cellulite reduction

3 Cellulite Reduction Tips

3 Cellulite Reduction Tips 500 750 Facercise

Cellulite is a common problem that is on our minds all year, but especially when summer is on its way. The good news is, there are natural body sculpting methods that reduce the appearance of unsightly cellulite—and liposuction is not one of them. Many plastic surgeons agree that liposuction cannot target the fibrous bands that…

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facial exercises

5 Foods That Accelerate Aging

5 Foods That Accelerate Aging 500 333 Facercise

A healthy diet is just as important as facial exercises and good skin care. What you eat affects your skin on a cellular level, so when it’s lacking or you’re eating the wrong things, it shows up on your skin. Here are some types of food that you should avoid to look and feel your…

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retinol serum

5 Amazing Benefits of Luxe Retinol Serum

5 Amazing Benefits of Luxe Retinol Serum 500 332 Facercise

One of the most effective anti-aging products you can get without a prescription is our Luxe Retinol Serum. Retinol is a gentle vitamin-A derivative that yields exceptional results without any of the redness or harsh drying effects that prescription versions cause. It improves skin for everyone from teenagers suffering from acne to adults with visible…

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facial exercises

How Alcohol Damages Your Skin

How Alcohol Damages Your Skin 400 266 Facercise

When you dedicate so much time and effort doing facial exercises and following a proper skincare regimen, it only makes sense to follow a healthy lifestyle. It plays one of the most important parts in keeping skin looking young. An diet rich in antioxidants and lean protein, coupled with regular exercise, makes a huge difference…

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body sculpting

5 Ways to Trim Belly Fat

5 Ways to Trim Belly Fat 500 281 Facercise

One of the biggest concerns our body sculpting clients have is belly fat. The tummy is an area where stubborn fat can persist, even when we’re at an ideal weight. Stress causes overproduction of cortisol, which can increase hunger and contribute to unsightly weight gain—and even rolls—in the midsection. If you want to target that…

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facial exercises

6 Superfoods for Glowing Skin

6 Superfoods for Glowing Skin 500 331 Facercise

If you want to enhance results from facial exercises, eating a diet packed with superfoods is key. What we put in our body has great impact on both the health and appearance of our skin. Read on to discover six foods that combat the signs of aging, boost radiance and improve the health of your…

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facial exercises

6 Ways to Combat Hyperpigmentation

6 Ways to Combat Hyperpigmentation 500 333 Facercise

While the sun equals fun, the damage it does to our skin is no picnic. Its powerful UV rays cause everything from sunburns and wrinkles to melanoma and hyperpigmentation. The dark spots known as hyperpigmentation are very difficult to remove and can show up on every exposed body part. Their appearance can be intensified by…

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5 Reasons to Use Retinol

5 Reasons to Use Retinol 1012 512 Facercise

Retinol is one of the most effective tools you can have in your anti-aging arsenal. Regular use of a product like our Luxe Retinol makes your skin look and feel smoother, and reduces fine lines and wrinkles while improving collagen production. It also imparts a healthy, youthful glow. Retinol is a vitamin A derivative with…

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body sculpting

3 Body Sculpting Steps to Your Swimsuit Figure

3 Body Sculpting Steps to Your Swimsuit Figure 500 334 Facercise

It’s that time of year again—spring is here, which means summertime is right around the corner, prompting clients to call me in a panic. They wonder how they’re going to deal with swimsuit season and how fast they can trim and tone. The goods news is, the body sculpting regimen below, coupled with a good…

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facial exercises

How to Get Rid of a Double Chin

How to Get Rid of a Double Chin 358 259 Facercise

One of my favorite areas to help clients target with facial exercises is the dreaded, but extremely common “double chin.” Also known as the “wattle,” chin fat or submental fat, this condition can be extremely difficult to get rid of. The double chin can be caused by anything from weight loss and genetics to aging.…

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Tips for Using Retinol

Tips for Using Retinol 500 679 Facercise

Our new Luxe Retinol advanced skin care formula is here! In conjunction with daily facial exercises and a good skincare regimen, it can be one of the most powerful weapons in your anti-aging arsenal. Retinol slows down aging by stimulating the production of collagen while boosting the turnover of epidermal cells to brighten your complexion…

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reducing cellulite

5 Tips for Reducing Cellulite

5 Tips for Reducing Cellulite 500 334 Facercise

Many of us suffer from the unsightly condition called cellulite, which is one of the reasons I created No Lipo Lipo. This stubborn “cottage cheese” appearance appears on the skin on our legs, glutes, arms and stomach. It’s stubborn and difficult, which is why many are driven to try risky, expensive procedures for reducing cellulite.…

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facial exercises

11 Anti-Aging Habits That Will Change Your Beauty Game

11 Anti-Aging Habits That Will Change Your Beauty Game 500 257 Facercise

Good habits are everything when it comes to looking and feeling your very best. Many studies show that how you stave off the signs of aging isn’t entirely dependent on genetics. In fact, lifestyle, environment and our skincare regimen play a significant role. From wearing sunscreen and getting facials to doing facial exercises every day,…

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facial exercises

5 Benefits of Masking

5 Benefits of Masking 500 333 Facercise

Masking is an excellent complement to your skin care routine and facial exercises. Masks have had a resurgence in popularity recently—just take a look at Instagram. Everyone from pre-teens and stay-at-home moms to celebrities and CEOs post images of themselves rocking masks on social media. The benefits of masking can be immediate and long-lasting, especially…

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5 Ways to Get Rid of Under-Eye Bags

5 Ways to Get Rid of Under-Eye Bags 500 333 Facercise

If eyes are the windows to our soul, the last thing we want are bags underneath them and puffiness surrounding them. The thin, delicate skin around the eye area is one of the first places to show the signs of aging. While puffiness is considered a temporary condition, it stretches the delicate tissues and leads…

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