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March 2024

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How to Drink More Water 500 333 Facercise

How to Drink More Water

facial exercisesAre you drinking enough water? If not, you run the risk of dehydration, which takes a toll on your body and your skin. When we don’t drink enough water, our organs suffer and can shut down. Since your skin is the largest organ in your body, just imagine the damage it incurs when it’s dehydrated. It becomes weaker, more sensitive and less effective as a protective barrier. Dehydration derails results from your facial exercises too—it causes skin irritation, redness, flakiness, cracking and premature aging. The plumpness, firmness and elasticity of skin diminishes and its texture becomes rough. Not a good look!

Dehydrated skin occurs when skin is composed of less than 10 percent or water. This makes drinking six to eight glasses of water per day especially vital during hot summer months. Drinking water can seem like a chore sometimes, so here are some tips to help make sure you hydrate adequately.

Wake Up & Hydrate

Make it a habit to drink a glass of water as soon as you wake up. Do this before having coffee, juice or anything else.

Carry a Water bottle

Have a water bottle with you at all times so you can sip on the go. Opt for one with measurements so you can keep track of your daily intake.

Spike Your Water

If water is too boring for you, add some flavor by steeping or infusing fresh fruit or veggies. Lemon water is an excellent choice because promotes healthy digestion, combats bloating and boosts detoxification. You can also add some excitement with berries, grapefruit, cucumber slices or mint. Take it to another level by doing combinations like watermelon-mint, cucumber-basil or strawberry-kiwi.


Invest in an infusion bottle so you can take your flavored water on the go.

Make it Like Clockwork

Set your alarm to remind you to drink water several times throughout the day.

Make it a Ritual

Set aside a time each day for enjoying a glass of lemon or fruit-infused water. Enjoy it with an afternoon snack and make it like a healthy happy hour break.

Follow our anti-aging tips and techniques like Facercise, our proprietary system of facial exercises to look younger and more beautiful!

facial exercises
How to Combat the 5 Types of Wrinkles 500 281 Facercise

How to Combat the 5 Types of Wrinkles

facial exercises

Did you know that there are five different types of wrinkles? It’s true—and since not all wrinkles are the same, neither is their treatment. Just like these signs of aging are caused by multiple sources, they require different techniques for minimizing their appearance.

Read on to learn how to tackle the five different types of wrinkles.

1. Dynamic Expression Wrinkles

These babies are causes by repetitive expressions, such as smiling, frowning and laughing, which is why they’re often called “laugh lines.” They typically start out as fine lines that disappear when you stop making the expression, but over time, grow more deeply etched and become permanent. To combat: Don’t make the leap into Botox territory to make these go away. Instead, do facial exercises twice a day. In just two weeks, you’ll start to see smoother skin. Avoid overexposure to the sun and smoking—both these habits expedite the transformation from dynamic to static wrinkles.

2. Atrophic Creases

These deep parallel lines appear on the forehead and between the brows when furrowed, also known as the “Elevens.” They become more apparent with age since the collagen and elastin in our skin diminishes over time. They also worsen with fat loss, dehydrated skin and photodamage. To combat: Atrophic wrinkles can definitely be improved with a consistent Facercise practice. Limit sun exposure, wear sunscreen daily and reduce stress with healthy habits like meditation or breathwork.

3. Compression Wrinkles

Deep lines form on the face, neck and décolletage as a result of sleeping on your stomach or side. Your face and body squishes against the mattress or pillow and puts pressure on the skin. At first, compression wrinkles go away soon after you wake up. Over time, they stop disappearing and stay for the long haul. To combat: Sleep on your back. Use silk pillowcases or even a special pillow that alleviates pressure on the skin. Do facial exercises to counteract that compression!

4. Elastic Wrinkles

These tiny wrinkles on the upper lips, cheek and neck are a direct result of too much sun exposure, free radical damage and other factors that cause oxidative stress. To combat: Avoid sun exposure and wear sunscreen every day, rain or shine. Facial exercises are an excellent remedy as they boost circulation, which helps promote collagen production. Eat an antioxidant-rich diet to help combat the free radical scavengers that deplete collagen and elastin supplies.

5. Gravitation Folds

These folds are a combination of saggy skin and wrinkles that can significantly age our appearance. They are caused by the breakdown of collagen and elastin from aging and UV damage. To combat: Use a retinol product to boost collagen and exfoliate dead skin cells. Facercise consistently and eat an antioxidant-rich diet. Radio-frequency and ultrasound treatments can also help tighten and firm the skin.

Facial exercises can help you fight all five types of wrinkles! Start now, and in two weeks, you will start to look and feel better.

facercise exercises
Spring Produce for Anti-Aging 1024 683 Facercise

Spring Produce for Anti-Aging

facercise exercisesA diet rich in spring produce will supercharge the results of anti-aging skincare and Facercise exercises. Spring offers delicious fruits and vegetables loaded with antioxidants and fiber, which reduces inflammation, helps lower blood pressure and staves off hunger.  Incorporating spring produce into your diet is the perfect way to combat the signs of aging, improve your overall health, and help you get more beautiful skin!

Here are some excellent choices to fold into your diet:

1. Asparagus

Composed primarily of water—93 percent—asparagus helps us stay hydrated from the inside out. Its high water content prevents breakouts and plumps up fine lines and wrinkles. Asparagus contains high levels glutathione, a phytochemical that protects the skin against toxins, and lycopene, an antioxidant that protects against UV damage. This unique green veggie is also loaded with vitamin K, which is essential for heart health.

2. Artichokes

Artichokes are bursting with peptides, antioxidants, folic acid and fiber, a powerful combination for fighting acne, fine lines and wrinkles. Their high fiber content also makes them filling and promotes healthy digestion.

3. Beets

This sweet red superfood is loaded with folate and potent antioxidants that help keep skin smooth and supple. Beets are also rich in carotenoids that promote healthy eyesight and folate, which assists with cellular repair and combats premature aging. In addition, they contain betaine, an amino acid with anti-inflammatory properties.

4. Radishes

With a high water content and an array of beneficial nutrients, radishes are excellent for detoxification. They are a great source of magnesium, folate, potassium, copper and vitamins A, C, and K, which boost collagen production and cellular repair.

5. Berries

These delicious fruits are packed with phytochemicals, polyphenols and anti-inflammatory properties that combat the free radical damage that causes wrinkles. They are ideal sources of vitamin C, which promotes the production of collagen and bolsters immunity.

Look younger by combining an anti-aging diet packed with produce with consistent practice of our life-changing system of Facercise exercises.

facial exercises
Why You Need to Eat a Colorful Diet 500 333 Facercise

Why You Need to Eat a Colorful Diet

facial exercisesA healthy lifestyle is essential for beautiful, youthful looking skin. While we’ve shared how to improve collagen in face with specific foods, a good general guideline to live by is to eat a colorful diet. Antioxidants are responsible for the vivid hues in many foods. This means that eating an array of produce from the color spectrum helps combat the signs of aging. It’s an excellent way to complement a daily practice of facial exercises and good skin care protocol.

Here is a breakdown of some of the benefits of each hue:


Leafy greens are rich in iron, fiber, folate and vitamins A, C, E and K. While vitamin K is less common than the others in the list, it’s important—it protects against bone disease, inflammation and dark under eye circles. These greens also contain indoles, isocyanate and sulforaphane, which inhibit carcinogens and therefore may ward off various cancers. Some good choices are kale, spinach, Brussels sprouts, cabbage, broccoli, bok choy and mustard greens.


Many red and pink foods combat free radical damage that causes the breakdown of collagen and elastin. They contain lycopene, a vital carotenoid that boosts heart health and protects the skin against sun damage from the inside out. It has been shown to reduce hyperpigmentation, age spots and melasma. Lycopene also benefits blood pressure, bone health and the prostate. Some excellent sources include tomatoes, red bell peppers, pink grapefruit, mangoes, papaya and guava. These choices are also very high in vitamin C, which boosts collagen production and immunity.


Orange-colored foods like pumpkin, squash, sweet potatoes, yams, carrots, apricots, cantaloupe and mangoes contain alpha- and beta-carotene, which converts to vitamin A in the body. These powerful carotenoids help remove destructive free radical scavengers from the body, stopping damage in its tracks. Beta-carotene also helps protect against sun damage and imparts a healthy, natural glow.


Both red-purple and blue-purple translates to some powerful antioxidants. The general rule is that the darker the color, the more antioxidant rich the fruit or vegetable. Eggplant, blueberries, blackberries, raspberries, beets, prunes and cranberries all help fight free radical damage in a big way.


Avocados are a good example of this category, which is loaded with carotenoids, lutein and zeaxanthin to fight macular degeneration, and beta-cryptothanxin, which promotes cellular communication. Antioxidant-rich yellow green foods that boost skin health include green peas, collard greens, yellow corn and honeydew melon.

Load your plate with as many of these colors as possible to fight the signs of aging and give your skin a youthful glow. Follow these dietary tips for how to improve collagen in the face and do facial exercises daily and you will look and feel your youthful best!