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facial exercises
5 Ways to Maximize Sunblock Protection 500 333 Facercise

5 Ways to Maximize Sunblock Protection

facial exercisesIt’s surprising how many people do facial exercises and use pricey skin care products but don’t wear sunscreen. The sun’s dangerous ultraviolet (UV) rays can cause damage that is often beyond repair. Too much sun exposure leads to premature aging, fine lines, wrinkles, hyperpigmentation and skin cancer.

While the best way to avoid the aging effects of sun damage is to avoid exposure altogether, it’s not a realistic game plan. A powerful sunscreen, such as our Protective Sunblock SPF 30, must be your weapon of choice.

Read on for some tips to protect your skin from damaging UV rays.

1. Apply SPF Sunscreen Every Day

Whether you live in sunny southern California or rainy Seattle, daily sunscreen is a mandatory. Use a minimum of SPF 30 and wear it every single day, rain, snow or shine. If you are outside for extended periods of time (more than 75 minutes), generously re-apply your sunscreen several times.

2. Don’t Wait Until You’re Outside

It takes a least 20 minutes for your skin to properly absorb sunscreen and be completely protected. For best results, apply sunscreen a minimum of 20 minutes prior to exposure and before you get dressed. If you apply it with your clothes on, chances are you will miss critical areas.

3. Apply Generously

The old adage “less is more” does not apply when it comes to sunscreen. Since people are of all different sizes, there is no generic amount of sunscreen that works for everyone. The only rule that stands is that you can never apply too much. Use enough to provide even coverage all over your body—and then some. Our Protective Sunblock SPF 30 is lightweight and non-comedogenic so it won’t clog pores or cause breakouts no matter how much you use.

4. Don’t Count on Makeup

Many people make the mistake of using moisturizer or foundation with SPF in lieu of sunscreen. You can definitely use both for added protection, but never skip sunscreen altogether. These products must be used in conjunction with sunscreen to provide proper coverage.

5. Keep it Fresh

Sunscreens do expire, so don’t hoard old bottles. Their active ingredients lose strength over time, rendering them ineffective. Bottles can also get contaminated when kept for too long. Buy new bottles every season to make sure your sunscreen is working.

Click through for more information about our revolutionary system of facial exercises.

facial exercises
6 Tips For Treating a Sunburn 500 333 Facercise

6 Tips For Treating a Sunburn

facial exercisesNo matter how many times we’re reminded of the sun’s dangerous ultraviolet (UV) rays, some of us still get sunburned. Whether you forgot to apply sunscreen after your daily facial exercises or simply underestimated the weather, sunburns are no joke. Sunburns are painful and directly damage the DNA of skin cells, causing wrinkles, sun spots—or worse—skin cancer. The UV rays that cause sunburns also produce free radicals that further damage the appearance of our skin.

If you experience a sunburn, there are remedies that can help relieve the symptoms, expedite healing and minimize damage. Read on for some tips for treating sunburns.

1. Get Out of the Sun

The minute you feel a sunburn coming on, get out of the sun so you can minimize damage. If you already have a sunburn, stay away from the sun altogether until it’s completely healed.

2. Draw a Cool Bath

Take a cool bath with a few tablespoons of baking soda and/or Epsom salts to cool and soothe your sunburn. Soap can further dehydrate you skin, so avoid using it until your skin heals. While taking a cool shower sounds like a good idea, the continuous spray of water can irritate your skin further.

3. Apply a Chamomile Compress

Many people reach for ice though it’s too cold and may be irritating. Reach for a cool compress with chamomile tea instead to soothe burned skin and reduce inflammation.

4. Moisturize

Immediately after a bath, slather on a creamy lotion or our Nourishing E Oil to rehydrate parched skin. The rich antioxidant content of vitamin E helps fight sun damage.

5. Apply Aloe Vera

Slather pure aloe vera all over your body to soothe skin and expedite healing. Aloe has powerful anti-inflammatory properties and yields a cooling effect on burnt skin.

6. Pop an Advil

Over-the-counter ibuprofen can reduce inflammation and ease the symptoms of a sunburn.

Learn your lesson and do whatever you can to avoid scorching your precious skin in the future. Wear sunscreen every day, rain or shine, to avoid that blazing red look that causes so much damage.

Click here to browse our anti-aging products and learn more about Facercise, our groundbreaking system of facial exercises.

boost collagen
The Basics of Collagen 500 347 Facercise

The Basics of Collagen

facial exercisesCollagen is the most abundant protein found in the body and is essential to many aspects of our health. It provides structure for our skin cells and forms our connective tissue, such as cartilage and tendons. Collagen literally keeps our skin and bodies together! It’s a vital skin layer that provides elasticity, firmness and a cushion for the skin’s movements. It’s important to boost collagen with diet, skincare products and facial exercises.

Here are the basics of collagen so that you know what depletes it and how to promote its production.

The Slowdown

Collagen production starts slowing down anywhere from age 18 to mid-20s with visible signs showing up around age 30. Research shows that we lose up around one percent per year after that, with production dwindling even more after menopause.

Collagen Scavengers

The things that deplete collagen the most are aging, excess sugar, UV exposure, free radicals and pollutants like smoking. Drinking alcohol has also been shown to slow collagen production.

Protecting Collagen Reserves

Sunblock with a SPF 30 is critical for protecting skin from the sun’s dangerous UV rays.

Boosting Collagen Production

Vitamin C is essential for collagen synthesis. Use a topically applied vitamin C product like our Vitamin C Complex Serum and eat an antioxidant-rich diet that includes citrus and other good sources of vitamin C. Vitamin A and minerals including copper and iron also help promote collagen production.

Health Benefits

Collagen is present throughout our bodies and supports many functions. It boosts metabolism, helps heal a leaky gut, promotes lean muscle mass and improves skin, hair and nail health. Research shows that it also may increase energy, reduce joint pain and degeneration, bolster heart health by stimulating circulation and improve sleep quality.

Skin Benefits

Boosting collagen production reduces the appearance of wrinkles and fine lines, while increasing elasticity and firmness.

Visit this link to discover other ways to reduce the signs of aging, like facial exercises and advanced skincare products.

facial exercises
5 Summer Beauty Tips 500 333 Facercise

5 Summer Beauty Tips

facial exercisesSummer can bring on the beauty headaches, even if you use good skin care products and do facial exercises daily. Warm weather can melt your makeup, cause breakouts and dehydrate your skin. The sun’s harmful ultraviolet (UV) rays can cause sun damage such as hyperpigmentation, fine lines and wrinkles. Since summer is about enjoying beautiful weather and taking time off to relax, the last thing you want to do is worry about your looks. The good news is, we’ve got some summer-friendly beauty tips that will help you beat the heat and stay gorgeous while you’re doing it.

1. Go Non-Comedogenic

My skin care products are non-comedogenic, which means they are specifically formulated to avoid clogging your pores. Clogged pores lead to unsightly mishaps including breakouts, acne and irritation. Only use oil-free and non-comedogenic products this time of year so that your skin doesn’t have to battle perspiration and heavy cosmetics.

2. Lighten Up

Ditch your foundation and heavy makeup whenever possible during hot weather, especially during the day. Your skin will benefit from having the chance to breathe. A little bit of bronzer, concealer or tinted moisturizer can do the trick. If you work out, try to go completely makeup-free since your skin will already be burdened with perspiration.

3. Moisturize

While you can opt for a lighter moisturizer this time of year, don’t skip it altogether. The elements can take a toll on your skin and make it dry and unhappy. A light moisturizer can protect it from pollution, moisture loss and drying agents including the sun, chlorine and salt water.

4. Time Exfoliation Right

Timing is everything when it comes to exfoliation. Newly exfoliated skin is more sensitive to the sun, so exfoliate at night or on days you won’t be outside.

5. Don’t Overdo Bronzer

Many make the mistake of treating bronzer like foundation and apply it everywhere. For a natural look, apply it to the apples of the cheek and lightly swipe it over your forehead. Don’t forget to blend—you don’t want swipes of bronzer to detract from your polished look.

Visit this link to discover more beauty tips and to learn about our revolutionary system of facial exercises.

facial exercises
Anti-Aging Summer Produce 500 333 Facercise

Anti-Aging Summer Produce

facial exercisesSummer weather brings delicious produce that makes your skin glow and boosts the results of your daily facial exercises. They are loaded with antioxidants, which help prevent wrinkles and boost collagen production. Summer produce also fights free radical damage and can help kill off cancerous cells. Load up on a colorful array to target every beauty, health and anti-aging concern.


Tomatoes should be a mainstay of an anti-aging diet. They are packed with lycopene, a carotenoid that fights free radicals while protecting against sun damage and harmful bacteria. Lycopene strengthens the skin by combating the activity of collagenases, evil little enzymes that breakdown collagen. It also promotes healthy teeth and gums.


This dark leafy green is one of the best sources of vitamin K, which is important for cardiovascular health. Kale is another excellent source of lycopene, as well as antioxidants including phytofluene, phytoene and beta-carotene. Beta-carotene protects the skin against UV and free radical damage. It can also help your skin glow naturally!


This juicy antiaging superfood is very hydrating due to its high water content. It also boasts lycopene, as well as vitamins A and C. These powerful antioxidants combat free radical and sun damage, while stimulating collagen to keep skin firm and supple. Watermelons also contain arginine, which promotes hair growth by stimulating the scalp.


This purple veggie contains antioxidants and anthocyanins that help our skin glow, while boosting the fight against free radicals. Like watermelons, eggplants contain a lot of water, so they help keep the skin soft and hydrated. They are also an important source of nasunin, which has been show to help slow down the growth of cancerous cells.

Red Bell Pepper

Red bell pepper’s bright red color is indicative of their high antioxidant content. One pepper contains more than 200 percent of your recommended daily intake of vitamin C and are a great source of folate and vitamin B6.

Click through to discover more anti-aging tips and learn the benefits of about facial exercises.

collagen boosting exercises
6 Wrinkle Prevention Tips 1024 683 Facercise

6 Wrinkle Prevention Tips

collagen boosting exercisesThere are so many gimmicks in the marketplace that claim to reverse and prevent wrinkles—it’s easy to get caught up and want to try every new thing. Yet if you really want to make a difference, you need to make anti-aging a part of your lifestyle. When you incorporate habits like Facercise collagen boosting exercises, an antioxidant-rich diet and sleeping in a beneficial position, you’ll see a marked difference in a short amount of time. With a little bit of strategy and commitment, you can truly reverse the signs of aging and rock a healthy, youthful glow all year long.

1. Protect Your Skin From the Sun

One of the best anti-aging practices is to avoid the sun altogether. Its powerful ultraviolet (UV) UV rays cause damage in the forms of fine lines, wrinkles, hyperpigmentation and skin cancer. UV rays also cause collagen breakdown, which leads to skin’s loss of firmness and elasticity. Apply SPF protection every single day and wear hats and sun-protective clothing whenever possible to avoid unsightly sun damage.

2. Facial Exercises

One of the best tried-and-tested methods for younger looking skin is daily facial exercises. They boost circulation, stimulate collagen production, improve skin tone and smooth fine lines and wrinkles. Facial exercises offer natural looking results that dermal fillers simply cannot compete with.

3. Sleep on Your Back

The best sleeping position for anti-aging is on your back. When you sleep on your stomach or your side, you smash your skin into the pillow and cause creases. Eventually, these creases become wrinkles. Sleeping on your back also prevents wrinkling on your décolletage.

4. Exfoliate Regularly

Regular exfoliation removes the dead skin cells that clog pores and draw attention to wrinkles and hyperpigmentation. Exfoliation imparts a smoother texture and brightens skin.

5. Eat an Antioxidant-Rich Diet

Consume a diet with lots of fruits, veggies and lean protein such as fatty fish like salmon for its vitamin D and omega-3 fatty acid content. Vitamin C is a powerful anti-aging tool, so consume lots of citrus and vegetables and take an Ester-C supplement if necessary.

6. Use Collagen-Boosting Products

Use products with ingredients that boost collagen, such as retinoids, vitamin C and glycolic acid like my best-selling  Vitamin C Complex Serum. It’s an excellent complement to Facercise collagen boosting exercises.


Face exercises
5 Tips for Turning Back the Clock 500 333 Facercise

5 Tips for Turning Back the Clock

Face exercisesThere’s no need to go under the knife to turn back the clock on the signs of aging. Instead of risking unnatural looking results or unhealthy side effects, you can turn back the clock naturally. With a consistent regimen of techniques like exercise, dry brushing and Facercise face exercises, you can look your best and boost your health.

Here are five natural methods for turning back the clock.

1. Work it Out

Exercise is key to looking and feeling your best. Studies show that regular workouts detoxify our bodies by increasing blood circulation and promoting lymphatic drainage. Exercise also moves lymph tissue to increase healing and strengthen the immune system. The result is reduced inflammation and detoxified, healthier skin. Working out also tones and strengthens muscles so they appear firmer and more defined. Try to squeeze in the three pillars of fitness for best results: strength, cardiovascular and flexibility training.

2. Dry Brushing

Dry brushing exfoliates dry, flaky skin and unclogs the pores. Similar to exercise, dry brushing detoxifies by boosting circulation and the lymphatic system, which removes toxins from your body. Dry brushing also stimulates your nervous system and releases endorphins, which can bolster your mood and make you feel energized.

3. Facial Exercises

Facercise boosts circulation in the 57 synergistic muscles of the face and neck to impart a healthy, youthful glow. It strengthens those muscles, while releasing tension that causes future wrinkles. Facial exercises also firm and tighten skin while reducing the appearance of wrinkles.

4. No Lipo Lipo

This amazing body sculpting technique lifts, tones and reduces inches all over the body. It’s completely safe and non-invasive, so there is no down time or risky side effects. No Lipo Lipo benefits are increased when done in conjunction with dry brushing, as shown in the No Lipo Lipo DVD, now streaming on Amazon.

5. Eat an Antioxidant-Rich Diet

Eat a healthy diet packed with antioxidant-rich foods to combat the signs of aging. Antioxidants combat damage caused by free radicals, the sun and other environmental stressors. Look for colorful foods and produce including berries, citrus, apples, beets, red cabbage, nuts, artichokes, dark chocolate and leafy greens like spinach, Swiss chard and kale.

Visit this link to learn more about Facercise and our other anti-aging techniques.

facial exercises
5 Tips for Younger Looking Hands 500 333 Facercise

5 Tips for Younger Looking Hands

facial exercisesIf only we could target our hands with facial exercises! Our hands can be a dead giveaway of age, as they are one of the most vulnerable areas of our body. Many of us forget to address our hands, yet they are very susceptible to wrinkles, sun spots, volume loss and dry, cracked skin. They’re constantly exposed to the sun and other environmental stressors, not to mention the toll housework and gardening can take.

The delicate skin on our hands needs constant care and protection. Avoid crepey, wrinkled hands and sun spots with the following anti-aging tips.

1. Wear Sunblock Daily

Your hands need constant protection from the sun and free radical damage. Apply Protective Sunblock SPF 30 every day all year long. Apply 20 minutes before heading outside and re-apply throughout the day.

2. Give Your Hands the Same Attention You Give Your Face

Don’t skimp when it comes to your hands—use the same quality products you use on your face. Add an additional layer of sun protection by layering Vitamin C Complex Serum under your moisturizer and sunscreen. Vitamin C helps brighten hyperpigmentation and even out skin tone while boosting collagen. Another excellent strategy is to apply Retinol Skin Conditioner at night to fend off wrinkling and plump up the skin.

3. Wash Gently

Since we often wash our hands several times a day, it’s essential to use a gentle product. Try a hand wash that features vitamin E or shea butter as a main ingredient to help restore hydration. Products that don’t include a moisturizing element can be too harsh and drying.

4. Moisturize After Water Exposure

Apply a rich hydrating cream immediately after washing your hands. A thick cream is much more restorative and hydrating than a regular lotion.

5. Wear Gloves

Wear gloves when doing dishes, housework and gardening, as well as when you’re driving. Dangerous UV rays can scavenge the hands on your skin through your car window, causing unsightly sun spots and wrinkles. There are also special sun protective gloves available, such as those by Bloxsun or Solartex, that are meant to be put on and taken off very easily and have a slight grip for the steering wheel

Click through to learn about our system of facial exercises and advanced skin care products.

facial exercises
7 Ways to Rehydrate Your Skin 500 333 Facercise

7 Ways to Rehydrate Your Skin

facial exercisesHydration is everything! It plumps up our skin, makes it look dewy and promotes cell turnover. Both summer and winter weather can dehydrate skin like crazy, leaving it looking dull, flaky and dry. Throw in workouts, travel and outdoor activities and your skin can look older fast. It’s absolutely essential to keep skin hydrated and do you facial exercises daily.

Here are some ways to rehydrate your skin so you look fresh and dewy.

1. Avoid Hot Water

Shower and wash your face with lukewarm water. Hot water dehydrates skin and increases sensitivity.

2. Boost Water Consumption

Increase your water and tea intake to plump up the skin and promote rehydration.

3. Use Gentle Products

When skin is dehydrated, it may appear more oily than usual. This prompts many to use a harsher, drying cleanser. This is a no-no; you need to impart moisture, not strip the skin of its natural oils. Use gentle products and avoid those made with parabens and harsh chemicals.

4. Limit Exfoliation

If your skin is dehydrated, slow down on exfoliation and only use gentle products. Your skin cells take 25 days to turnover; dehydrated skin takes even longer. Over-exfoliation can cause significantly increased sensitivity, redness and breakouts.

5. Skip the Brush

You may love your facial exfoliation brush, but it can seriously exacerbate dry, dehydrated skin. Skip it during the dry summer months.

6. Hydrate with Hyaluronic Acid Serum

Hyaluronic acid is a naturally occurring substance that retains water and keeps tissue lubricated. This humectant works as an absolute moisture magnet for your skin. Our Ultra Hyaluronic Cream contains ingredients that have been shown to boost moisture by 300 percent! Work it into your routine to bring back hydration and a natural glow. For best results, apply it onto damp skin to help lock in moisture.

7. Limit Caffeine and Alcohol

Both caffeine and alcohol are diuretics that significantly dehydrate your skin and body. Alcohol also slows production of vasopressin, a hormone that is critical for rehydration. Limit intake as much as possible.

Click here to learn about facial exercises and discover anti-aging products that keep you looking your very best.

facial exercises
6 Skin Care Tips for Fall 500 333 Facercise

6 Skin Care Tips for Fall

It’s official—fall is in full swing! We love this time of year because you can undo some of the damage you may have done this summer. Facial exercises may rock but they don’t prevent sun damage!

As we head into colder temperatures, it’s important to adjust your skin care regimen accordingly. Below are a few tips for improving the appearance of your skin this season.

1. Replenish Moisture

When summer humidity disappears, we need to compensate to keep skin hydrated. Swap out lightweight moisturizer for a thicker cream that helps retain moisture and protect your skin’s barrier. This is especially important for your nighttime regimen, so that the skin can rehydrate during its rejuvenation process.

2. Cut Back on Exfoliation

Reduce exfoliation during this time of year. The colder, drier environment will not buffer the effects of exfoliation like summer humidity does. It’s still important to exfoliate—just a little less frequently. An excellent way to slough off the excess without irritation is to do a Face Lift to Go every seven to 10 days.

3. Continue Using Sunscreen

Just because summer’s over, that doesn’t mean it’s a free-for-all in the sun! UV radiation presents all year long, making sunscreen critical, rain or shine. Apply our Protective Sunblock SPF 30 every single day.

4. Add Vitamin C

Vitamin C acts a backup for sunscreen—it fights off UV damage that may not be fully blocked by sunscreen. It also promotes collagen production, brightens your complexion and reduces the appearance of sun spots and hyperpigmentation. Use a topical like our Vitamin C Complex serum and increase your citrus consumption.

5. Take Care of Your Hands

Hands need just as much attention, especially with drier air in the environment. Invest in a rich hand cream—you can even use your face moisturizer. Apply sunscreen to your hands religiously.

6. Schedule Monthly Treatments

Commit to monthly skin care treatments in the hands of an expert—all year long!

Follow these tips coupled with a regimen of facial exercises to look and feel your very best.