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dry brushing

dry brush
How to Dry Brush for a Beautiful Summer Body 500 334 Facercise

How to Dry Brush for a Beautiful Summer Body

dry brushSummer is right around the corner and if you haven’t started a body sculpting regimen, now is the time! One of the best ways to complement your exercise and No Lipo Lipo routines is with dry brushing. It’s an old school technique that yields modern results—the kind that rival risky surgeries like liposuction. In just a few minutes per day, you’ll tone muscles and shed dead skin cells to reveal a rosy, youthful glow.

Use one of our Sisal Louffas imported from Germany to achieve the best results possible. They are the highest quality you can find and very long-lasting. Dry brush right before your morning shower and use upward motions. For in-depth instructions, purchase our No Lipo Lipo DVD or read our instructions.

Here are five ways that dry brushing will help you feel confident about your summer body.

1. Dry Brushing Unleashes Your Inner Glow

It boosts circulation and blood flow, which feeds more oxygen to the skin. The result is a brighter complexion and healthy, natural glow.

2. Smoother, Softer Skin

This technique is one of the best ways to exfoliate, which detoxifies the skin, unclogs pores and expedites cell turnover. You’ll experience less breakouts and softer, smoother skin.

3. It Stimulates the Lymphatic System

The lymphatic system helps flush toxins from your body. When it’s not working properly, these toxins build up and lead to weight gain and illness. Dry brushing stimulates this process so that cellular waste is eliminated faster.

4. Reduced the Appearance of Cellulite

With improved circulation and detoxification, skin becomes firmer. This helps reduce the appearance of unsightly cellulite.

5. It Boosts Overall Health

Research shows that dry brushing can improve your mood, digestion and kidney function. This leads to a much healthier, happier you.

Now is the perfect time to start dry brushing with our high-quality Sisal louffas.

body sculpting
6 Ways to Recover From the Holidays 500 333 Facercise

6 Ways to Recover From the Holidays

It’s a fact—the average American gains weight over the holidays. Temptation is in full force, making healthy eating tougher than ever. Yet the answer is not skipping meals or fasting after the holidays are over. It’s time to implement some new body sculpting habits and tweak your lifestyle so you can undo the holiday damage.

Here are some simple tips to combat holiday weight gain.

Hit the Grocery Store

Make a list, check it twice and hit the store. Shop for healthy, unprocessed foods and load up on lean protein and veggies. Once you’ve stocked the refrigerator, you have no excuse to eat unhealthy foods and it will be easier than ever to meal prep.

Eliminate Temptation

Get rid of the holiday leftovers, cookies and candies as soon as you can. It’s so easy to reach for something sweet when you experience stress. Remove the temptation and replace it with fruits and veggies.

Avoid the Scale

Jumping on the scale right after holiday indulging can cause more stress than it’s worth. You may be extra bloated so the number on the scale won’t be the best reflection of your actual weight. Instead, eat healthy and exercise for a week—then step on the scale. You’ll have put a dent in some of the damage and won’t upset yourself prematurely.

Dry Brush

Help detox your system and exfoliate dead skin cells by dry brushing daily with one of our Sisal Louffas. It boosts the lymphatic system, which helps flush the toxins from your system. Plus, your skin will glow!

Have Smart Snacks on Hand

Stock up on healthy snacks to keep hunger at bay and stabilize your blood sugar levels. This will help you avoid temptation in the form of holiday leftovers. Opt for low-calorie snacks with protein and fiber to stave off hunger.

Do No Lipo Lipo

No Lipo Lipo helps break up the fat in the connective tissue while boosting the detoxification process. It makes muscles appear more toned and can help you lose inches all over the body when performed daily. Use our No Lipo Lipo DVD to use this system in the comfort of your home.

Read to change the way you look and feel? Try our life-changing No Lipo Lipo body sculpting system.

body sculpting
5 Ways to Trim Belly Fat 500 281 Facercise

5 Ways to Trim Belly Fat

body sculptingOne of the biggest concerns our body sculpting clients have is belly fat. The tummy is an area where stubborn fat can persist, even when we’re at an ideal weight. Stress causes overproduction of cortisol, which can increase hunger and contribute to unsightly weight gain—and even rolls—in the midsection. If you want to target that area specifically, the tips below will help make a real difference. Keep in mind that consistency is key!

1. Load Up on Lean Protein

Lean protein is essential for shedding belly fat and losing weight. It helps builds lean muscle mass, which causes you to burn more calories on a daily basis. It will also fill you up so you eat less overall. Some excellent sources include poultry, salmon, tuna, mackerel, eggs, quinoa and lentils.

2. Cut Back on Sugar

Refined sugar causes weight gain, belly fat and wreaks havoc on your blood sugar levels. Cut out sugars as much as possible.  Saved those baked goods for a treat once in a great while and cut out the sugar-laden juices and soda. Reduce your intake of simple carbs like white bread and pasta since they convert to sugar in your system.

3. Dry Brush Daily

Dry brushing stimulates the lymphatic system, which flushes the toxins from your body. This assists with weight loss and breaking down fat in the connective tissue. Our new Louffa Bundle for Face & Body contains all you need for both body sculpting and facial benefits.

4. Do No Lipo Lipo for Body Sculpting

No Lipo Lipo is a revolutionary body sculpting method that targets your trouble areas and breaks down fatty deposits. You can do sessions at our spa in Redondo Beach or any of our licensed locations. If you prefer to do it in the privacy and comfort of your own home, you can use the No Lipo Lipo DVD. It provides comprehensive instructions so that you can quickly and easily master your technique.

5. Exercise Regularly

Regular workouts are essential for losing belly fat and toning muscles. Consistency is key—strive to exercise several days a week for a solid duration. For best results, incorporate all three pillars of training: cardio, flexibility and strength/resistance. Find something that works for you and do it four to five days week. Increase the duration and intensity of your workouts over time.

Click through for more information about our No Lipo Lipo body sculpting technique.

body sculpting
3 Body Sculpting Steps to Your Swimsuit Figure 500 334 Facercise

3 Body Sculpting Steps to Your Swimsuit Figure

body sculptingIt’s that time of year again—spring is here, which means summertime is right around the corner, prompting clients to call me in a panic. They wonder how they’re going to deal with swimsuit season and how fast they can trim and tone. The goods news is, the body sculpting regimen below, coupled with a good diet and regular exercise, can foster change in just two weeks.

Here is my routine for looking and feeling svelte just in time for swimsuit season.

1. Dry Brushing

This technique stimulates circulation and boosts your lymphatic system, which eliminates the toxins from your system. This is even more important when you’re dieting, since your body needs to flush more waste in order to function efficiently. Dry brushing also exfoliates the skin, which unclogs pores and lets your skin breathe so that you can rock a healthy, youthful looking glow. In addition, dry brushing has been shown to help decrease the appearance of cellulite by eliminating toxins that break down the connective tissue. Make sure to use one of the high-quality Sisal Louffas that we import from Germany.

2. No Lipo Lipo

Our proprietary knuckle massage method can be performed in spa or in the comfort of your own home with instruction from my No Lipo Lipo DVD. This technique builds upon the benefits of dry brushing, further breaking down the fat cells in the connective tissue. Clients lose inches all over their body and experience softer, smoother skin. On average, in spa, clients lose up to 15 inches. For best results, modify your diet to exclude carbs after 5 pm.

3. Body Lifting Mask

This incredible enzyme mask will give you the lift you need before special events or hitting that beach party. Do this twice a week for longer lasting results.

Click through for more information on our No Lipo Lipo body sculpting technique.

dry brushing
5 Benefits of Dry Brushing 500 750 Facercise

5 Benefits of Dry Brushing

dry brushingDry brushing is an age old body sculpting technique that’s enjoying a new wave of popularity thanks to celebrity endorsements and social media. It’s an excellent way to improve your appearance and overall well-being—and it only takes a few minutes per day.

Your skin is your largest organ and should be given the same amount of care that you give the rest of your body. By adding this simple practice is to your daily routine, you’ll enjoy everything from smooth, glowing skin to boosted energy. It also significantly enhances the results of our No Lipo Lipo body sculpting method. All you need is one of the natural Sisal louffas we import from Germany, available for purchase by clicking here.

Read on to discover five benefits of dry brushing that go more than just skin deep.

1. Dry Brushing Boosts Circulation

Dry brushing improves circulation and blood flow, which helps deliver more oxygen and nutrients to your skin cells. Improved blood flow leads to a healthy, youthful glow and promotes the elimination of metabolic waste.

2. Lymphatic Drainage

The lymphatic system is a major part of the immune system that eliminates cellular waste from the body. When it’s not functioning right, toxins can build up and cause inflammation. This can result in bloating, weight gain and illness. Dry brushing stimulates lymphatic drainage to boost the body’s detoxification process.

3. Exfoliation

Dry brushing sweeps away dead skin cells to reveal softer, smoother skin. Unlike some of the harsh exfoliating products on the market, this is one of the safest, most natural ways to exfoliate and unclog pores. With regular practice, you’ll experience less breakouts and your pores will appear more refined. The natural exfoliation also improves skin texture, prevents ingrown hairs and allows your skin to “breathe.”

4. Reduced Appearance of Cellulite

Many clients report that dry brushing helps reduce the appearance of cellulite. This is because it breaks down the fatty deposits in the connective tissue. Smooth skin looks firmer and tighter, making cellulite less apparent. When performed in conjunction with our No Lipo Lipo body sculpting technique, the results are stellar.

5. Increased Energy and Stress Relief

Our clients feel invigorated and report a boost in energy after dry brushing. This may be due to increased circulation or detoxification. Many also describe the practice as meditative—the simple act can reduce muscle tension, promote relaxation and relieve stress.

dry brushing
The Power of Dry Brushing 500 333 Facercise

The Power of Dry Brushing

dry brushingWhether your goal is detox, body sculpting or boosting your mood, dry brushing will help you reach it. It’s one of the best ways to look and feel better every day. It’s easy to do, only takes a few minutes per day and can be done in the privacy of your home. All you need is a Sisal Louffa Mitt and a Sisal Louffa strap and you are all set.


Dry brushing has a very energizing effect. Think of how good your cat feels after your brush him or her. They have more energy and act happier and more kitten-like. It’s the same for us—dry brushing has a meditative effect that ultimately improves your mood. After a few days of daily brushing, it feels like a massage.


Dry brushing sweeps away those dead skin cells all over our body. The result is a more even skin tone and softer, smoother skin. Your skin glows and its texture improves after just a few days of regular practice. The shedding of dead skin also helps facilitate cellular renewal. An added bonus is that exfoliation allows your skin care products to absorb better.

Fat and Cellulite Reduction

Dry brushing helps break down and release the toxins trapped in connective tissue that lead to the formation of fat and cellulite. The process promotes smoother skin, which helps diminish the appearance of cellulite.

Muscle Toning

Dry brushing stimulates the nerve endings that causes the individual muscle fibers to activate. This helps tone muscles and mobilize fat.


Dry brushing stimulates the lymphatic system, which is responsible for eliminating the toxins from our cells. This process is critical for keeping our immune system working properly. The removal of these toxins can reduce the length of infection and stave off illness.

Made in Germany, our Sisal Louffas are durable and long-lasting. Click here to browse our collection of dry brushing tools.

6 Weapons for Cellulite Reduction 561 394 Facercise

6 Weapons for Cellulite Reduction

cellulite reductionLet’s face it—we all dread the “cottage cheese” appearance that cellulite causes on our legs, bum, stomach and arms. It’s one of the most difficult things to get rid of—people across the globe spend millions each year on topical agents and risky surgical procedures that promise cellulite reduction.

The good news is, there are some easy ways to reduce the appearance of this unsightly condition. If you want to feel more confident in swimsuits, shorts and sleeveless tops, try the methods below for safe yet effective results.

1. Flush, Flush, Flush

Proper hydration will flush out the toxins that lodge inside the fat layers underneath the skin, forming those bumpy lumps that appear as cellulite. Drinking water also plumps the skin, which can smooth out the appearance of those lumps.

2. Avoid the Whites

A healthy diet can prevent the formation of more cellulite and help diminish its appearance significantly. This means eating lots of lean protein and fiber-rich foods, while avoiding those with too much refined sugars and sodium. Overall, try to avoid as many processed foods as possible and steer clear of those with more than 200 mg of sodium per serving.

3. Dry Brushing

We always push our dry brushing technique, but for good reason—it stimulates the lymphatic system, which helps flush the toxins out of our body. It also boost circulation, which delivers oxygen to the cells and can help banish ugly cellulite before it forms.

4. Retinol Cream

Applying a topical formula such as my best-selling Retinol Conditioning Cream helps to smooth out the skin and make lumps less visible.

5. No Lipo Lipo

There is no better cure for cellulite than No Lipo Lipo treatments. If you can’t get to our spa, then get the No Lipo Lipo DVD and do this revolutionary treatment in the comfort of your own home.

6. Supplements

Kelp has been shown to burn body fat and therefore decrease the appearance of cellulite. Gotu Kola Extract is a caffeine-free supplement that thickens skin and improves elasticity. Try both for best results.

Click here for more information and to see results from No Lipo Lipo, our game-changing cellulite reduction technique.

body sculpting
5 Body Sculpting Tips 500 749 Facercise

5 Body Sculpting Tips

body sculptingSwimsuit season is here! It’s never too late to start working on your body so you can feel more confident in your swimsuit and summer clothes. Whether you’re trying to drop some weight or just tone up, we’ve got stellar body sculpting strategies for achieving your goals. Read on to get your summer regimen started today.

1. Eat More Lean Protein

Eating lean protein is essential for losing weight and reducing your body fat percentage. It increases your lean muscle mass, which in turn boosts your metabolism and the rate your body burns calories. Lean protein also satiates your hunger for longer periods of time and boosts digestion. In addition, lower body fat translates to greater energy levels and increased endurance. Good sources of lean protein including skinless poultry, eggs, shrimp, tuna, salmon, quinoa and lentils.

2. Avoid Carbs After 5 pm

This is an excellent way to lean out your figure. Staying away all refined sugars and carbs after 5 pm will reduce water retention and help you avoid those sugar rushes that cause you to crash soon afterwards and eat again. If you can, try to stay from processed foods altogether after 5 pm.

3. Dry Brush Daily

Dry brushing exfoliates your skin, boosts blood circulation and stimulates the lymphatic system, which flushes out the toxins in your body. An added bonus is that it will help your skin glow and appear more hydrated. Visit this link for step-by-step instructions for how to dry brush properly.

4. Do No Lipo Lipo

This amazing body contouring massage will help you lose inches in a matter of weeks. It boosts your lymphatic system and breaks down fatty connective tissue so that you lose inches with a consistent practice. You will be thrilled with the results.

5. Exercise

The best way to enhance weight loss efforts and tone up is with regular workouts. Strive to hit the three essential pillar of fitness, which include cardio, resistance and flexibility training. Do what you enjoy and try to mix it up as much as possible—walk, run, hit the gym, go to your favorite exercise class or have a dance party in your living room

Click here to learn more about our proprietary No Lipo Lipo body sculpting system.


Face exercises
5 Tips for Turning Back the Clock 500 333 Facercise

5 Tips for Turning Back the Clock

Face exercisesThere’s no need to go under the knife to turn back the clock on the signs of aging. Instead of risking unnatural looking results or unhealthy side effects, you can turn back the clock naturally. With a consistent regimen of techniques like exercise, dry brushing and Facercise face exercises, you can look your best and boost your health.

Here are five natural methods for turning back the clock.

1. Work it Out

Exercise is key to looking and feeling your best. Studies show that regular workouts detoxify our bodies by increasing blood circulation and promoting lymphatic drainage. Exercise also moves lymph tissue to increase healing and strengthen the immune system. The result is reduced inflammation and detoxified, healthier skin. Working out also tones and strengthens muscles so they appear firmer and more defined. Try to squeeze in the three pillars of fitness for best results: strength, cardiovascular and flexibility training.

2. Dry Brushing

Dry brushing exfoliates dry, flaky skin and unclogs the pores. Similar to exercise, dry brushing detoxifies by boosting circulation and the lymphatic system, which removes toxins from your body. Dry brushing also stimulates your nervous system and releases endorphins, which can bolster your mood and make you feel energized.

3. Facial Exercises

Facercise boosts circulation in the 57 synergistic muscles of the face and neck to impart a healthy, youthful glow. It strengthens those muscles, while releasing tension that causes future wrinkles. Facial exercises also firm and tighten skin while reducing the appearance of wrinkles.

4. No Lipo Lipo

This amazing body sculpting technique lifts, tones and reduces inches all over the body. It’s completely safe and non-invasive, so there is no down time or risky side effects. No Lipo Lipo benefits are increased when done in conjunction with dry brushing, as shown in the No Lipo Lipo DVD, now streaming on Amazon.

5. Eat an Antioxidant-Rich Diet

Eat a healthy diet packed with antioxidant-rich foods to combat the signs of aging. Antioxidants combat damage caused by free radicals, the sun and other environmental stressors. Look for colorful foods and produce including berries, citrus, apples, beets, red cabbage, nuts, artichokes, dark chocolate and leafy greens like spinach, Swiss chard and kale.

Visit this link to learn more about Facercise and our other anti-aging techniques.

body sculpting
5 Tips for Sculpting Your Summer Body 500 334 Facercise

5 Tips for Sculpting Your Summer Body

body sculptingSummer is around the corner—and there’s no better time to focus on body sculpting. While there are no overnight fixes, you can make a difference quickly—for example, No Lipo Lipo results can occur in a matter of weeks. If you follow some or all of the tips below on a consistent basis, you can build lean muscle, burn fat and appear sleeker and more toned. Your confidence will soar and you’ll feel summer ready. What are you waiting for?

1. Lean Out

Lean protein is key to sculpting your body and losing inches. It helps you build lean muscle mass, which makes you appear more toned and increases the number of calories burned every day. Load up on lean protein sources such as eggs, quinoa, chicken, turkey, beans, lentils, peas, salmon, tuna, mackerel and shrimp.

2. Build Muscle

Strength and resistance training are the best ways to build muscle. Many women are afraid to use weights and resistance because they think they will “bulk up.” Your goal is simply to use resistance and weights to tone and build lean muscle; doing some body weight and dumbbell exercises will not make you get too big. Try moves like lunges, squats, dead lifts, bench press and dumbbell curls and rows. For abs, try planks and hanging leg raises.

3. Burn Fat

Two of my favorite ways to burn fat are to drink green tea and do cardio. Green tea contains EGCG, a powerful antioxidant that has been shown to help burn fat. It also helps hydrate and flush the toxins from your system, which aids weight loss. Cardio exercise helps you burn fat and calories, while building a healthy heart and lungs. It also gives you energy, improves sleep, increases bone density and bolsters your mood.

4. Dry Brush

Dry brushing exfoliates and boosts lymphatic drainage, which flushes toxins and excess water from the body. This helps eliminate bloat and encourages healthy digestion. Dry brushing also boosts circulation, which promotes the elimination of metabolic waste. This can help prevent and reduce the appearance of cellulite.

5. Do No Lipo Lipo

No Lipo Lipo is a massage technique that you can perform on yourself in the comfort of your own home. It breaks down cellulite and fat in the connective tissue while reversing gravity and tightening the skin. Regular practice promotes weight loss and results in the appearance of a more sculpted, toned body. The No Lipo Lipo DVD shows you how to perform the technique on yourself so you can achieve your best body. No Lipo Lipo results are enhanced when performed in conjunction with dry brushing.