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facial exercises
5 Collagen Boosting Tips 500 334 Facercise

5 Collagen Boosting Tips

facial exercisesIf you want firm, glowing skin, collagen is key! It’s a fibrous protein that works together with elastin to provide structural support for the skin. These proteins are also responsible for firmness and elasticity. Unfortunately, as we age, collagen breaks down and its production slows. This is where facial exercises and a few other tricks can come in handy.

Boost collagen production with the following anti-aging tips:

1. Protect Your Skin

Free radicals and the sun’s dangerous UV rays scavenge and deplete collagen. This shows up as photodamage, such as fine lines, wrinkles, hyperpigmentation and sun spots. It also causes sagginess and loss of elasticity. Prevent these unsightly issues by wearing sunblock every single day, rain or shine. Apply all over your face, hands, arms, neck and décolletage—even the tops of your ears, as they are extremely vulnerable. It’s good to eat foods rich in beta-carotene and lycopene, antioxidants that help protect the skin from the inside out. Tomatoes, squash, yams, watermelon, papaya, beets, grapefruit and bell peppers are all excellent sources.

2. Facercise Daily

Facial exercises boost circulation which helps deliver oxygen to the skin cells. This stimulates collagen production and gives you a rosy glow. A consistent Facercise practice also prevents atrophy and strengthens muscle memory. The result is firmer, smoother skin with more defined contours and a decreased appearance of fine lines and wrinkles.

3. Eat Right

It’s important to consume lean, complete protein that provides all nine of the essential amino acids. Foods that contain high levels of sulphur have also been shown to promote collagen production. Some good options are garlic, legumes and cabbage. Vitamin C is also essential for cellular regeneration and collagen production. Eat lots of citrus, berries and green leafy vegetables to get your vitamin C fill.

4. Apply Vitamin C Topically

A vitamin C serum works wonders for stimulating collagen and brightening skin. Our Vitamin C Complex Serum protects against free radical and sun damage that breaks down collagen.

5. Avoid Smoking

Smoking restricts the blood flow, which leads to smoker’s face. This includes those lines around the lips and dry, leathery texture that makes you look 10 years older. Cut out smoking completely!

Visit this link to learn more about the many benefits of Facercise.

facercise benefits
5 Incredible Benefits of Facercise 500 333 Facercise

5 Incredible Benefits of Facercise

facercise benefitsWhen it comes to facial exercises, Facercise is the OG! It’s not just the original, it’s the best system available. For nearly four decades, Facercise has helped hundreds of thousands around the world look 10 years younger after only a few weeks of practice. It provides the most natural looking results and bears no negative side effects or risks. All you have to do is designate a little bit of time every day to look your very best and prevent future signs of aging.

Here are five incredible benefits of Facercise:

1. Facercise Improves Facial Contours

Your facial muscles play a key role in the contouring and shaping of your face. Doing Facercise regularly boosts the contours and re-sculpts problem areas like a growing nose, saggy jowls, a “wattle” or double chin.

2. It Lifts and Tones

As we age, the collagen and elastin in our bodies slows production and ultimately breaks down. The result is sagging, droopy skin and muscle atrophy. Facercise firms and tightens the muscles, while boosting collagen and elastin production. The result is a toned, lifted appearance.

3. Facercise Makes Your Skin Glow

By boosting circulation, Facercise helps deliver more oxygen to skin cells and eliminate dead ones. The result is a brighter, more evened out complexion, improved texture and a youthful glow. Your skin will also be better able to absorb moisture and skin care products.

4. Facial Exercises Combat Wrinkles

The increased blood flow and circulation that Facercise creates also helps to smooth and counteracts fine lines and wrinkles. Facial exercises prevents wrinkles by stimulating collagen.

5. It Improves Medical Conditions

Much research shows that facial exercises relax, stretch and strengthen the 57 synergistic muscles of the face and neck. This can relieve and heal the symptoms of Temporomandibular Joint Dysfunction (TMJ), a condition that causes pain in the jaw area and hinders movement. Facercise has also helped heal Bell’s palsy in numerous patients who have written us to share their results.

Click through to learn more about Facercise, our life-changing facial exercises program.

facial exercises
5 Ways to Glow on New Year’s Eve 500 500 Facercise

5 Ways to Glow on New Year’s Eve

body sculptingNew Year’s Eve is here! While some of us prefer a good night in with loved ones, others will be out on the town at parties and special events. Either way, it’s an excellent day to practice self-care. Spending time on yourself will help you start your year glowing. If you’re consistent with your facial exercises, you’ll look your very best for whatever you have planned to ring in the New Year.

Here are five tips to help you sparkle this New Year’s Eve.

1. Wake up and Exercise

Don’t fall into the cliché of waiting for the New Year to exercise. A good workout will boost circulation, provide energy for your day and give you a youthful glow. You’ll look and feel your very best, which will put you in a great mood for New Year’s Eve.

2. Hydrate All Day Long

Drink lemon water all day long to flush your system and plump up your skin. White and green tea are also good beverages to drink throughout the day. Both rev your metabolism and boost your antioxidant intake. If you plan to imbibe, make sure to alternate alcoholic beverages with water.

3. Do Your Body Sculpting Routine

Be sure to dry brush and do No Lipo Lipo—both should be part of your regular regimen. If not, what better day to start? Both of these practices stimulate your lymphatic system, which flushes the toxins from your body. They will also boost your glow!

4. Do Face Lift to Go

Face Lift to Go is an enzymatic mask is unrivaled when it comes to lifting, toning and glowing. Take 45 minutes and relax while you do this incredible treatment. You’ll look like you just spent a day at the spa when you’re finished.

5. Do Facial Exercises

Do your Facercise routine twice to firm and tighten your skin, while boosting circulation and revving up that glow!

Click this link to learn more about our facial exercises and advanced skincare products.

facial exercises
5 Tips For a Holiday Glow 500 334 Facercise

5 Tips For a Holiday Glow

facial exercisesIf you’re practicing your facial exercises daily, your skin is already glowing! But there is no such thing as too much glow, which is why I’m sharing some tips to maximize your beautiful self. The tips below will help you look gorgeous for all your holiday events and beyond.

1. Beauty Sleep

Adequate sleep is a must during the holidays! When you skimp on sleep, your skin gets dull and dark circles form. Your skin rejuvenates and repairs itself while you rest, which is why so many popular anti-aging products are designed for nighttime use. Figure out how much sleep you need on a nightly basis, make a schedule and stick to it.

2. Facial Exercises

Facercise firms and tightens your skin while imparting a healthy, youthful glow. Do facial exercises twice a day to prevent the signs of aging and improve your skin’s health. If time is an issue, the Ultimate Facercise DVD includes an eight-minute superset that is easy to squeeze in.

3. Exercise

This time of year can be hectic, which makes it tempting to ditch your exercise regimen for the season. Don’t do it! Regular workouts throughout the holidays make a big difference in your sanity and appearance. When you prioritize your workouts during the holidays, you’ll reduce stress and be less apt to gain weight. Exercise stimulates blood circulation, which contributes to your glow, and boosts endorphins so you’re happier.

4. Get Masking

Masks are an excellent way to boost your skin’s radiance. Our Face Lift to Go is an enzymatic treatment that lifts, firms and imparts an unrivaled glow. Use it once a week or every 10 days for vibrant, beautiful skin.

5. Hydrate Properly

Drink plenty of water and avoid caffeine to prevent dehydration and dull skin. If you plan to consume alcohol at holiday events, have a glass of water in between each drink and practice moderation.

Visit this link to learn more about Facercise, our life changing system of facial exercises.

facial exercises
3 Foods That Boost Collagen 500 333 Facercise

3 Foods That Boost Collagen

Collagen is the body’s most abundant protein. While it is critical for our bone, muscle, ligament and tendon health, it also affects our looks. Collagen gives our skin its strength, elasticity, firmness and suppleness. It helps our skin cells renew themselves and fights off the appearance of wrinkles and fine lines. While a solid anti-aging skin care regimen and facial exercises can help boost collagen production, this important protein cannot be absorbed through our skin. The good news is, we can boost collagen production by consuming certain foods. Read on to learn about three foods that will promote and stimulate collagen and help reduce the appearance of wrinkles and fine lines.

1. Avocado

These babies are loaded with omega 3 fatty acids, which boost collagen production, decrease the risk of skin cancer and help keep us fuller longer. Avocados are also packed with vitamin E, which helps prevent free radical damage and fight off skin cell oxidation. In addition, avocado oil is rich in plant steroids, which helps reduce the appearance of hyperpigmentation and revitalizes skin cells.

2. Turkey

Turkey boasts high levels of carnosine, an amino acid that promotes elasticity by rejuvenating skin cells and reduces the appearance of wrinkles and fine lines. This lean protein is also an excellent source of tryptophan, which is a mood booster, helps ensure proper sleep and is good for weight loss. It is also rich in zinc, which has anti-inflammatory properties, reduces dry skin and promotes cell growth.

3. Citrus

Citrus fruits such as lemons, oranges, strawberries, pineapple and papaya are loaded with vitamin C, which bolsters immunity and combats free radical damage. Vitamin C is a powerful antioxidant that can also reduce and prevent sun damage while decreasing the formation of wrinkles. Studies show that proper vitamin C consumption can even reverse sun damage.

Click here to learn about our revolutionary facial exercises and advanced skin care products.


facial exercises
5 Ways to Prevent Wrinkles Naturally 500 394 Facercise

5 Ways to Prevent Wrinkles Naturally

facial exercisesBotox and dermal fillers are not the holy grail of anti-aging! There are natural, non-invasive ways to combat the signs of aging and look younger and more beautiful. A healthy lifestyle, good habits and a solid skincare regimen will work wonders without breaking your wallet. Follow the tips below to keep your skin looking as beautiful as possible.

1. Protect Against UV Rays

The sun’s dangerous ultraviolet (UV) rays break down collagen and elastin, the proteins that keep your skin firm and flexible. The sun also etches fine lines and wrinkles into your skin, making them deeper over time, and causes hyperpigmentation and sun spots. To prevent these unsightly signs of aging, wear a sunblock with a minimum of SPF 30 every single day, rain or shine. If you engage in outdoor activities, re-apply sunblock every hour. Wear a hat and sunglasses whenever you step outside and protective SPF clothing when possible.

2. Facercise Daily

Practice your facial exercises every single day, twice a day for best results. This will help smooth out lines and wrinkles, stimulate the delivery of oxygen to skin cells and boost collagen and elastin production.

3. Avoid Smoking & Drinking

These two vices wreak serious havoc on your appearance. Both dehydrate your skin, break down collagen and slow down circulation. Smoking also causes the formation of deep lines around the mouth and nasolabial folds.

4. Exfoliate Regularly

It’s important to shed the dead cells that dull skin and clog pores. Exfoliate on a regular basis to remove dead skin cells and promote cellular turnover.

5. Stop Squinting

Squinting causes Crow’s feet, under-eye bags and the brow furrow often referred to as “The 11s.” Wear sunglasses with SPF protection to protect delicate under eye skin and eliminate the need to squint. If you have trouble reading, get the appropriate eyeglasses immediately.

Visit this link for more information about Facercise, the premier system of facial exercises.

facial exercises
6 Fall Anti-Aging Superfoods 500 335 Facercise

6 Fall Anti-Aging Superfoods

facial exercisesOne of the best ways to enhance results from facial exercises and anti-aging skincare is from the inside out. What we eat doesn’t just affect our waistlines, it impacts the health and appearance of our skin. Take your diet up this fall by incorporating some fall superfoods. An antioxidant-rich diet can help your skin look younger, prevent the signs of future aging and boost your overall health.

Below are five fall superfoods to help you get next level results from your skincare and facial exercises.

1. Eggplant

Eggplant is available year-round, but peaks from July to October. The veggie’s deep-purple skin indicates its high concentration of antioxidants and phytonutrients, including chlorogenic acid and nasunin. Nasunin packs powerful antiaging properties and has been shown to combat the spread of cancer. Eggplant also contains strong levels of dietary fiber, copper, manganese, folate, potassium, and vitamins B1, B6 and K.

2. Apples

Apple are loaded with dietary fiber, which fills us up and boosts digestion. They are an ideal source of vitamin C, which promotes immunity and collagen production. Collagen is an important protein substance responsible for the firmness and elasticity of our skin. Apples also contain high levels of copper and an array of phytonutrients, such as quercetin, that may help prevent cancer and other chronic illnesses.

3. Brussels Sprouts

These green leafy cruciferous veggies are loaded with dietary fiber—enough to fill you up for hours. They contain several flavonoid compounds and strong amounts of collagen-boosting vitamins A, C and K. Brussels sprouts are also a good source of folate, manganese, choline, copper, potassium, phosphorus and omega-3 fatty acids.

4. Pears

Delicious juicy pears are one of the best sources of fiber among fruits and contain a bevy of powerful anti-inflammatory polyphenols and flavonoids. They are also rich in potassium, copper and vitamins C and K.

5. Squash

This iconic fall veggie is rich in a bevy of antioxidants, including beta-carotene. Beta-carotene helps protect the skin from sun damage and provides a healthy glow. Squash is also loaded with vitamins C and E, which helps reduce inflammation.

6. Sweet Potatoes

Sweet potatoes are another great source of beta-carotene and iron with fierce anti-inflammatory properties. Boost your fiber intake by eating the skin!

Click through to learn more anti-aging tips and discover the remarkable benefits of facial exercises.

4 Skin Care Mistakes to Avoid 500 693 Facercise

4 Skin Care Mistakes to Avoid

facerciseWhile many people spend time and money trying to prevent aging, often times they don’t protect that investment. We regularly hear from clients who do their daily facial exercises, get facials, exercise, eat right and spend hundreds of dollars on skin care products–and then undo all that good work with bad habits.

Below is a list of some of the most common beauty blunders made by men and women across the globe that  result in skin damage and premature aging. Make sure to avoid them all!

1. Smoking

This is one of the biggest blunders made—and its effects are some of the worst. Smoking is extremely toxic and causes premature aging while weakening your skin and body’s ability to heal wounds. It creates those nasty wrinkles around lips, stains teeth, creates bags under the eyes and can lead to thinning hair. Quit smoking right now and you will see a big difference in a matter of weeks!

2. Inadequate Sleep

Sleep deprivation wreaks havoc on your skin—both short-term and long-term. Sleep is when your skin and entire body rejuvenates itself, so when you skip out on your zzz’s, your skin doesn’t have time to repair.

3. Skipping Sunscreen

Research shows that almost 90 percent of wrinkles are caused by UV damage. Skipping sunscreen is obviously not a smart move. Apply it to your face, neck and hands every time you walk out the door and reapply it throughout the day—and wear it all year long.

4. Avoiding Exercise

Working out is essential for both your overall health and the youthful appearance of your skin and body. Exercise stimulates blood flow and circulation, which flushes your skin with oxygen-rich blood and strengthens its ability to repair itself. In addition, you get that healthy, youthful glow that we’re all striving for.

If you Facercise every day and avoid these mistakes, you’ll have great looking skin.

Visit this link to learn more about our incredible system of anti-aging facial exercises.

facial exercises
How to Get Rid of a Wattle 289 190 Facercise

How to Get Rid of a Wattle

facial exercisesOne of the most unsightly signs of aging is the “wattle.” It’s an area that facial exercises can target safely and more effectively than any other technique, from mesotherapy to liposuction. Also known as a “double chin,” “chin fat” or “submental fat,” this area is difficult to treat. The wattle can be caused by a variety of factors, such as genetic, aging, weight loss and gain.

Facercise allows you to reduce this area without all the risks associated with invasive procedures. Read on to learn about some of the side effects caused by going the surgical route instead of following a regimen of facial exercises.


With both mesotherapy and liposuction, there is a chance that the wounds can get infected. This lengthens downtime and recovery while causing serious pain. An infection can lead to serious illnesses and diseases.


When you resort to liposuction to eliminate chin fat, you will most likely need to be anesthetized. This is a risk that always should be avoided at all costs. Patients may also experience post-operative nausea and dizziness. Side effects of anesthesia can result in serious conditions including seizures, stroke, heart attack and sometimes even death.


Don’t believe those who tout liposuction as a “lunchtime procedure.” It typically requires a few days of downtime and causes significant soreness.

Bruising & Swelling

Many patients endure redness and bruising, as well as swelling after liposuction or mesotherapy. Some who get mesotherapy “fat melting” injections suffer from nausea, headaches, numbness and nerve injuries. The procedure can also escalate hypertension.

Lackluster Results

Many patients experience a dimpled appearance after liposuction, while some have dents and unevenness. With mesotherapy, patients endure multiple treatments consisting of up to 50 injections in the area! I’ve had clients try it and experience no results yet suffer uncomfortable swelling and bruising after each session.

The solution to the wattle problem is clear—do facial exercises. This will tone and firm the area with no risky side effects or unnatural looking results. Your whole face will appear lifted and tightened after just a few weeks of Facercise. Save your money! Skip the pricey procedures and invest in our Ultimate Facercise DVD and book instead.

Visit this link to learn more about the benefits of facial exercises and how to eliminate the wattle with Facercise.

facial exercises
Top 10 Anti-Aging Habits 500 333 Facercise

Top 10 Anti-Aging Habits

facial exercisesDo you want to take years off your face? Then it’s time to adopt healthy habits, from wearing sunscreen and sunglasses to doing facial exercises daily. Youthful looks aren’t dependent upon good genes. Research shows that somewhere between 70 and 80 percent of how we age is a result of extrinsic aging, which refers to our lifestyle, environment and skin protocol. This means that good choices and healthy habits can make a major difference in how your skin ages.

Here are the anti-aging habits to master if you want to look your youthful best.

Avoid Smoking

Smoking robs the skin of oxygen, creating a dull, tired appearance. It causes nasty vertical lines around the mouth and Crow’s feet. Smoking also breaks down collagen, which gives skin its elasticity and slows healing. It’s one of the worst things you can do to your skin.

Protect Against Sun Exposure

The sun’s dangerous rays cause premature wrinkles, hyperpigmentation and collagen breakdown. Wear sunscreen religiously, rain or shine, every single day to protect your delicate skin. Use vitamin C to help fight sun damage and eat foods rich in beta-carotene to help protect skin from the inside out.

Avoid Frowning

Repetitive facial movements like squinting and frowning cause the formation of fine lines and wrinkles—and unattractive ones at that. Avoid these unnecessary expressions to minimize these lines.


Drink lots of water to keep your skin hydrated from the inside out. Proper hydration plumps up fine lines and wrinkles and helps maintain radiance.

Wear Sunglasses

Protect the delicate skin around your eyes and avoid squinting by wearing sunglasses whenever you walk out the door.

Reduce Stress

Stress takes a toll on your skin! Engage in stress-reducing activities to minimize its impact. Meditate, exercise, read, do yoga or anything else that makes you feel less stressed.

Do Facial Exercises

Facercise helps you defy gravity and firms sagging skin. Doing facial exercises on a consistent basis helps skin look tighter and more toned. Facercise also stimulates circulation, which gives your skin a healthy glow.

Work Out

Exercise and partake in physical activity as much as possible. It boosts immunity, increases flexibility, reduces stress and helps your body detox.

Sleep Right

Sleep on your back to avoid crepey skin on your neck and decolletage and to prevent the deepening of lines.

Makeover Your Lifestyle

Eat a healthy, antioxidant-rich diet, avoid alcohol as much as possible and exercise regularly to keep yourself looking young and beautiful.

Visit this link to learn about the benefits of facial exercises.