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facial exercises
How to Wash Your Face Properly 500 281 Facercise

How to Wash Your Face Properly

facial exercisesWashing your face is easy, right? While most people think you can rinse with some cleanser and be good to go, that’s not the case. The way you wash your face is almost as important as doing facial exercises regularly, especially if you want to fight the signs of aging. If you wash your face incorrectly, you can exacerbate blemishes and make wrinkles and fine lines more apparent.

Your skin care protocol should definitely begin with washing your face. Here are a few tips for washing your face properly.

Use Care

Facial skin is extremely delicate, so never scrub or tug on it. The dermis’ outer layer is composed of dead skin cells that are connected by fatty compounds called lipids. Lipids help your skin maintain hydration, so it’s essential to avoid damaging them. On the flip side, you don’t want dead skills to aggregate or you’ll have a dull complexion.

Remove Makeup

Start by removing your makeup with a mild wipe or remover. Use very gentle strokes when you remove your eye makeup. Never tug on this area! The skin around your eyes is probably the thinnest and most delicate on your entire body.

Apply Cleanser

Once you’ve removed your makeup, it’s time to apply a gentle cleaner appropriate for your skin type. Use lukewarm water since hot water can strip the skin of its oils and damage lipids. Wet your skin and use circular, upward motions to wash your face. Upward movements are key since they defy gravity; when you use downward motions, it pulls the skin down which contributes to sagging. Wash for a minimum of 30 seconds—make it feel like a luxurious massage if you can.

Pat Dry

Do not rub your skin to dry it! Instead, pat it dry with a soft towel. Now you’re ready for the next step of your skin care regimen.

Visit this link to discover more anti-aging techniques and learn how to do facial exercises.

facial exercises
Stress and Your Skin 500 333 Facercise

Stress and Your Skin

facial exercisesStress wreaks serious havoc on your skin. No matter what your age, stress can affect your immediate appearance or manifest over time—if not both. It’s essential to find ways to cope with it so that you can look and feel your very best.

Here are a few of the effects stress has on your skin and some ways to get it in check.


One of the most obvious ways stress manifests itself in your skin is with acne and breakouts. It’s common to experience a flare-up during a stressful period that causes your immune system to experience dysregulation. This makes skin more susceptible to bacteria and triggers inflammatory reactions. If you suffer from breakouts and acne regularly, deploy benzoyl peroxide for some extra help. If the breakouts persist, visit a dermatologist.


Stress triggers and exacerbates rosacea since those who suffer from it have highly sensitive skin and a compromised barrier to the elements. Try our Skin Brightening Cream to combat the redness and soothe inflammation.

Itchy Conditions

For those who suffer from eczema, stress can definitely incite a reaction. Take a calming bath with epsom salts and moisturize immediately afterwards. If you suffer from neurodermatitis, stress can exacerbate the itching and scaly patches caused by this condition. Do not scratch the area and see a physician if itchiness persists.

Reduced Blood Flow

Stress slows and reduces blood flow. This causes blood vessels to narrow and elevates blood pressure and heart rate, which further decreases circulation. This increases the signs of aging both immediately and over time, causing skin to look pale and darkened in some areas, and making our eyes appear sunken. Combat this with a daily dose of anti-aging facial exercises, which boost circulation while promoting a healthy glow.

Get Stress in Check

Find ways to get your stress in check and incorporate them into your daily regimen. Regular exercise is a great way to boost your overall health and reduce the effects of stress. Facial exercises boost circulation, help detox the skin and make you feel relaxed. Meditation is another excellent way to relax and mitigate stress. Hanging with friends, reading, writing, walking, relaxing with pets and engaging in your favorite hobbies are other great de-stressors.

Click here for information on the benefits of facial exercises.

sun spots
5 Ways to Treat Age Spots 500 308 Facercise

5 Ways to Treat Age Spots

sun spotsMany of us suffer from what are called “age spots” and hyperpigmentation. This unsightly discoloration is caused by the sun’s powerful UV rays and other environmental stressors or can simply be a side effect of aging. Whatever the cause, the result can do a number on our confidence. The good news is, you can fade them and sometimes even eliminate them altogether.

While procedures like chemical peels and laser therapy can help, they can be costly, require downtime and cause side effects. Just like facial exercises provide a natural, non-surgical way to combat other signs of aging, there are non-invasive methods for diminishing age spots. Read on to discover our favorite techniques.

Lightening Creams and Lotions

Many products lighten and fade age spots over time. Apply one religiously and you will most likely see results. Our Brightening Cream is a customer favorite because it noticeably lightens and brightens the skin yet is extremely gentle. Many who try more aggressive products containing hydroquinone suffer severe irritation and experience a worsening of the condition.

Vitamin C

When vitamin C is consumed internally and applied externally, it yields significant lightening results. It’s a potent antioxidant that reduces the number of sun damaged cells and can even reverse age-related damage. Our Vitamin C Complex Serum repairs UV damage while brightening the skin and imparting a youthful glow. Apply it all over the face, neck, décolletage, hands and wherever else you want to fade discoloration. Take an Ester-C supplement every day to boost the brightening process.

Retinol Skin Conditioner

Our Retinol Skin Conditioner is another powerful tool for combating age spots and hyperpigmentation. It gently exfoliates the skin, removing discolored cells that form sun spots while fighting free radical damage. It also promotes collagen and elastin production, which helps maintain skin’s elasticity and firmness.

Keep Cool

Whenever you’re overheated, melanin activity is stimulated, which leads to the formulation of spots. If you feel hot after exercising or spending time outdoors, immediately apply a cool cloth or ice pack to bring down your skin temperature.

Eat Right

Consume foods rich in vitamin C and antioxidants such as beta-carotene and lycopene. These help the skin fight sun damage from the inside out and reduce inflammation. Eat lots of colorful produce such as tomatoes, carrots, sweet potatoes, squash, watermelon, grapefruit and green leafy veggies such as kale, spinach and broccoli.

If you ever have a spot that changes in size or color, bleeds, itches or turns red, see a board-certified dermatologist for a skin exam. Some forms of skin cancer, including melanoma, are often mistaken for age spots.

Keep in mind—prevention is key! Click here to learn ways to prevent age spots from occurring.

facial exercises
Skin Care & Face Coverings 500 281 Facercise

Skin Care & Face Coverings

Even though some states are easifacial exercisesng restrictions, many people are choosing or are required to continue to wear masks. If you’re opting to wear face coverings, you also need to protect your skin. Wearing masks can cause breakouts or other issues—especially with warmer weather on the horizon—so it’s essential to take care of your skin properly.

Here are a few tips for protecting your skin.

Follow Your Regular Regimen

It’s more important than ever to protect your skin and prevent the spread of bacteria. Continue with your normal skincare protocol, including facial exercises. Use all the products in your current program with vigilance. Be sure to cleanse your face thoroughly—heat, perspiration and friction from the mask rubbing your skin can cause overproduction of oil and breakouts.

Maintain Hydration

Drink plenty of water and mist your skin with Heavy Water Spritz throughout the day to keep skin hydrated and dewy.

Don’t Skip Moisturizer

Moisturizer is still an important step in maintaining your skin’s hydration levels. Our Ultra Hyaluronic Cream is an excellent choice as it can help soothe skin and contains ingredients that have been shown to increase skin moisture by 300 percent.

Consider Fabric

If you’re making your own masks at home, use fabric made of 100 percent cotton. If you use synthetic fabric, it will retain more heat specifically on the area of the skin that the mask covers. This can cause breakouts or irritation.

Apply Sunscreen Religiously

Face coverings do not provide proper sun protection. Apply Protective Sun Block SPF 30 thoroughly every day, even on the areas that your face covering hides. Masks can shift and the sun’s powerful ultraviolet (UV) rays may penetrate the material. If you’re spending time outside, re-apply the sunscreen to maintain protection.

Visit this link to learn more out our advanced skin care products and system of facial exercises.

facial exercises
8 Tips for Getting Rid of Adult Acne 1024 683 Facercise

8 Tips for Getting Rid of Adult Acne

facial exercisesAdult acne is a very common and annoying skin care issue. You would think that facing wrinkles is enough to deal with, but many suffer from adult acne too. Some women experience it deep into their 50s! It sounds like a sick joke, but unfortunately, it’s reality. We believe that doing facial exercises helps by boosting circulation and promoting cellular turnover, but other measures need to be taken as well.

Whether your adult acne is causes by the fluctuation of hormones or using the wrong products, it’s an unsightly and frustrating condition. Here are a few tips for managing adult acne.

Use the Right Skincare Products

Sometimes, using the wrong products can cause breakouts. If your skin is oily or combination, it’s best to use oil-free, non-comedogenic products. If you’re using acne medicine, you’ll also need to replenish what you’re taking away from your skin. Ask your dermatologist or aesthetician for recommendations. Our Oily Skin Package is an excellent option for oily and combination skin that is prone to breakouts.

Be Consistent

Gently wash your skin in the morning and evening and be vigilant about your skincare regimen. Consistency is key when you’re tackling difficult conditions like adult acne. Follow directions and keep a schedule!

Don’t Touch Blemishes

You probably heard this as a teenager, but it still stands true—don’t touch or pick at blemishes. This causes bacteria to spread and increases inflammation. It can also result in permanent scarring.

Sterilize Gadgets

Use alcohol to keep your phones, tablets and sunglasses clean. This helps stop bacteria in its tracks. You should also clean your makeup brushes often and only use makeup sponges one time.

Flush Out the Toxins

Drink lots of water and green tea to help your system eliminate toxins faster.

Avoid Over-Exfoliation

Too much exfoliation can actually cause or worsen breakouts and create redness and swelling. Gently exfoliate but only as much as your dermatologist or esthetician advises.

Clean the Sheets

Always make sure to have a clean pillowcase and sheets. Change the linens once a week at a minimum.

Avoid Heavy Foundation

Heavy foundation can clog pores. Avoid it whenever possible. Opt for tinted moisturizer or lightweight foundation.

Visit this link to discover skincare tips and learn more about Facercise, our famous system facial exercises.

facial exercises
Top 10 Tips for Fighting Wrinkles 1024 702 Facercise

Top 10 Tips for Fighting Wrinkles

facial exercisesAging gracefully doesn’t mean we have to give in to wrinkles—we can fight the signs of aging naturally with simple habits like consistent skin care and daily facial exercises. Many believe the misconception that wrinkles simply come with age. The reality is, most fine lines and wrinkles are due to photodamage and exposure to free radicals. If you follow the tips below, you’ll keep your skin looking smooth and beautiful for decades to come.

1. Minimize Sun Exposure

Exposure to the sun’s dangerous UV rays leads to the breakdown of collagen, the protein responsible for skin’s elasticity and firmness. Avoiding the sun as much as possible. Protect your skin by wearing sunblock with a high SPF every single day, hats and sun protective clothing.

2. Cleanse Properly

Wash your face once or twice a day, based on your skin type. Ask your dermatologist or esthetician what they recommend. Don’t ever skip this step! Washing properly sloughs away the dead skin cells that clog pores and dull skin.

3. Avoid Smoking

Smoking is the fastest way to thin your skin, break down collagen and cause wrinkles. Avoid it at all costs.

4. Exfoliate Regularly

Exfoliating sheds dead skin cells, refines texture and allows skin to reflect light. This helps reduce the appearance of wrinkles and promotes healthier skin.

5. Wear Sunglasses

Wear sunglasses with polarized lens to protect the delicate skin around your eyes.

6. Avoid Squinting

Prevent Crow’s feet, the 11s and under-eye bags by avoiding squinting. Wear sunglasses, readers and hats to put a stop to any form of this wrinkle-inducing behavior.

7. Use Retinol

One of the best ways to exfoliate the skin and boost collagen production is regular use of a retinol product. Our Retinol Skin Conditioner is a best seller because its formula is gentle, yet yields marked results.

8. Do Facial Exercises Daily

A regular Facercise practice boosts circulation so that the skin cells receive the oxygen. Facial exercises also stimulate collagen and elastin production to promote firmer skin and soften the appearance of fine lines and wrinkles.

9. Sleep on Your Back

When you sleep on your side or stomach, this smashes your skin into your pillow. The skin creases, and over time, develops permanent wrinkles. Sleep on your back and elevate your head to protect your skin overnight.

10. Eat to Prevent Wrinkles

A diet rich in antioxidants and healthy fats boosts collagen, reduces inflammation and fights free radical damage. Choose lots of colorful produce like citrus, berries, tomatoes, squash, sweet potatoes and dark leafy greens like spinach, broccoli, kale and Brussels sprouts. Some excellent sources of healthy fats include avocados, salmon, tuna, mackerel, walnuts, Brazil nuts, almonds and extra virgin olive oil.

Visit this link for more information about Facercise, the premier system of facial exercises.

5 Habits to Turn Back the Clock 276 183 Facercise

5 Habits to Turn Back the Clock

facial exercisesResearch shows that making small, incremental changes like wearing sunscreen and doing facial exercises is the best way to transform your lifestyle and achieve your goals. If anti-aging is a priority, read on for inspirational changes you can make that will takes years off your looks when practiced consistently. Start with one a week and by the end of the first month, you’ll be on your way to a beautiful transformation.

1. Drink Green Tea Every Day

Studies show that the antioxidants in green tea help combat free radical damage, while its thermogenic properties promotes fat oxidation and revs your metabolism.

2. Dry Brush

Boost circulation and make your skin glow by dry brushing every day before you hop into the shower. Try one of my amazing Sisal Louffas from Germany—they’re long lasting and super effective. Start at the tops of your feet and work your way up your entire body, using long, upward strokes in the direction of your heart. It’s the perfect complement to our incredible No Lipo Lipo technique—in fact, there’s a demo on the DVD that shows the proper dry brushing technique as well.

3. Wear Sunscreen Every Day

Make it a point to wear sunscreen every single day, rain or shine. You’ll reduce your risk of skin cancer and help prevent hyperpigmentation and wrinkles. Wear it on your face, neck, decolletage, hands and any other part of your body that is regularly exposed.

4. Do Facial Exercises Daily

Do our antiaging facial exercises twice a day for best results. On the Ultimate Facercise DVD, there is an 8-minute Superset that will save you valuable time.

5. Get Moving

Whether you opt for serious strength-training and cardio workouts, yoga and Pilates classes, or walks around your neighborhood, physical activity is instrumental in anti-aging and overall health. You’ll rev your metabolism, increase your calorie burn and boost heart health. If time is an issue, try some of these workout hacks to maximize even the smallest gaps in your schedule.

Click this link to learn more about our best-selling system of anti-aging facial exercises.

facial exercises
7 Anti-Inflammatory Foods 500 333 Facercise

7 Anti-Inflammatory Foods

facial exercisesThe buzz these days is all about an anti-inflammatory diet—and for good reason. Following an anti-inflammatory diet is an excellent way to improve your overall health and combat the signs of aging. Many doctors tout this type of diet because it can reduce blood triglycerides, decrease the risk of high blood pressure and prevent cardiovascular disease. Anti-inflammatory diets have been shown to improve physical recovery time and reduce the risk of many chronic illnesses and diseases. Eating anti-inflammatory foods is also an excellent complement to a good skincare program and regimen of anti-aging facial exercises.

While there are many different anti-inflammatory diets to choose from, there are several types of food that can be found in most. Most doctors recommend avoiding processed foods and those high in refined sugars and simple carbs. Read on for a few foods that will help you fight inflammation in your body.

1. Water

Proper hydration definitely helps your body fight off inflammation and flush out the toxins. If you get bored simply drinking water, switch it up with lemon water, honey water and green tea to up your antioxidant ante.

2. Leafy Greens

Dark leafy greens such as spinach, broccoli, collard greens and kale contains high levels of dietary fiber and a rich content of vitamins and minerals that fight inflammation, such as iron, calcium and an array of phytochemicals.

3. Fatty Fish

Oily fish that are high in omega-43 fatty acids are a great choice for your health, skin and waistline. Try to eat several servings of salmon, mackerel, tuna or sardines each week.

4. Nuts

Loaded with fiber, vitamin e and some healthy fat, nuts are a great way to satiate your diet and reduce inflammation. Almonds, Brazil nuts, cashews and walnuts are all great choices.

5. Whole Grains

Swap out white bread, pasta and rice for whole-grains that are fiber-rich. They will fill you up without spiking your blood sugar levels like “white” breads and other products.

6. Peppers

Bell peppers are the perfects example of colorful veggies that increase your antioxidant consumption and reduce inflammation.

7. Berries

Berries are loaded with vitamin C and antioxidants that can significantly decrease inflammation. The darker the berry, the higher the antioxidant content, but all are good choices.

Visit this link to learn more about our anti-aging skin care programs and regimen of facial exercises.

facial exercises
5 Ways to Reduce Dark Circles 500 333 Facercise

5 Ways to Reduce Dark Circles

reduce dark circles with facial exerciseOne of the most annoying signs of aging are those dark circles under the eyes that never seem to go away. The skin under our eyes is extremely thin and delicate, which is why we need to give that area a little extra care. Here are five tips for reducing the appearance of dark circles (hint: one of them is a facial exercise) and preventing them from getting worse in the future.

1. Sleep on Your Back

One of the best things you can do to prevent puffiness and dark circles is to sleep on your back. When you sleep on your side or your stomach, fluid tends to collect under your eyes. Sleeping on your back will also help prevent wrinkles on your face, neck and décolletage.

2. Do the Eye Opener Facial Exercise

One of our favorite facial exercises is the Eye Opener. This Facercise boosts circulation in the area to help address puffiness and dark circles. Do your entire Facercise set twice daily for best results.

3. Eat and Drink Right

Reduce the salt in your diet as much as possible, as it causes water retention in the worst places. Excessive sodium intake also hinders circulation, which makes the blood vessels underneath the skin appear darker. Drink lots of plain, cucumber or lemon water. Avoid drinking too much alcohol and eat plenty of antioxidant-rich produce to help combat unsightly dark circles.

4. Quit Bad Habits

Don’t smoke, rub your eyes and try to avoid crying. If you have hay fever or allergies, get medication to treat these conditions.

5. Use Natural Remedies

Make sure this vulnerable area is properly hydrated with moisturizer and then enhance these efforts with natural solutions. Go old school and place cucumber slices or steeped, cooled down tea bags under your eyes for 10 minutes while you relax. Another great trick is to put spoons in the refrigerator for one hour and then hold them gently over the area until the spoons are warm.

Learn more about the benefits of facial exercise.

Dance Fitness
Dancing Keeps You Young 500 333 Facercise

Dancing Keeps You Young

Dance FitnessMany studies show that physical activity, specifically dancing, offers a wealth of anti-aging benefits for the body and mind. Just like facial exercise firms your skin and improves the appearance of your face and neck, dance has a profound effect on your entire body.

Dance offers multiple cognitive and physical health benefits, as well as social perks that promote overall well-being. Multiple studies show that older individuals who exercise regularly, especially by dancing, can reverse the signs of aging on the brain.

A 2017 German study published in Frontiers in Human Neuroscience studied participants with an average age of 68 who engaged in dance socially or did interval training. The results showed that both groups experienced growth in the size of their hippocampus, the part of the brain responsible for memory, learning and equilibrium. However, only those who chose dance as their workout experienced improvements in their gait and balance as well.

Balance becomes increasingly important as we age, especially since falls are the leading cause of injury and death among the elderly. Dancing promotes increased flexibility, stability and balance, all of which help reduce risk of injury. It also improves strength, muscle function and cardiovascular health, which decreases risk of heart disease.

Dancing may also reverse the signs of aging in the brain. An older study published in the New England Journal of Medicine found social dancing to be the only physical activity associated with reduced dementia risk. Unlike many other cardio activities based on repetitive activities, dance demands more sustained mental effort and coordination. Participants also stimulate memory by learning new steps and routines.

In general, physical exercise helps us look and feel younger. It improves overall health and boosts collagen production, which promotes firmer, more elastic skin. The additional benefits that dance yields makes it the ideal choice for fighting the signs of aging.

Learn more about the benefits of facial exercise.