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December 2022

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5 Ways to Glow on New Year’s Eve 500 500 Facercise

5 Ways to Glow on New Year’s Eve

body sculptingNew Year’s Eve is here! While some of us prefer a good night in with loved ones, others will be out on the town at parties and special events. Either way, it’s an excellent day to practice self-care. Spending time on yourself will help you start your year glowing. If you’re consistent with your facial exercises, you’ll look your very best for whatever you have planned to ring in the New Year.

Here are five tips to help you sparkle this New Year’s Eve.

1. Wake up and Exercise

Don’t fall into the cliché of waiting for the New Year to exercise. A good workout will boost circulation, provide energy for your day and give you a youthful glow. You’ll look and feel your very best, which will put you in a great mood for New Year’s Eve.

2. Hydrate All Day Long

Drink lemon water all day long to flush your system and plump up your skin. White and green tea are also good beverages to drink throughout the day. Both rev your metabolism and boost your antioxidant intake. If you plan to imbibe, make sure to alternate alcoholic beverages with water.

3. Do Your Body Sculpting Routine

Be sure to dry brush and do No Lipo Lipo—both should be part of your regular regimen. If not, what better day to start? Both of these practices stimulate your lymphatic system, which flushes the toxins from your body. They will also boost your glow!

4. Do Face Lift to Go

Face Lift to Go is an enzymatic mask is unrivaled when it comes to lifting, toning and glowing. Take 45 minutes and relax while you do this incredible treatment. You’ll look like you just spent a day at the spa when you’re finished.

5. Do Facial Exercises

Do your Facercise routine twice to firm and tighten your skin, while boosting circulation and revving up that glow!

Click this link to learn more about our facial exercises and advanced skincare products.

body sculpting
5 Holiday Body Sculpting & Wellness Tips 500 333 Facercise

5 Holiday Body Sculpting & Wellness Tips

body sculptingWhile the holidays are one of the best times of the year, they can lead to weight gain. With all the festivities on the horizon, chances are you’ll face a lot of temptation. The good news is, if you follow our wellness and body sculpting tips below, you’ll fend off weight gain and still be able to indulge a little.

1. Step Up Your Regimen

Don’t wait for the New Year—now is the time to step up your diet, exercise and body sculpting regimens. Allow yourself to indulge in moderation at special events, but eat a clean diet the rest of the time. Strictly follow our dry brushing and No Lipo Lipo body sculpting programs to help you look and feel your best. Both boost your lymphatic system, which flushes the toxins from your body.

2. Start Your Day Right

Eat a healthy, protein-rich breakfast in the morning to fill you up and fuel your day. Then go for a run, hit the gym or head to your favorite exercise class. Studies show morning workouts help you stay on track the rest of the day. Try to exercise as many days as possible, even if you have to get up early. It will help you burn off some of the excess calories you may consume and reduce holiday stress.

3. Don’t Go Anywhere Hungry

Don’t skip meals so that you can overeat at that party or holiday meal you’re headed to. When you go somewhere on an empty stomach, you will eat many more calories than if you eat normally throughout the day. Eat small but healthy meals and have a protein or fiber-packed snack before you go anywhere.

4. Use Small Plates

An excellent way to control your portions is to use smaller plates. Once you hit an event or holiday meal, don’t grab a large entrée plate and fill it up. Instead, take a salad or appetizer plate and eat slowly. Give your stomach time to signal your brain that you’re not hungry anymore. Chances are you won’t need to go back for seconds.

5. Be Selective

Depriving yourself can backfire, so indulge in a few of your holiday favorites—but only the items you really enjoy. If fruitcake isn’t one of your favorites, don’t have a piece of just because it’s there. Opt for a few tastes of your favorite dishes in moderation and call it a day.

Visit this link to learn more about our No Lipo Lipo body sculpting system.

facial exercises
5 Tips For a Holiday Glow 500 334 Facercise

5 Tips For a Holiday Glow

facial exercisesIf you’re practicing your facial exercises daily, your skin is already glowing! But there is no such thing as too much glow, which is why I’m sharing some tips to maximize your beautiful self. The tips below will help you look gorgeous for all your holiday events and beyond.

1. Beauty Sleep

Adequate sleep is a must during the holidays! When you skimp on sleep, your skin gets dull and dark circles form. Your skin rejuvenates and repairs itself while you rest, which is why so many popular anti-aging products are designed for nighttime use. Figure out how much sleep you need on a nightly basis, make a schedule and stick to it.

2. Facial Exercises

Facercise firms and tightens your skin while imparting a healthy, youthful glow. Do facial exercises twice a day to prevent the signs of aging and improve your skin’s health. If time is an issue, the Ultimate Facercise DVD includes an eight-minute superset that is easy to squeeze in.

3. Exercise

This time of year can be hectic, which makes it tempting to ditch your exercise regimen for the season. Don’t do it! Regular workouts throughout the holidays make a big difference in your sanity and appearance. When you prioritize your workouts during the holidays, you’ll reduce stress and be less apt to gain weight. Exercise stimulates blood circulation, which contributes to your glow, and boosts endorphins so you’re happier.

4. Get Masking

Masks are an excellent way to boost your skin’s radiance. Our Face Lift to Go is an enzymatic treatment that lifts, firms and imparts an unrivaled glow. Use it once a week or every 10 days for vibrant, beautiful skin.

5. Hydrate Properly

Drink plenty of water and avoid caffeine to prevent dehydration and dull skin. If you plan to consume alcohol at holiday events, have a glass of water in between each drink and practice moderation.

Visit this link to learn more about Facercise, our life changing system of facial exercises.