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6 Weapons for Cellulite Reduction 561 394 Facercise

6 Weapons for Cellulite Reduction

cellulite reductionLet’s face it—we all dread the “cottage cheese” appearance that cellulite causes on our legs, bum, stomach and arms. It’s one of the most difficult things to get rid of—people across the globe spend millions each year on topical agents and risky surgical procedures that promise cellulite reduction.

The good news is, there are some easy ways to reduce the appearance of this unsightly condition. If you want to feel more confident in swimsuits, shorts and sleeveless tops, try the methods below for safe yet effective results.

1. Flush, Flush, Flush

Proper hydration will flush out the toxins that lodge inside the fat layers underneath the skin, forming those bumpy lumps that appear as cellulite. Drinking water also plumps the skin, which can smooth out the appearance of those lumps.

2. Avoid the Whites

A healthy diet can prevent the formation of more cellulite and help diminish its appearance significantly. This means eating lots of lean protein and fiber-rich foods, while avoiding those with too much refined sugars and sodium. Overall, try to avoid as many processed foods as possible and steer clear of those with more than 200 mg of sodium per serving.

3. Dry Brushing

We always push our dry brushing technique, but for good reason—it stimulates the lymphatic system, which helps flush the toxins out of our body. It also boost circulation, which delivers oxygen to the cells and can help banish ugly cellulite before it forms.

4. Retinol Cream

Applying a topical formula such as my best-selling Retinol Conditioning Cream helps to smooth out the skin and make lumps less visible.

5. No Lipo Lipo

There is no better cure for cellulite than No Lipo Lipo treatments. If you can’t get to our spa, then get the No Lipo Lipo DVD and do this revolutionary treatment in the comfort of your own home.

6. Supplements

Kelp has been shown to burn body fat and therefore decrease the appearance of cellulite. Gotu Kola Extract is a caffeine-free supplement that thickens skin and improves elasticity. Try both for best results.

Click here for more information and to see results from No Lipo Lipo, our game-changing cellulite reduction technique.

facial exercises
How to Fight Sun Spots 500 333 Facercise

How to Fight Sun Spots

facial exercisesIt’s the time of year when sun spots make their unwanted appearance. These unsightly discolorations are a form of hyperpigmentation caused by exposure to the sun’s dangerous ultraviolet (UV) rays. Sun spots show up on our most exposed areas, such as the face, neck, décolleté, arms, hands and legs. Unfortunately, they can’t be prevented with facial exercises or expensive moisturizers. Even if you wear sunscreen daily and reapply it often, they can still appear.

Once sun spots form, they can be difficult to get rid of. Follow these steps to help prevent these babies from showing up on your skin.

1. Avoid Sun Exposure

The best way to prevent sun spots is to avoid the sun altogether. If that’s not possible, stay indoors during between 10 am and 4 pm, when UV rays are at their peak strength.

2. Wear UV Protection

Protect your skin by wearing sunscreen with SPF 30 every single day, rain or shine. Our Protective Sunblock SPF 30 is an excellent, lightweight choice that melts into your skin. Re-apply every few hours, especially if you’re outside. Apply it to your face, neck, décolleté, hands and anywhere else that you don’t want sun spots. If you plan to be outside for a while, wear sunglasses, a wide-brimmed hat and clothing made with built-in SPF protection.

3. Eat Antioxidant-Rich Foods

Foods that contain antioxidants including lycopene and beta-carotene help protect against sun damage. Both of these nutrients act as an internal sunscreen, fighting damage from within. Colorful fruits and green leafy vegetables are good sources of these beneficial antioxidants.

4. Use Vitamin C

Vitamin C has antioxidant properties that have been shown to protect against UV damage and may even repair discolored skin cells. Eat lots of citrus and apply a topical product, like our Vitamin C Complex Serum.

5. Exfoliate Regularly

Exfoliating removes dead, pigmented cells and helps the living cells underneath them rise to the surface. Use a gentle product and consult with a dermatologist or esthetician to determine how many times a week is necessary. An excellent way to promote exfoliation and cell turnover is to use a retinol product like our Retinol Skin Conditioner regularly. It helps resolve sun spots while imparting a dewy, youthful glow.

Visit this link for information on treating sun spots and hyperpigmentation.

collagen boosting exercises
6 Wrinkle Prevention Tips 1024 683 Facercise

6 Wrinkle Prevention Tips

collagen boosting exercisesThere are so many gimmicks in the marketplace that claim to reverse and prevent wrinkles—it’s easy to get caught up and want to try every new thing. Yet if you really want to make a difference, you need to make anti-aging a part of your lifestyle. When you incorporate habits like Facercise collagen boosting exercises, an antioxidant-rich diet and sleeping in a beneficial position, you’ll see a marked difference in a short amount of time. With a little bit of strategy and commitment, you can truly reverse the signs of aging and rock a healthy, youthful glow all year long.

1. Protect Your Skin From the Sun

One of the best anti-aging practices is to avoid the sun altogether. Its powerful ultraviolet (UV) UV rays cause damage in the forms of fine lines, wrinkles, hyperpigmentation and skin cancer. UV rays also cause collagen breakdown, which leads to skin’s loss of firmness and elasticity. Apply SPF protection every single day and wear hats and sun-protective clothing whenever possible to avoid unsightly sun damage.

2. Facial Exercises

One of the best tried-and-tested methods for younger looking skin is daily facial exercises. They boost circulation, stimulate collagen production, improve skin tone and smooth fine lines and wrinkles. Facial exercises offer natural looking results that dermal fillers simply cannot compete with.

3. Sleep on Your Back

The best sleeping position for anti-aging is on your back. When you sleep on your stomach or your side, you smash your skin into the pillow and cause creases. Eventually, these creases become wrinkles. Sleeping on your back also prevents wrinkling on your décolletage.

4. Exfoliate Regularly

Regular exfoliation removes the dead skin cells that clog pores and draw attention to wrinkles and hyperpigmentation. Exfoliation imparts a smoother texture and brightens skin.

5. Eat an Antioxidant-Rich Diet

Consume a diet with lots of fruits, veggies and lean protein such as fatty fish like salmon for its vitamin D and omega-3 fatty acid content. Vitamin C is a powerful anti-aging tool, so consume lots of citrus and vegetables and take an Ester-C supplement if necessary.

6. Use Collagen-Boosting Products

Use products with ingredients that boost collagen, such as retinoids, vitamin C and glycolic acid like my best-selling  Vitamin C Complex Serum. It’s an excellent complement to Facercise collagen boosting exercises.


body sculpting
6 Ways to Reduce Cellulite 500 333 Facercise

6 Ways to Reduce Cellulite

Cellulite is a stubborn condition that both men and women suffer from—and one that is difficult to improve. It gives the appearance of dimpled skin everywhere from the legs and glutes to the arms and stomach. Many seek surgical treatments out of desperation to try and remove cellulite, but the results are unpredictable and often mediocre. The good news is, you can use a non-surgical body sculpting technique like the ones below to safely and effectively reduce the appearance of cellulite.

1. Flush Away the Toxins

It’s essential to drink lots of water to flush the toxins from your body that dwell under the skin’s fat layers and make skin appear bumpy. Proper hydration also plumps up the cells to make skin look smoother. For maximum benefits, squeeze lemon into your water and add green tea to your hydration plan.

2. Dry Brush

Dry brushing is an excellent technique for detoxifying skin. It stimulates circulation and breaks down fatty connective tissue to help skin glow and appear smoother. Regular dry brushing also helps prevent the formation of cellulite.

3. Apply Retinol

Retinol helps smooth dimpled areas and boosts collagen production. Apply a gentle topical retinoid like our Retinol Skin Conditioner nightly to diminish the appearance of cellulite.

4. Avoid Refined Carbs & Sugars

Refined carbs and sugars cause inflammation that makes fat cells grow and retain fluid. These fluids accumulate, slow down circulation and breakdown collagen and elastin, the proteins responsible for skin’s firmness and elasticity.

5. No Lipo Lipo

One of the best ways to eliminate unsightly cellulite is with No Lipo Lipo, a powerful, non-invasive body sculpting technique. It tones, firms and helps break down fatty tissue. Best of all, it can be performed in the comfort of your own home—you can now stream the No Lipo Lipo DVD on Amazon!

6. Infrared Saunas

Sweating in an infrared sauna detoxes pores and boosts circulation to facilitate delivery of oxygen to skin cells. This stimulates collagen production and improves skin tone and elasticity, which reduces the appearance of cellulite.

anti-aging facial exercises
5 Ways to Look Younger Without Surgery 500 333 Facercise

5 Ways to Look Younger Without Surgery

anti-aging facial exercisesFrom anti-aging facial exercises and wearing sunscreen to diet and exercise, there are many ways to look younger without going under the knife. Looking youthful and fabulous is a result of how well you take care of yourself. Follow a few of my tips below and you’ll look and feel more vibrant and beautiful every day without resorting to plastic surgery.

1. Do Facial Exercises Daily

One of the quickest ways to look younger without cosmetic procedures is to do your facial exercises daily. I recommend my clients do Facercise twice a day for best results. Our anti-aging facial exercises reduce the appearance of fine lines and wrinkles, tone, lift and boost circulation to give you a healthy glow. If time is an issue, there is an eight-minute superset in our Ultimate Facercise program that gets you finished faster.

2. Smile

As we age, the corners of our mouth turn down, making us look grumpy. You can combat this by doing Facercise, but also by smiling regularly. It lifts your skin, freshens up your face and helps reprogram the corners of your mouth. Plus, it makes you appear friendlier and more approachable. Smile at work, whenever you go out and even when you answer the phone—you’ll sound happier to the person on the other end.

3. Use a Retinol Product

Next to sunscreen, retinol may be the most important product in your skin care regimen. It acts as an antioxidant, wielding its power against free radicals and repairing UV damage. Retinol quickly exfoliates dead skin cells, speeds cell turnover to even out skin tone, promotes collagen production, reduces the appearance of wrinkles and unclogs pores. Try my Retinol Skin Conditioner, which is gentle but extremely effective.

4. Adopt a Straight Posture

When you stand up straight, you look and feel younger and more confident. If you’re having issues with your posture, do Pilates or see a physical therapist to correct your issues. A healthy spine can improve the quality of your life tenfold.

5. Whiten Your Teeth

One of the most common telltale signs of aging is stained or yellowing teeth. With so many options at your fingertips, this should never be an issue. You can get your teeth professionally whitened, do it yourself at home and use whitening toothpaste and mouthwash on a daily basis.

Click here to learn more about our system of anti-aging facial exercises.

facial exercises
5 Tips for Using Retinol 500 333 Facercise

5 Tips for Using Retinol

facial exercisesWinter is the perfect time of year to add retinol to your beauty routine. Retinol is a vitamin A-derivative with powerful anti-aging effects that can dramatically change the appearance and texture of your skin. Regular use results in a reduction in the appearance of fine lines and wrinkles, large pores, acne scars, hyperpigmentation and “sun spots.”

Our Retinol Skin Conditioner is one of our best-sellers! While our products are mild, some retinols can cause dryness and irritation. Read on to learn five tips for using retinol effectively without any of these issues.

1. Start With a Gentle Product

It’s important to slowly introduce retinol to your regimen. Avoid starting with a prescription retinoid, as these can be too harsh on skin. Using a non-prescription retinol like Retinol Skin Conditioner is the safest, most gentle way to achieve results without irritation.

2. Go Slow

When you add retinol to your skin care program, don’t use it every night from the get-go. Retinol is a biologically active ingredient that needs a slow introduction. Start by using it every other night during the first week. On the second week, use it two nights in a row and take the third night off. Repeat. If your skin is extra sensitive, you may want to start off using it twice a week and then stepping up to every other night the following week. Follow either of these programs for the first three to four weeks and then you can add retinol in to your routine five to seven nights per week, depending on how your skin reacts to it. If you do experience any irritation or redness, cut back.

3. Apply to Dry Skin

For best results, wait 20 to 30 minutes after washing your face before applying a retinol product.

4. Wear Sunscreen Daily

Retinols make your skin more photosensitive, so be sure to apply sunscreen every single day. Sunlight can also render them ineffective, so if you don’t protect your skin from the sun, you’ll waste all that good product!

5. Moisturize Wisely

Many people apply moisturizer on top of their retinol. If you plan to do this, make sure the retinol absorbs a minimum of 20 minutes. If you apply moisturizer immediately, it will dilute the retinol and reduce its effectiveness.

Visit this link to purchase Retinol Skin Conditioner and learn more about our revolutionary facial exercises.

sun spots
5 Ways to Treat Age Spots 500 308 Facercise

5 Ways to Treat Age Spots

sun spotsMany of us suffer from what are called “age spots” and hyperpigmentation. This unsightly discoloration is caused by the sun’s powerful UV rays and other environmental stressors or can simply be a side effect of aging. Whatever the cause, the result can do a number on our confidence. The good news is, you can fade them and sometimes even eliminate them altogether.

While procedures like chemical peels and laser therapy can help, they can be costly, require downtime and cause side effects. Just like facial exercises provide a natural, non-surgical way to combat other signs of aging, there are non-invasive methods for diminishing age spots. Read on to discover our favorite techniques.

Lightening Creams and Lotions

Many products lighten and fade age spots over time. Apply one religiously and you will most likely see results. Our Brightening Cream is a customer favorite because it noticeably lightens and brightens the skin yet is extremely gentle. Many who try more aggressive products containing hydroquinone suffer severe irritation and experience a worsening of the condition.

Vitamin C

When vitamin C is consumed internally and applied externally, it yields significant lightening results. It’s a potent antioxidant that reduces the number of sun damaged cells and can even reverse age-related damage. Our Vitamin C Complex Serum repairs UV damage while brightening the skin and imparting a youthful glow. Apply it all over the face, neck, décolletage, hands and wherever else you want to fade discoloration. Take an Ester-C supplement every day to boost the brightening process.

Retinol Skin Conditioner

Our Retinol Skin Conditioner is another powerful tool for combating age spots and hyperpigmentation. It gently exfoliates the skin, removing discolored cells that form sun spots while fighting free radical damage. It also promotes collagen and elastin production, which helps maintain skin’s elasticity and firmness.

Keep Cool

Whenever you’re overheated, melanin activity is stimulated, which leads to the formulation of spots. If you feel hot after exercising or spending time outdoors, immediately apply a cool cloth or ice pack to bring down your skin temperature.

Eat Right

Consume foods rich in vitamin C and antioxidants such as beta-carotene and lycopene. These help the skin fight sun damage from the inside out and reduce inflammation. Eat lots of colorful produce such as tomatoes, carrots, sweet potatoes, squash, watermelon, grapefruit and green leafy veggies such as kale, spinach and broccoli.

If you ever have a spot that changes in size or color, bleeds, itches or turns red, see a board-certified dermatologist for a skin exam. Some forms of skin cancer, including melanoma, are often mistaken for age spots.

Keep in mind—prevention is key! Click here to learn ways to prevent age spots from occurring.

facial exercises
Over 40? Here’s What Dermatologists Recommend For Younger Looking Skin 1024 773 Facercise

Over 40? Here’s What Dermatologists Recommend For Younger Looking Skin

facial exercisesOnce we hit a certain age, there are some staple products to use and regimens to follow to maintain a beautiful appearance. Below is a list that some of the top dermatologists in the world recommend starting at age 40. We say it’s never too early to start fighting the signs of aging, so start them now, whatever your age!

Always Wear Sunscreen

Most dermatologists claim that if they were stuck on a desert island and could only have one product, it would be sunscreen! Since sun damage is the culprit behind everything from hyperpigmentation and melasma to wrinkles and freckles, sunscreen is essential, rain or shine. Apply one with an SPF of 30 or more, like our Protective Sunblock, and re-apply throughout the day.

Treat Your Neck and Decollete

One of the most neglected areas for women of all ages is the neck and decollete. This region can be a dead giveaway for lack of care. Give these areas the same attention you give your face, including moisturizer and sunscreen.

Incorporate Antioxidants

Dermatologists claim that antioxidants are a must-have once you hit 40. Incorporate them into your diet and product regimen to enjoy their wide-ranging benefits. The antioxidants found in both food and certain products help combat free radical damage, promote collagen production and reduce the signs of photoaging.

Use Retinol

Research shows that products that contain retinoids, like our Retinol Skin Conditioner, provide next level exfoliation while restoring volume and elasticity.

Exercise Both Face and Body

Exercise has been proven to slow down the signs of aging and boost overall health. It improves circulation, prompting delivery of oxygen-rich blood to skin cells. Exercise also releases endorphins, which promotes a better mood and reduces stress.


Just like exercises boosts circulation, so does Facercise. Daily facial exercises boost collagen to maintain elasticity, stimulate the lymphatic system, define facial contours and boost cellular regeneration.

Click here to learn more about the benefits of facial exercises.

5 Ways to Prevent Age Spots & Hyperpigmentation 400 320 Facercise

5 Ways to Prevent Age Spots & Hyperpigmentation

hyperpigmentationAge spots and hyperpigmentation can be hard to get rid of. These dark splotches appear in the most obvious places—our face, neck, hands, you name it! They’re a major sign of aging and sun damage and can grow worse with continued exposure to the sun and other elements. While treatments do exist to remove them, prevention is a much better route.

Here are five ways to prevent age spots and hyperpigmentation.

1. Avoid the Sun

One of the most obvious ways to prevent sun damage and discoloration is to stay out of the sun. Its powerful UV rays are at their most dangerous between 10 am and 4 pm, so make sure to avoid exposure during those hours. If you do head outdoors, wear a hat, sunglasses, long pants and sleeves with built-in SPF protection.

2. UV Protection

Wear sunscreen with SPF 30 or greater every single day, rain or shine. Use it on your face, hands and entire body. Apply it 20 minutes before you head outside so that your skin has time to absorb it. If you do plan to spend time outdoors, re-apply every hour or so. Our Protective Sunblock SPF 30 provides effective protection that melts into the skin.

3. Eat an Antioxidant-Rich Diet

Antioxidants help protect against damage from the sun and free radicals. Foods that contain lycopene and beta-carotene specifically act as an internal sunscreen, fighting damage from within. Excellent antioxidant sources include fresh, colorful fruits and green leafy vegetables.

4. Protect with Vitamin C

Research shows that vitamin C protects against sun damage and can even repair discoloration. Eat foods loaded with it and apply a topical product, such as my High Density C Serum.

5. Exfoliate Regularly

Exfoliating helps break apart pigmented cells so that they don’t grow darker. Use a gentle product and consult with a dermatologist or esthetician to determine how many times a week is necessary. Regular use of a retinol product like my Retinol Skin Conditioner is an excellent way to keep skin exfoliated and promote cell turnover.

Visit this link for information on treating age spots and hyperpigmentation.