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5 Anti-Aging Vitamins 500 336 Facercise

5 Anti-Aging Vitamins

facial exercisesAn excellent way to enhance the results of facial exercises is with antioxidants and vitamins. Get them into your diet, your skin care routine and even take supplements if necessary. Many antioxidants and vitamins can help reduce the effects of the sun and free radicals while preventing future damage. Read on to learn about some of these important and beneficial nutrients.

1. Vitamin C

One of the most essential vitamins for skin and overall health is vitamin C. It boosts immunity, stimulates collagen production, protects against sun damage, brightens skin and decreases hyperpigmentation. Citrus fruits and vegetables are rich sources of vitamin C. Some excellent choices include oranges, lemons, limes, pineapples, pears, kiwi, strawberries, bell peppers, guava and broccoli. Aim for at least 100 mg per day.

2. Vitamin E

This popular vitamin is important because it acts as a barrier against dangerous enzymes and free radicals. Together with vitamin C, it can significantly fight damage from dangerous UV rays. Good sources include wheat germ, almonds, cashews, peanuts, avocados and sunflower seeds. Studies show that consumption of 400 mg per day reduces photodamage and the appearance of wrinkles.

3. Beta-Carotene

This is one of the most critical antioxidants for skin health. Beta-carotene converts into vitamin A in our systems, where it plays a major role in cellular repair and growth. It also helps protect the skin from both sun and free radical damage, while imparting a healthy, youthful glow. Some excellent sources include pumpkins, sweet potatoes, yams, winter squash, Swiss chard, carrots, broccoli, spinach, kale, tomatoes and cantaloupe.

4. Selenium

Studies have shown this mineral to help protect against various forms of cancer, including melanoma. Selenium is crucial for protein synthesis and promotes skin quality and elasticity. Like the other nutrients we listed, it protects against sun and free radical damage. Selenium also boosts the effectiveness of vitamin E. Good sources include seafood, eggs, Brazil nuts, garlic, whole grains, chia seeds and wheat germ.

5. Omega-3 Fatty Acids

These healthy fats reduce inflammation and bolster the skin cell membrane found in the epidermis. This helps protect the skin and enables it to hold onto moisture longer, which improves texture. Excellent sources include avocados, eggs, walnuts, salmon, tuna, sardines and mackerel.

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