Hello Carole, It is been a while since I have written but I wanted to update you on my progress with No Lipo Lipo. Since starting the program in early September, I have lost 6 pounds, and a total of 2 inches from my waist, 3 from my thighs, an 1 ¼ inch from my calves, and 1 inch from my ankles of all places! I accomplished this by following your no carbs after 5 pm recommendation and dry brushed in the morning before work and did the massage in the evening. I honestly could not be happier with my results! My husband is thrilled too and surprised me with a cruise to the islands in February to celebrate our 15th anniversary. Thanks to you I now feel confident enough to wear my bathing suit in public! Thanks again for creating such a wonderful program. Have a blessed holiday season, Jane B.