are some staple products to use and regimens to follow to maintain a beautiful appearance. Below is a list that some of the top dermatologists in the world recommend starting at age 40. We say it’s never too early to start fighting the signs of aging, so start them now, whatever your age!

Always Wear Sunscreen

Most dermatologists claim that if they were stuck on a desert island and could only have one product, it would be sunscreen! Since sun damage is the culprit behind everything from hyperpigmentation and melasma to wrinkles and freckles, sunscreen is essential, rain or shine. Apply one with an SPF of 30 or more, like our Protective Sunblock, and re-apply throughout the day.

Treat Your Neck and Decollete

One of the most neglected areas for women of all ages is the neck and decollete. This region can be a dead giveaway for lack of care. Give these areas the same attention you give your face, including moisturizer and sunscreen.

Incorporate Antioxidants

Dermatologists claim that antioxidants are a must-have once you hit 40. Incorporate them into your diet and product regimen to enjoy their wide-ranging benefits. The antioxidants found in both food and certain products help combat free radical damage, promote collagen production and reduce the signs of photoaging.

Use Retinol

Research shows that products that contain retinoids, like our Retinol Skin Conditioner, provide next level exfoliation while restoring volume and elasticity.

Exercise Both Face and Body

Exercise has been proven to slow down the signs of aging and boost overall health. It improves circulation, prompting delivery of oxygen-rich blood to skin cells. Exercise also releases endorphins, which promotes a better mood and reduces stress.


Just like exercises boosts circulation, so does Facercise. Daily facial exercises boost collagen to maintain elasticity, stimulate the lymphatic system, define facial contours and boost cellular regeneration.

Click here to learn more about the benefits of facial exercises.