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5 Ways Smoking Harms Your Looks 500 375 Facercise

5 Ways Smoking Harms Your Looks

facial exercisesWhen you do facial exercises daily and stick to a consistent skin care program, it makes no sense to smoke. Cigarettes contains a bevy of damaging substances that harm your looks and your overall health. Tobacco smoke can lead to both cardiovascular and lung disease, as well as various forms of cancers, including lung, throat, mouth, esophagus, kidney, liver and pancreas.

Smoking cigarettes wreaks serious havoc on your skin. It causes infections and skin disorders, slows down wound healing and causes premature aging. Read on to learn about five ways that smoking harms your appearance.

1. Fine Lines and Wrinkles

Smokers typically get vertical lip lines, called “Smoker’s Lines,” caused by the repetitious movements associated with smoking—but those aren’t the only wrinkles smoking causes. Cigarette smoke constricts the blood vessels, which ultimately reduces the blood supply to the skin cells. This dries out the skin and depletes collagen, which leads to the increased appearance of fine lines, wrinkles and furrows. Cigarettes also reduce levels of vitamin A, which dries the skin out even more.

2. Dull, Grey Skin Tone

Tobacco smoke is loaded with carbon monoxide and nicotine, which hinders oxygen supply to the skin cells and slows circulation. This replaces that youthful glow with a dull, grey skin tone and causes blood vessels in the face to appear more prominent. Smoking also depletes important nutrients such as vitamin C, which helps repair damage and brightens skin.

3. Undereye Bags

Smokers have more difficulty sleeping than non-smokers. Lack of sleep coupled with the oxidative stress tobacco smoke causes leads to puffy eyes and those unsightly bags that are so difficult to get rid of. Many smokers also suffer from baggy eyelids.

4. Stretch Marks and Sagging Skin

Nicotine attacks the skin’s connective tissue, which depletes its strength and elasticity. This causes the skin to sag and leads to the formation of stretch marks.

5. Yellow Teeth

Smokers can say goodbye to dazzling white teeth—nicotine stains them and gives them an ugly yellow color. Smoking also increases the risk of gum disease and oral cancer and can ultimately contribute to permanent tooth loss. In addition to discoloring teeth, smoking can cause the tongue to turn a darker color.

If you’re a smoker, do whatever you can to quit now and do facial exercises to help undo some of the damage. Click here to learn about Facercise, our system of facial exercises that takes 10 years off your looks.

facial exercises
5 Reasons to Quit Smoking 1024 683 Facercise

5 Reasons to Quit Smoking

facial exercisesIt’s always shocking when we find out that one of our clients who does facial exercises religiously is a smoker. There is no better way to expedite the signs of aging than with tobacco smoke. From smoker’s lines around the mouth to a dull complexion, the effects of smoking are severely aging. Read on for motivation to quit this nasty, aging habit.

1. A Dull Complexion

Fresh glowing skin is dependent on the delivery of oxygen-rich blood to its cells. Tobacco smoke is loaded with nicotine and carbon monoxide which slows circulation. This diminishes the supply of oxygen to skin cells and result in a dull, grey tone. Smoking also increases the appearance of blood vessels while depleting important nutrients, like vitamin C, an antioxidant that brightens skin.

2. Under Eye Issues

Research shows that smokers experience diminished sleep quality while tobacco unleashes oxidative stress on the skin. This combination causes dark circles, puffy eyes and unsightly bags.

3. Yellow Teeth

Yellow teeth is a dead giveaway of a smoking habit. Nicotine stains teeth an unsightly yellow or brown, raises the risk of gum disease and can lead to tooth loss.

4. Smoker’s Lines

Smoking’s repetitive movements cause vertical lip lines, aka “Smoker’s Lines,” that are very difficult to get rid of.

5. Deep Wrinkles

Smoking slows circulation and constricts the blood vessels which cuts off skin’s oxygen supply. This dehydrates skin and breaks down collagen, leading to a deepening of fine lines and wrinkles and diminished elasticity.

6. General Havoc

Smoking cigarettes causes infections and skin disorders, slows down wound healing and causes premature aging. Spend the money you use to buy cigarettes to get take better care of your skin.

Quit smoking now! Keep yourself busy by doing Facercise every day instead of reaching for that pack of cigarettes. Click here to learn about our proprietary system of facial exercises that takes 10 years off your looks.