• March 21, 2024

How to Combat the 5 Types of Wrinkles

facial exercises

How to Combat the 5 Types of Wrinkles

How to Combat the 5 Types of Wrinkles 500 281 Facercise

facial exercises

Did you know that there are five different types of wrinkles? It’s true—and since not all wrinkles are the same, neither is their treatment. Just like these signs of aging are caused by multiple sources, they require different techniques for minimizing their appearance.

Read on to learn how to tackle the five different types of wrinkles.

1. Dynamic Expression Wrinkles

These babies are causes by repetitive expressions, such as smiling, frowning and laughing, which is why they’re often called “laugh lines.” They typically start out as fine lines that disappear when you stop making the expression, but over time, grow more deeply etched and become permanent. To combat: Don’t make the leap into Botox territory to make these go away. Instead, do facial exercises twice a day. In just two weeks, you’ll start to see smoother skin. Avoid overexposure to the sun and smoking—both these habits expedite the transformation from dynamic to static wrinkles.

2. Atrophic Creases

These deep parallel lines appear on the forehead and between the brows when furrowed, also known as the “Elevens.” They become more apparent with age since the collagen and elastin in our skin diminishes over time. They also worsen with fat loss, dehydrated skin and photodamage. To combat: Atrophic wrinkles can definitely be improved with a consistent Facercise practice. Limit sun exposure, wear sunscreen daily and reduce stress with healthy habits like meditation or breathwork.

3. Compression Wrinkles

Deep lines form on the face, neck and décolletage as a result of sleeping on your stomach or side. Your face and body squishes against the mattress or pillow and puts pressure on the skin. At first, compression wrinkles go away soon after you wake up. Over time, they stop disappearing and stay for the long haul. To combat: Sleep on your back. Use silk pillowcases or even a special pillow that alleviates pressure on the skin. Do facial exercises to counteract that compression!

4. Elastic Wrinkles

These tiny wrinkles on the upper lips, cheek and neck are a direct result of too much sun exposure, free radical damage and other factors that cause oxidative stress. To combat: Avoid sun exposure and wear sunscreen every day, rain or shine. Facial exercises are an excellent remedy as they boost circulation, which helps promote collagen production. Eat an antioxidant-rich diet to help combat the free radical scavengers that deplete collagen and elastin supplies.

5. Gravitation Folds

These folds are a combination of saggy skin and wrinkles that can significantly age our appearance. They are caused by the breakdown of collagen and elastin from aging and UV damage. To combat: Use a retinol product to boost collagen and exfoliate dead skin cells. Facercise consistently and eat an antioxidant-rich diet. Radio-frequency and ultrasound treatments can also help tighten and firm the skin.

Facial exercises can help you fight all five types of wrinkles! Start now, and in two weeks, you will start to look and feel better.