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May 2024

6 Weapons Against Cellulite 561 394 Facercise

6 Weapons Against Cellulite

cellulite reductionLet’s face it—we all dread the “cottage cheese” appearance that cellulite causes on our legs, bum, stomach and arms. It’s one of the most difficult things to get rid of—people across the globe spend millions each year on topical agents and risky surgical procedures that promise cellulite reduction.

The good news is, there are some easy ways to reduce the appearance of this unsightly condition. If you want to feel more confident in swimsuits, shorts and sleeveless tops, try the methods below for safe yet effective results.

1. Flush, Flush, Flush

Proper hydration will flush out the toxins that lodge inside the fat layers underneath the skin, forming those bumpy lumps that appear as cellulite. Drinking water also plumps the skin, which can smooth out the appearance of those lumps.

2. Avoid the Whites

A healthy diet can prevent the formation of more cellulite and help diminish its appearance significantly. This means eating lots of lean protein and fiber-rich foods, while avoiding those with too much refined sugars and sodium. Overall, try to avoid as many processed foods as possible and steer clear of those with more than 200 mg of sodium per serving.

3. Dry Brushing

We always push our dry brushing technique, but for good reason—it stimulates the lymphatic system, which helps flush the toxins out of our body. It also boost circulation, which delivers oxygen to the cells and can help banish ugly cellulite before it forms.

4. Retinol Cream

Applying a topical formula such as my best-selling Retinol Conditioning Cream helps to smooth out the skin and make lumps less visible.

5. No Lipo Lipo

There is no better cure for cellulite than No Lipo Lipo treatments. If you can’t get to our spa, then get the No Lipo Lipo DVD and do this revolutionary treatment in the comfort of your own home.

6. Supplements

Kelp has been shown to burn body fat and therefore decrease the appearance of cellulite. Gotu Kola Extract is a caffeine-free supplement that thickens skin and improves elasticity. Try both for best results.

There is no better time than now to get started with No Lipo Lipo, our game-changing cellulite reduction technique.

facial exercises
6 Tips for Wrinkle Prevention 500 334 Facercise

6 Tips for Wrinkle Prevention

facial exercisesThere are so many gimmicks in the marketplace that claim to reverse and prevent wrinkles—it’s easy to get caught up and want to try every new thing. Yet if you really want to make a difference, you need to make anti-aging a part of your lifestyle. When you incorporate habits like Facercise collagen boosting exercises, an antioxidant-rich diet and sleeping in a beneficial position, you’ll see a marked difference in a short amount of time. With a little bit of strategy and commitment, you can truly reverse the signs of aging and rock a healthy, youthful glow all year long.

1. Protect Your Skin From the Sun

One of the best anti-aging practices is to avoid the sun altogether. Its powerful ultraviolet (UV) rays cause damage in the forms of fine lines, wrinkles, hyperpigmentation and skin cancer. UV rays also cause collagen breakdown, which leads to skin’s loss of firmness and elasticity. Apply SPF protection every single day and wear hats and sun-protective clothing whenever possible to avoid unsightly sun damage.

2. Facial Exercises

One of the best tried-and-tested methods for younger looking skin is daily facial exercises. They boost circulation, stimulate collagen production, improve skin tone and smooth fine lines and wrinkles. Facial exercises offer natural looking results that dermal fillers simply cannot compete with.

3. Sleep on Your Back

The best sleeping position for anti-aging is on your back. When you sleep on your stomach or your side, you smash your skin into the pillow and cause creases. Eventually, these creases become wrinkles. Sleeping on your back also prevents wrinkling on your décolletage.

4. Exfoliate Regularly

Regular exfoliation removes the dead skin cells that clog pores and draw attention to wrinkles and hyperpigmentation. Exfoliation imparts a smoother texture and brightens skin.

5. Eat an Antioxidant-Rich Diet

Consume a diet with lots of fruits, veggies and lean protein such as fatty fish like salmon for its vitamin D and omega-3 fatty acid content. Vitamin C is a powerful anti-aging tool, so consume lots of citrus and vegetables and take an Ester-C supplement if necessary.

6. Use Collagen-Boosting Products

Use products with ingredients that boost collagen, such as retinoids, vitamin C and glycolic acid like my best-selling  Vitamin C Complex Serum. It’s an excellent complement to Facercise collagen boosting exercises.


the wattle
How Facercise Eliminates the Wattle 358 259 Facercise

How Facercise Eliminates the Wattle

facial exercisesMany clients write me in search of facial exercises to eliminate their double chin, aka “the wattle.” It’s a telltale sign of age and one of the hardest things to get rid of. The wattle can also be caused by weight gain—once the extra weight is lost, the area can appear saggy or droopy. A double chin can be a major source of insecurity for those who suffer from this condition.

The Risks

Many people go under the knife or try liposuction to spot treat this area with very disappointing results. Some patients suffer dimpling, asymmetry or only slight improvement after trying these surgical methods. Others try injections—up to 50 in the area per treatment—to diminish the appearance of a wattle. However, there is the risk of infection and it can take months and several treatments to see an improvement in chin fat. Then there is a list of nasty side effects that can occur, such as swelling in the entire region, hardening, numbness and difficulty breathing. Some even suffer from hives when receiving injections in the chin area.

A Safe Solution

The good news is, you don’t need to pour your savings into injectables, laser treatments and invasive surgery to get rid of a double chin. You can reduce its appearance in a matter of weeks with diligent practice of Facercise, our synergistic system of facial exercises. By doing these every day, you will experience significant lifting and tightening of the area. Within weeks, you’ll see marked improvement. After months, you may eliminate the double chin completely.

While one of our facial exercises specifically targets the area, it’s best to perform all of the exercises available on the Ultimate Facercise DVD. This is because the muscles of the face are synergistic, which means they all work together to accomplish the same movements and function. So while your goal may be to eliminate the wattle, your entire face will appear more lifted and toned. With consistent practice, you’ll experience dramatic, long-lasting results and look younger than ever.

Click here to learn more about our facial exercises that help you eliminate the wattle and other concerns.

dry brush
How to Dry Brush for a Beautiful Summer Body 500 334 Facercise

How to Dry Brush for a Beautiful Summer Body

dry brushSummer is right around the corner and if you haven’t started a body sculpting regimen, now is the time! One of the best ways to complement your exercise and No Lipo Lipo routines is with dry brushing. It’s an old school technique that yields modern results—the kind that rival risky surgeries like liposuction. In just a few minutes per day, you’ll tone muscles and shed dead skin cells to reveal a rosy, youthful glow.

Use one of our Sisal Louffas imported from Germany to achieve the best results possible. They are the highest quality you can find and very long-lasting. Dry brush right before your morning shower and use upward motions. For in-depth instructions, purchase our No Lipo Lipo DVD or read our instructions.

Here are five ways that dry brushing will help you feel confident about your summer body.

1. Dry Brushing Unleashes Your Inner Glow

It boosts circulation and blood flow, which feeds more oxygen to the skin. The result is a brighter complexion and healthy, natural glow.

2. Smoother, Softer Skin

This technique is one of the best ways to exfoliate, which detoxifies the skin, unclogs pores and expedites cell turnover. You’ll experience less breakouts and softer, smoother skin.

3. It Stimulates the Lymphatic System

The lymphatic system helps flush toxins from your body. When it’s not working properly, these toxins build up and lead to weight gain and illness. Dry brushing stimulates this process so that cellular waste is eliminated faster.

4. Reduced the Appearance of Cellulite

With improved circulation and detoxification, skin becomes firmer. This helps reduce the appearance of unsightly cellulite.

5. It Boosts Overall Health

Research shows that dry brushing can improve your mood, digestion and kidney function. This leads to a much healthier, happier you.

Now is the perfect time to start dry brushing with our high-quality Sisal louffas.