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4 Skin Care Mistakes to Avoid 500 693 Facercise

4 Skin Care Mistakes to Avoid

facerciseWhile many people spend time and money trying to prevent aging, often times they don’t protect that investment. We regularly hear from clients who do their daily facial exercises, get facials, exercise, eat right and spend hundreds of dollars on skin care products–and then undo all that good work with bad habits.

Below is a list of some of the most common beauty blunders made by men and women across the globe that  result in skin damage and premature aging. Make sure to avoid them all!

1. Smoking

This is one of the biggest blunders made—and its effects are some of the worst. Smoking is extremely toxic and causes premature aging while weakening your skin and body’s ability to heal wounds. It creates those nasty wrinkles around lips, stains teeth, creates bags under the eyes and can lead to thinning hair. Quit smoking right now and you will see a big difference in a matter of weeks!

2. Inadequate Sleep

Sleep deprivation wreaks havoc on your skin—both short-term and long-term. Sleep is when your skin and entire body rejuvenates itself, so when you skip out on your zzz’s, your skin doesn’t have time to repair.

3. Skipping Sunscreen

Research shows that almost 90 percent of wrinkles are caused by UV damage. Skipping sunscreen is obviously not a smart move. Apply it to your face, neck and hands every time you walk out the door and reapply it throughout the day—and wear it all year long.

4. Avoiding Exercise

Working out is essential for both your overall health and the youthful appearance of your skin and body. Exercise stimulates blood flow and circulation, which flushes your skin with oxygen-rich blood and strengthens its ability to repair itself. In addition, you get that healthy, youthful glow that we’re all striving for.

If you Facercise every day and avoid these mistakes, you’ll have great looking skin.

Visit this link to learn more about our incredible system of anti-aging facial exercises.

face exercises
Summer Produce for Glowing Skin 500 333 Facercise

Summer Produce for Glowing Skin

facial exercisesSummer is almost here! That means lots of produce that can improve your skin and complement results from face exercises. Our diets impact our bodies at the cellular level, so when you’re not consuming enough healthy food, it shows on your skin.

Fruits and veggies can protect your skin from sun damage, boost collagen production and give it a healthy glow. If you want to achieve that healthy, youthful glow, plan to eat lots of antioxidant-rich summer produce.


This juicy fruit is approximately 90 percent water, making it intensely hydrating. Watermelon is rich in vitamin C, which boosts collagen production, as well as thiamin and vitamin B6. It also contains one of the highest levels of lycopene than any other food, which helps fight free radical damage.


Fresh strawberries, raspberries, blueberries and raspberries are packed with antioxidants that combat free radical damage and the sun’s dangerous rays. They’re also rich in fiber, which helps fill you up and promotes healthy digestion.


At only 20 calories per eight ounce serving, zucchini is a nutritional powerhouse. This unique veggie has a high water content and is rich in vitamins A and C, as well as manganese, a nutrient essential to producing choline, the amino acid that stimulates collagen production.


This sweet melon is another excellent source of vitamins A and C, as well as E, K and the B vitamins, which help replenish and revitalize skin. It’s also packed with folic acid, which assists with skin cell regeneration.

Citrus Fruit

In general, citrus fruits provide lots of vitamin C as well as other important nutrients and antioxidants, so load up on lemons, limes, grapefruit and oranges.

Eat these antioxidant-rich fruits and veggies and do face exercises daily to keep that youthful glow all summer long.

Click through to learn more about our world-famous system of face exercises.