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April 2022

body sculpting
5 Tips for Sculpting Your Summer Body 500 334 Facercise

5 Tips for Sculpting Your Summer Body

body sculptingSummer is around the corner—and there’s no better time to focus on body sculpting. While there are no overnight fixes, you can make a difference quickly—for example, No Lipo Lipo results can occur in a matter of weeks. If you follow some or all of the tips below on a consistent basis, you can build lean muscle, burn fat and appear sleeker and more toned. Your confidence will soar and you’ll feel summer ready. What are you waiting for?

1. Lean Out

Lean protein is key to sculpting your body and losing inches. It helps you build lean muscle mass, which makes you appear more toned and increases the number of calories burned every day. Load up on lean protein sources such as eggs, quinoa, chicken, turkey, beans, lentils, peas, salmon, tuna, mackerel and shrimp.

2. Build Muscle

Strength and resistance training are the best ways to build muscle. Many women are afraid to use weights and resistance because they think they will “bulk up.” Your goal is simply to use resistance and weights to tone and build lean muscle; doing some body weight and dumbbell exercises will not make you get too big. Try moves like lunges, squats, dead lifts, bench press and dumbbell curls and rows. For abs, try planks and hanging leg raises.

3. Burn Fat

Two of my favorite ways to burn fat are to drink green tea and do cardio. Green tea contains EGCG, a powerful antioxidant that has been shown to help burn fat. It also helps hydrate and flush the toxins from your system, which aids weight loss. Cardio exercise helps you burn fat and calories, while building a healthy heart and lungs. It also gives you energy, improves sleep, increases bone density and bolsters your mood.

4. Dry Brush

Dry brushing exfoliates and boosts lymphatic drainage, which flushes toxins and excess water from the body. This helps eliminate bloat and encourages healthy digestion. Dry brushing also boosts circulation, which promotes the elimination of metabolic waste. This can help prevent and reduce the appearance of cellulite.

5. Do No Lipo Lipo

No Lipo Lipo is a massage technique that you can perform on yourself in the comfort of your own home. It breaks down cellulite and fat in the connective tissue while reversing gravity and tightening the skin. Regular practice promotes weight loss and results in the appearance of a more sculpted, toned body. The No Lipo Lipo DVD shows you how to perform the technique on yourself so you can achieve your best body. No Lipo Lipo results are enhanced when performed in conjunction with dry brushing.