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facial exercises
7 Tips for Fighting Wrinkles Naturally 1024 454 Facercise

7 Tips for Fighting Wrinkles Naturally

facial exercisesMany clients write me to ask how they can enhance their facial exercises regimen. It’s really more than just tips and tricks—you need to implement a healthy antiaging lifestyle. This requires adopting habits and behaviors that stave off wrinkles and promote healthy skin, while avoiding those that don’t. Here are seven ways to help fight off the signs of aging and look your very best.

1. Don’t Smoke!

One of the worst things you can do for your overall health and beauty is to smoke. It causes unsightly wrinkles around your mouth and constricts blood vessels, which makes your skin lose its luster. It also hampers the blood supply to skin tissue, which decreases firmness and elasticity and causes uneven skin tone. Do whatever you need to in order to stop this dangerous habit.

2. Hydrate

Drink lots of water and antioxidant-rich green tea to moisturize your skin from within. This will help your skin glow and flush the toxins from your body.

3. Eat an Antioxidant-Rich Diet

Studies show that foods with a high antioxidant content helps slow down the aging process and boosts your overall health. Dark-colored produce tends to be loaded with antioxidants, so reach for berries, red grapefruit, tomatoes, dark leafy veggies and bell peppers. Avocados are also packed with antioxidants, as well as healthy fats.

4. Wear Sunscreen Daily

Apply sunscreen daily, rain or shine. This will help prevent future sun damage and combat the formation of new fine lines, wrinkles and unsightly hyperpigmentation.

5. Exfoliate Regularly

Exfoliation is key to sloughing away dead skin cells to reveal a healthier glow. Use my Face Lift to Go on a weekly basis to exfoliate, tighten and firm your skin. It’s an excellent way to prepare for a special event.

6. Use Upward Motions

Apply cleansers and topical skin products using an upward motion. When we use a downward motion, this pulls collagen downward, which can actually creating wrinkling.

7. Do Facial Exercises Daily

Facercise daily to decrease fine lines and wrinkles, boost collagen production and stimulate circulation to produce a youthful glow.

Click through to learn more about our revolutionary system of facial exercises.

nourishing E oil
5 Ways to Use Nourishing E Oil 500 333 Facercise

5 Ways to Use Nourishing E Oil

nourishing E oilVitamin E Oil is beneficial to any skin care protocol—especially when used in conjunction with facial exercises—to combat the signs of aging. Our Nourishing E Oil is a best-seller because it’s extremely versatile and hydrating. It can be used to do everything from removing makeup and moisturizing to prepping the skin for No Lipo Lipo. While some may consider vitamin E oil  to be old school, it has stood the test of time and holds its own with the modern skin care products.

Read on to learn about five uses of Nourishing E Oil:

1. Fight the Signs of Aging

Nourishing E oil’s rich antioxidant content helps block free radicals and environmental factors from damaging skin. It speeds cell regeneration, supports new skin cell growth and boosts collagen production, which is responsible for skin’s elasticity. The result is firmer, healthier skin with less fine lines and wrinkles.

2. Hydration

Vitamin E hydrates and softens rough, dry skin anywhere on the body, from elbows and cracked heels to dry cuticles and chapped lips. Our Nourishing E Oil is also perfect for adding to bath water to improve skin moisture.

3. Treat Scars and Stretch Marks

Vitamin E yields antioxidants with strong anti-inflammatory properties that expedite healing and reduce swelling. For this reason, it is often used to reduce scarring. Rubbing it in increases nutrient levels in skin tissue, which helps diminish the appearance of stretch marks.

4. Treat Sunburns

The potent antioxidants in vitamin E  neutralize the damage causes by the sun’s dangerous ultraviolet rays. Rub Nourishing E Oil into sunburnt areas to soothe and rehydrate.

5. Hyperpigmentation

Hyperpigmentation and “age spots” are caused by aging, poor liver function and free radical damage. The antioxidants in vitamin E are a powerful weapon against these factors and can prevent and reduce discoloration. Applying it topically hydrates cell membranes and rejuvenates cells to help lighten and smooth skin and diminish the appearance of hyperpigmentation.

Click through for information about Nourishing E Oil.

facial exercises
4 Tips for Reducing Puffy Eyes 736 414 Facercise

4 Tips for Reducing Puffy Eyes

FacerciseOne of the most common beauty problems is waking up to puffy eyes. Whether they’re due to aging, sinuses, hormonal changes, crying or lack of sleep, puffy inflamed eyes are unsightly and uncomfortable. They make you look tired, sick or like you have a hangover. The good news is, you can use some easy home remedies to eliminate swelling and puffiness around the windows to your soul.

Here are 4 ways to slay puffiness around your eyes.

1. Hydrate

One of the simplest ways to combat puffiness is by drinking water. When your body is properly hydrated, you are less likely to retain water in any part of your body, including the area around your eyes. Water flushes the toxins out of your body and hydrates from the inside out. White and green tea help hydrate and decrease inflammation as well. You can also splash your face with cold water to reduce swelling and constrict the blood vessels. Take it a step further by applying ice. You can also soak cotton balls in salt water and apply to your eyelids for 10 to 15 minutes. For best results, make the salt water with Himalayan sea salt.

2. Do the Eye Opener

One of our most popular facial exercises is the Eye Opener. It boosts circulation and blood flow to the area, which can significantly help reduce puffiness. Do your entire set of Facercises for optimum results.

3. Cucumbers

The old school remedy of applying chilled cucumbers is an excellent route to take. Cucumbers boast enzymes and astringent properties that reduce inflammation and help tighten the area. Chill thick cucumber slices in the refrigerator for 15 to 20 minutes, apply them to your eyelids for about 10 minutes and you will see a difference.

4. Vitamin E Oil

Another natural remedy for diminishing puffy eyes is vitamin E oil. Gently massage our Nourishing E Oil into the delicate area around the eyes. Leave on overnight for best results. This hydrates, stimulates circulation and reduces inflammation.

Click through for more antiaging tips and information on our incredible facial exercises.

anti-aging facial exercises
5 Ways to Look Younger Without Surgery 500 333 Facercise

5 Ways to Look Younger Without Surgery

anti-aging facial exercisesFrom anti-aging facial exercises and wearing sunscreen to diet and exercise, there are many ways to look younger without going under the knife. Looking youthful and fabulous is a result of how well you take care of yourself. Follow a few of my tips below and you’ll look and feel more vibrant and beautiful every day without resorting to plastic surgery.

1. Do Facial Exercises Daily

One of the quickest ways to look younger without cosmetic procedures is to do your facial exercises daily. I recommend my clients do Facercise twice a day for best results. Our anti-aging facial exercises reduce the appearance of fine lines and wrinkles, tone, lift and boost circulation to give you a healthy glow. If time is an issue, there is an eight-minute superset in our Ultimate Facercise program that gets you finished faster.

2. Smile

As we age, the corners of our mouth turn down, making us look grumpy. You can combat this by doing Facercise, but also by smiling regularly. It lifts your skin, freshens up your face and helps reprogram the corners of your mouth. Plus, it makes you appear friendlier and more approachable. Smile at work, whenever you go out and even when you answer the phone—you’ll sound happier to the person on the other end.

3. Use a Retinol Product

Next to sunscreen, retinol may be the most important product in your skin care regimen. It acts as an antioxidant, wielding its power against free radicals and repairing UV damage. Retinol quickly exfoliates dead skin cells, speeds cell turnover to even out skin tone, promotes collagen production, reduces the appearance of wrinkles and unclogs pores. Try my Retinol Skin Conditioner, which is gentle but extremely effective.

4. Adopt a Straight Posture

When you stand up straight, you look and feel younger and more confident. If you’re having issues with your posture, do Pilates or see a physical therapist to correct your issues. A healthy spine can improve the quality of your life tenfold.

5. Whiten Your Teeth

One of the most common telltale signs of aging is stained or yellowing teeth. With so many options at your fingertips, this should never be an issue. You can get your teeth professionally whitened, do it yourself at home and use whitening toothpaste and mouthwash on a daily basis.

Click here to learn more about our system of anti-aging facial exercises.

facial exercises
6 Summer Skincare Tips 500 333 Facercise

6 Summer Skincare Tips

facial exercisesSummer weather is here, which means it’s time to boost your anti-aging defenses. Even when you do facial exercises daily, you still need to protect against sun damage if you want to maintain youthful good looks. You may be spending more time outdoors, wearing less clothes and smack in the middle of harmful elements like UV rays and free radicals. If you’re not careful, exposure to these stressors can cause premature aging, fine lines, wrinkles and hyperpigmentation.

Fortunately, you can take measures to prepare and protect your skin for hotter weather. Arm yourself with these six summer skincare tips and you’ll emerge from the season unscathed.

1. Pay Attention to Your Pout

Lip tissue is very delicate and susceptible to the sun’s powerful rays. Overexposure leads to chapping, burning and an increased appearance of fine lines. Always wear a lip balm with SPF 15 or more, re-apply it often and use glosses and lipstick with sun protection as well. Apply Nourishing E Oil to re-hydrate on a daily basis.

2. Layer Protection

Don’t just apply sunscreen and call it a day. Start with a potent vitamin C Serum like my High Density C Serum, which brightens skin, boosts collagen production and protects against sun damage. It has even been shown to repair damage from the sun and other environmental stressors. Layer sunscreen over it for the ultimate defense against dangerous UV rays. Re-apply sunscreen throughout the day.

3. Exfoliate

Summer weather and activities increase the debris from dead cells that clogs our pores and dulls our skin. Slough away these dead cells to reveal glowing skin and allow for better absorption of skincare products. Exfoliate both your face and body one to three times a week, depending on your skin type. Dry brush every day to accelerate the process and make your body appear more toned and lifted.

4. Stay Hydrated

Hotter temperatures can cause your skin and entire body to dehydrate. Load up on water every day to keep your internal and external hydration levels in balance. It will also boost the detoxification process.

5. Wear Sunglasses and a Wide-Brimmed Hat

Sunglasses reduce squinting and protect the delicate area around your eyes. A wide-brimmed hat will shade your face as much as possible.

6. Wear SPF Clothing

If you’re going to be outside for an extended period of time, wear SPF clothing for added protection. You can easily burn your skin even while wearing clothes, so don’t take the chance. If you can’t find any SPF attire that you like, use Rit-Guard, a colorless dye that adds sun guard to your clothes. It’s easy to use—you simply add it to your washing machine and do your laundry as usual.

Visit this link to discover more anti-aging tips and information about facial exercises.

body sculpting
Ways to Stay on Track Memorial Day Weekend 396 417 Facercise

Ways to Stay on Track Memorial Day Weekend

body sculptingThis weekend marks the unofficial start of summer! For many this means outdoor fun, barbecues and special events. No matter what this weekend means to you, there is no better time to get your summer body in gear and start rocking a healthy, youthful glow. If you practice moderation, do your facial exercises daily and follow the body sculpting tips below, you’ll look your best this weekend and beyond.

Hydrate, Hydrate, Hydrate

Proper hydration is essential this weekend and throughout the summer. Drinking water and green tea helps flush the toxins from your system and fills you up. Thirst is often mistaken for hunger, so if you think you’re hungry but aren’t sure, try a glass of water. Hydration also keeps our cells plumped up! When our skin cells are dehydrated, collagen breaks down and dulls our skin. Drink lemon water for an extra detoxifying boost.

Work it Out

Even though it’s a holiday weekend, make time to exercise. You may consume more calories than usual, so it’s definitely not the time to slack off of your routine. Make time even when you’re on vacation! If you can’t hit the gym or an exercise class, go for a run around the neighborhood. It will boost serotonin levels and circulation, which imparts a healthy glow.

Sculpt It

It’s essential to stick to your dry brushing and No Lipo Lipo body sculpting regimens as well. If you haven’t started these programs, there is no better time than the present. You will see results in a matter of weeks. Do these routines even if you are out of town. You can easily stash one of our Sisal Louffas in your suitcase and all you need for No Lipo Lipo is some Nourishing E Oil.

Slather on the Sunscreen

You can never wear too much sunscreen! There’s a chance you’ll be outdoors more than normal, and even if you aren’t, damage can occur in just a few minutes of sun exposure. Apply it to your face and body a minimum of 20 minutes before you head outside and re-apply throughout the day.

Pamper Yourself

Your skin will be on display more than usual during the warmer months, so do an exfoliating mask like Face Lift to Go. You can do the Body Lifting Masque on your body to make skin appear firmer, more toned and lifted.

Stick to the Program

Don’t skip a beat when it comes to your daily facial exercises. If you’re on the road this weekend, you can stream the Ultimate Facercise on Amazon Video.

Be Moderate

Give yourself a cheat day, but not the entire weekend. Make sure not to arrive anywhere on an empty stomach, or you will be sure to overeat. Have a protein-packed snack before you head out and set some boundaries in advance. If you plan to imbibe, limit it to one or two whine spritzers or something similar. Drink a glass of water in between each alcoholic drink to maintain hydration and prevent a hangover.

Visit this link to learn more about our No Lipo Lipo body sculpting system and Ultimate Facercise DVD.

face exercises
Summer Produce for Glowing Skin 500 333 Facercise

Summer Produce for Glowing Skin

facial exercisesSummer is almost here! That means lots of produce that can improve your skin and complement results from face exercises. Our diets impact our bodies at the cellular level, so when you’re not consuming enough healthy food, it shows on your skin.

Fruits and veggies can protect your skin from sun damage, boost collagen production and give it a healthy glow. If you want to achieve that healthy, youthful glow, plan to eat lots of antioxidant-rich summer produce.


This juicy fruit is approximately 90 percent water, making it intensely hydrating. Watermelon is rich in vitamin C, which boosts collagen production, as well as thiamin and vitamin B6. It also contains one of the highest levels of lycopene than any other food, which helps fight free radical damage.


Fresh strawberries, raspberries, blueberries and raspberries are packed with antioxidants that combat free radical damage and the sun’s dangerous rays. They’re also rich in fiber, which helps fill you up and promotes healthy digestion.


At only 20 calories per eight ounce serving, zucchini is a nutritional powerhouse. This unique veggie has a high water content and is rich in vitamins A and C, as well as manganese, a nutrient essential to producing choline, the amino acid that stimulates collagen production.


This sweet melon is another excellent source of vitamins A and C, as well as E, K and the B vitamins, which help replenish and revitalize skin. It’s also packed with folic acid, which assists with skin cell regeneration.

Citrus Fruit

In general, citrus fruits provide lots of vitamin C as well as other important nutrients and antioxidants, so load up on lemons, limes, grapefruit and oranges.

Eat these antioxidant-rich fruits and veggies and do face exercises daily to keep that youthful glow all summer long.

Click through to learn more about our world-famous system of face exercises.

facial exercises
5 Ways Smoking Harms Your Looks 500 375 Facercise

5 Ways Smoking Harms Your Looks

facial exercisesWhen you do facial exercises daily and stick to a consistent skin care program, it makes no sense to smoke. Cigarettes contains a bevy of damaging substances that harm your looks and your overall health. Tobacco smoke can lead to both cardiovascular and lung disease, as well as various forms of cancers, including lung, throat, mouth, esophagus, kidney, liver and pancreas.

Smoking cigarettes wreaks serious havoc on your skin. It causes infections and skin disorders, slows down wound healing and causes premature aging. Read on to learn about five ways that smoking harms your appearance.

1. Fine Lines and Wrinkles

Smokers typically get vertical lip lines, called “Smoker’s Lines,” caused by the repetitious movements associated with smoking—but those aren’t the only wrinkles smoking causes. Cigarette smoke constricts the blood vessels, which ultimately reduces the blood supply to the skin cells. This dries out the skin and depletes collagen, which leads to the increased appearance of fine lines, wrinkles and furrows. Cigarettes also reduce levels of vitamin A, which dries the skin out even more.

2. Dull, Grey Skin Tone

Tobacco smoke is loaded with carbon monoxide and nicotine, which hinders oxygen supply to the skin cells and slows circulation. This replaces that youthful glow with a dull, grey skin tone and causes blood vessels in the face to appear more prominent. Smoking also depletes important nutrients such as vitamin C, which helps repair damage and brightens skin.

3. Undereye Bags

Smokers have more difficulty sleeping than non-smokers. Lack of sleep coupled with the oxidative stress tobacco smoke causes leads to puffy eyes and those unsightly bags that are so difficult to get rid of. Many smokers also suffer from baggy eyelids.

4. Stretch Marks and Sagging Skin

Nicotine attacks the skin’s connective tissue, which depletes its strength and elasticity. This causes the skin to sag and leads to the formation of stretch marks.

5. Yellow Teeth

Smokers can say goodbye to dazzling white teeth—nicotine stains them and gives them an ugly yellow color. Smoking also increases the risk of gum disease and oral cancer and can ultimately contribute to permanent tooth loss. In addition to discoloring teeth, smoking can cause the tongue to turn a darker color.

If you’re a smoker, do whatever you can to quit now and do facial exercises to help undo some of the damage. Click here to learn about Facercise, our system of facial exercises that takes 10 years off your looks.

face exercises
7 Anti-Aging Hacks 500 750 Facercise

7 Anti-Aging Hacks

face exercisesMaintaining youthful skin requires a comprehensive regimen. You’ve got to take great care of your skin, from both the inside and out, on a very consistent basis if you want to combat wrinkles and preserve a healthy glow. It takes a lot of work, but when you look good, you feel even better.

Read on for anti-aging hacks that will take the results of your skin care regimen to the next level.

1. Sleep on Your Back

When your face is pressed against a pillow every night, sleep wrinkles form. Avoid this by sleeping on your back, which helps prevent wrinkles from forming on your neck and décolletage and is healthier for your spine. If you have trouble making this shift, try laying down for 15 minutes on your back every day to build muscle memory.  You can also put a pillow under your knees, remove the one from under your head, and hug a small pillow to your chest. Psychologically, this gives you the same feeling as if you were in the fetal position on your side.

2. Flush Puffiness Away

Puffy faces and under eye bags are unsightly signs of aging. Reduce your sodium intake and hydrate properly to help decrease puffiness. Eat antioxidant-rich produce and cut down on foods and drinks that cause inflammation and bloating. This means you need to avoid processed foods, sugar, simple carbs, wheat, dairy and alcohol as much as possible.

3. Always Wear Sunglasses

Don polarized lenses every day to block the sun’s damaging rays. This will protect your eyesight and prevent the squinting that leads to fine lines and crow’s feet.

4. Do Face Exercises

Doing facial exercises daily will tone, firm and smooth your skin and help prevent future signs of aging.

5. Drink to Your Health

It’s essential to consume lots of water to flush the toxins out of your system. Take your efforts to the next level by drinking other beneficial beverages too, such as green and white tea, low-sugar smoothies and lemon water.

6. Wear Hats When You Step Outside

If you want to avoid sun spots and hyperpigmentation, wear hats to provide as much coverage as possible. This is an absolute must if you whenever you hit the beach or spend an extended amount of time outdoors.

7. Apply Eye Cream by Tapping

Don’t rub product into the delicate skin around your eye, the skin is just too sensitive. Instead, gently tap the product with your finger.

Visit this link to learn more about our world famous face exercises and advanced skin care products.

facial exercise
5 Ways That Vitamin C Fights Aging 500 333 Facercise

5 Ways That Vitamin C Fights Aging

facial exercisesI’ve touted the benefits of vitamin C to clients who do my facial exercises for years! It’s a natural weapon for maintaining healthy, youthful looking skin and a strong immune system. Also known as ascorbic acid, vitamin C is a potent antioxidant that helps the body form connective tissue and fight off disease. People of all ages should incorporate it into their skin care routines.

Read on to discover five ways vitamin C helps us combat the effects and signs of aging.

1. Re-Hydrates

No matter what time of year, vitamin C addresses dry, flaky and itchy skin. It quenches thirsty cells and helps them differentiate and mature normally.

2. Reduces Discoloration

Regular use of a vitamin C serum like my Vitamin C Complex Serum helps you achieve a more uniform skin tone. It reverses the appearance of sun spots and hyperpigmentation, as well as redness.

3. Brightens Skin

Vitamin C brightens and revives dull skin and improves your complexion. Consistent use of a vitamin C serum promises a more youthful glow.

4. Fights Damage

Vitamin C helps stop sun and free radical damage in its tracks. The sun’s dangerous UV rays wreak serious havoc while free radicals scavenge the skin, causing the formation of dark spots and collagen breakdown. Always incorporate a vitamin C product in addition to sunscreen.

5. Boosts Collagen Production

Collagen is a protein that is responsible for skin’s elasticity. As we age, skin loses its suppleness and thins. Vitamin C products stimulate collagen production, which promotes elasticity and thickens the skin. This significantly reduces the appearance of fine lines and wrinkles—and therefore diminishes demand for risky facial injections!

6. Combats Inflammation

Vitamin C has been shown to reduce inflammation, which benefits our skin and overall health. This also expedites the body and skin’s healing processes.

Visit this link to learn more about our facial exercises program and skin care products.