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vitamin C serum
Your Skin on Antioxidants 500 270 Facercise

Your Skin on Antioxidants

vitamin C serumAntioxidants play a critical role in fighting the signs of aging caused by free radical oxidation. Free radicals are formed by damage to the environment from toxins, pollution, tobacco and the sun. These scavengers cause permanent cell deterioration and reduce elasticity, which results in the signs of aging. The dirty work of free radicals show up in the form of fine lines and wrinkles, dullness, undereye circles and sagging skin.

The Power of Antioxidants

Antioxidants are composed of vitamins and minerals. They have the power to neutralize free radicals and help prevent and even reverse some of their damage. Antioxidants that you can consume and use topically also reduce and soothe inflammation. When skin is inflamed, the reparative process is impeded. The result is acne, sun spots, hyperpigmentation and the cellular damage that causes fine lines and wrinkles.

Vitamin C

Many fruits, vegetables and food items are rich in antioxidants and now they’re often infused into skincare products, such as our Vitamin C Complex Serum. They can be water- or lipid-soluble or both. Skincare products containing antioxidants are as essential as sunscreen to your daily regimen. They help form a barrier that protects your skin from damage from the sun’s dangerous UV rays and other environmental pollutants that cause oxidative stress. Products like Vitamin C Complex Serum prevent and even reverse the damage free radicals cause.

Vitamin C is a critical antioxidant because it can actually help prevent sunburn and photo-aging. We tell our clients to layer High Density C Serum under their sunscreen for added protection. An added benefit is that it boosts production of collagen, the protein responsible for skin’s elasticity. Regular use of vitamin C serum can fade dark spots, boost firmness and give skin a rosy glow.

Vitamin A

Vitamin A contains retinoids, which help improve the appearance of acne, wrinkles, brown spots and hyperpigmentation, while stimulating cellular turnover. Products containing vitamin A boost collagen production and slough away dead skin cells that clog pores and cause inflammation. Vitamin A also promotes wound healing and the production of new blood vessels.

Vitamin E

Vitamin E is another excellent antioxidant to incorporate into your skincare regimen. It protects against sun damage, hydrates and soothes dry skin, discourages wrinkles and may help heal wounds and scars. Studies show that when vitamin C and E are used together, they provide even greater protection from UV rays and reduce the formation of sunburn cells.

Our Vitamin C Complex Serum is one of the most effective, antioxidant-rich vitamin C products on the market.

Face exercises
5 Tips for Turning Back the Clock 500 333 Facercise

5 Tips for Turning Back the Clock

Face exercisesThere’s no need to go under the knife to turn back the clock on the signs of aging. Instead of risking unnatural looking results or unhealthy side effects, you can turn back the clock naturally. With a consistent regimen of techniques like exercise, dry brushing and Facercise face exercises, you can look your best and boost your health.

Here are five natural methods for turning back the clock.

1. Work it Out

Exercise is key to looking and feeling your best. Studies show that regular workouts detoxify our bodies by increasing blood circulation and promoting lymphatic drainage. Exercise also moves lymph tissue to increase healing and strengthen the immune system. The result is reduced inflammation and detoxified, healthier skin. Working out also tones and strengthens muscles so they appear firmer and more defined. Try to squeeze in the three pillars of fitness for best results: strength, cardiovascular and flexibility training.

2. Dry Brushing

Dry brushing exfoliates dry, flaky skin and unclogs the pores. Similar to exercise, dry brushing detoxifies by boosting circulation and the lymphatic system, which removes toxins from your body. Dry brushing also stimulates your nervous system and releases endorphins, which can bolster your mood and make you feel energized.

3. Facial Exercises

Facercise boosts circulation in the 57 synergistic muscles of the face and neck to impart a healthy, youthful glow. It strengthens those muscles, while releasing tension that causes future wrinkles. Facial exercises also firm and tighten skin while reducing the appearance of wrinkles.

4. No Lipo Lipo

This amazing body sculpting technique lifts, tones and reduces inches all over the body. It’s completely safe and non-invasive, so there is no down time or risky side effects. No Lipo Lipo benefits are increased when done in conjunction with dry brushing, as shown in the No Lipo Lipo DVD, now streaming on Amazon.

5. Eat an Antioxidant-Rich Diet

Eat a healthy diet packed with antioxidant-rich foods to combat the signs of aging. Antioxidants combat damage caused by free radicals, the sun and other environmental stressors. Look for colorful foods and produce including berries, citrus, apples, beets, red cabbage, nuts, artichokes, dark chocolate and leafy greens like spinach, Swiss chard and kale.

Visit this link to learn more about Facercise and our other anti-aging techniques.

facial exercises
Over 40? Here’s What Dermatologists Recommend For Younger Looking Skin 1024 773 Facercise

Over 40? Here’s What Dermatologists Recommend For Younger Looking Skin

facial exercisesOnce we hit a certain age, there are some staple products to use and regimens to follow to maintain a beautiful appearance. Below is a list that some of the top dermatologists in the world recommend starting at age 40. We say it’s never too early to start fighting the signs of aging, so start them now, whatever your age!

Always Wear Sunscreen

Most dermatologists claim that if they were stuck on a desert island and could only have one product, it would be sunscreen! Since sun damage is the culprit behind everything from hyperpigmentation and melasma to wrinkles and freckles, sunscreen is essential, rain or shine. Apply one with an SPF of 30 or more, like our Protective Sunblock, and re-apply throughout the day.

Treat Your Neck and Decollete

One of the most neglected areas for women of all ages is the neck and decollete. This region can be a dead giveaway for lack of care. Give these areas the same attention you give your face, including moisturizer and sunscreen.

Incorporate Antioxidants

Dermatologists claim that antioxidants are a must-have once you hit 40. Incorporate them into your diet and product regimen to enjoy their wide-ranging benefits. The antioxidants found in both food and certain products help combat free radical damage, promote collagen production and reduce the signs of photoaging.

Use Retinol

Research shows that products that contain retinoids, like our Retinol Skin Conditioner, provide next level exfoliation while restoring volume and elasticity.

Exercise Both Face and Body

Exercise has been proven to slow down the signs of aging and boost overall health. It improves circulation, prompting delivery of oxygen-rich blood to skin cells. Exercise also releases endorphins, which promotes a better mood and reduces stress.


Just like exercises boosts circulation, so does Facercise. Daily facial exercises boost collagen to maintain elasticity, stimulate the lymphatic system, define facial contours and boost cellular regeneration.

Click here to learn more about the benefits of facial exercises.