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How to Drink More Water

facial exercisesAre you drinking enough water? If not, you run the risk of dehydration, which takes a toll on your body and your skin. When we don’t drink enough water, our organs suffer and can shut down. Since your skin is the largest organ in your body, just imagine the damage it incurs when it’s dehydrated. It becomes weaker, more sensitive and less effective as a protective barrier. Dehydration derails results from your facial exercises too—it causes skin irritation, redness, flakiness, cracking and premature aging. The plumpness, firmness and elasticity of skin diminishes and its texture becomes rough. Not a good look!

Dehydrated skin occurs when skin is composed of less than 10 percent or water. This makes drinking six to eight glasses of water per day especially vital during hot summer months. Drinking water can seem like a chore sometimes, so here are some tips to help make sure you hydrate adequately.

Wake Up & Hydrate

Make it a habit to drink a glass of water as soon as you wake up. Do this before having coffee, juice or anything else.

Carry a Water bottle

Have a water bottle with you at all times so you can sip on the go. Opt for one with measurements so you can keep track of your daily intake.

Spike Your Water

If water is too boring for you, add some flavor by steeping or infusing fresh fruit or veggies. Lemon water is an excellent choice because promotes healthy digestion, combats bloating and boosts detoxification. You can also add some excitement with berries, grapefruit, cucumber slices or mint. Take it to another level by doing combinations like watermelon-mint, cucumber-basil or strawberry-kiwi.


Invest in an infusion bottle so you can take your flavored water on the go.

Make it Like Clockwork

Set your alarm to remind you to drink water several times throughout the day.

Make it a Ritual

Set aside a time each day for enjoying a glass of lemon or fruit-infused water. Enjoy it with an afternoon snack and make it like a healthy happy hour break.

Follow our anti-aging tips and techniques like Facercise, our proprietary system of facial exercises to look younger and more beautiful!