• May 11, 2018

5 Ways to Prevent Age Spots & Hyperpigmentation


5 Ways to Prevent Age Spots & Hyperpigmentation

5 Ways to Prevent Age Spots & Hyperpigmentation 400 320 Facercise

hyperpigmentationAge spots and hyperpigmentation can be hard to get rid of. These dark splotches appear in the most obvious places—our face, neck, hands, you name it! They’re a major sign of aging and sun damage and can grow worse with continued exposure to the sun and other elements. While treatments do exist to remove them, prevention is a much better route.

Here are five ways to prevent age spots and hyperpigmentation.

1. Avoid the Sun

One of the most obvious ways to prevent sun damage and discoloration is to stay out of the sun. Its powerful UV rays are at their most dangerous between 10 am and 4 pm, so make sure to avoid exposure during those hours. If you do head outdoors, wear a hat, sunglasses, long pants and sleeves with built-in SPF protection.

2. UV Protection

Wear sunscreen with SPF 30 or greater every single day, rain or shine. Use it on your face, hands and entire body. Apply it 20 minutes before you head outside so that your skin has time to absorb it. If you do plan to spend time outdoors, re-apply every hour or so. Our Protective Sunblock SPF 30 provides effective protection that melts into the skin.

3. Eat an Antioxidant-Rich Diet

Antioxidants help protect against damage from the sun and free radicals. Foods that contain lycopene and beta-carotene specifically act as an internal sunscreen, fighting damage from within. Excellent antioxidant sources include fresh, colorful fruits and green leafy vegetables.

4. Protect with Vitamin C

Research shows that vitamin C protects against sun damage and can even repair discoloration. Eat foods loaded with it and apply a topical product, such as my High Density C Serum.

5. Exfoliate Regularly

Exfoliating helps break apart pigmented cells so that they don’t grow darker. Use a gentle product and consult with a dermatologist or esthetician to determine how many times a week is necessary. Regular use of a retinol product like my Retinol Skin Conditioner is an excellent way to keep skin exfoliated and promote cell turnover.

Visit this link for information on treating age spots and hyperpigmentation.