• October 1, 2020

How to Wash Your Face Properly

facial exercises

How to Wash Your Face Properly

How to Wash Your Face Properly 500 281 Facercise

facial exercisesWashing your face is easy, right? While most people think you can rinse with some cleanser and be good to go, that’s not the case. The way you wash your face is almost as important as doing facial exercises regularly, especially if you want to fight the signs of aging. If you wash your face incorrectly, you can exacerbate blemishes and make wrinkles and fine lines more apparent.

Your skin care protocol should definitely begin with washing your face. Here are a few tips for washing your face properly.

Use Care

Facial skin is extremely delicate, so never scrub or tug on it. The dermis’ outer layer is composed of dead skin cells that are connected by fatty compounds called lipids. Lipids help your skin maintain hydration, so it’s essential to avoid damaging them. On the flip side, you don’t want dead skills to aggregate or you’ll have a dull complexion.

Remove Makeup

Start by removing your makeup with a mild wipe or remover. Use very gentle strokes when you remove your eye makeup. Never tug on this area! The skin around your eyes is probably the thinnest and most delicate on your entire body.

Apply Cleanser

Once you’ve removed your makeup, it’s time to apply a gentle cleaner appropriate for your skin type. Use lukewarm water since hot water can strip the skin of its oils and damage lipids. Wet your skin and use circular, upward motions to wash your face. Upward movements are key since they defy gravity; when you use downward motions, it pulls the skin down which contributes to sagging. Wash for a minimum of 30 seconds—make it feel like a luxurious massage if you can.

Pat Dry

Do not rub your skin to dry it! Instead, pat it dry with a soft towel. Now you’re ready for the next step of your skin care regimen.

Visit this link to discover more anti-aging techniques and learn how to do facial exercises.