• February 11, 2023

5 Dietary Tips for Beautiful Skin

facial exercises

5 Dietary Tips for Beautiful Skin

5 Dietary Tips for Beautiful Skin 500 333 Facercise

facial exercisesWhile facial exercises and skin care products keep your skin looking good from the outside, what you put inside your body can have just as much impact. It’s essential to maintain a healthy diet by eating antioxidant-rich food and avoiding certain dietary triggers. Read on for tips for perfecting your diet so you can enhance your skin care regimen and look your very best.

1. Go Organic

Choose organic meat, poultry and produce to avoid the growth hormones, steroids, pesticides and antibiotics that most traditionally grown produce contains.

2. Eat as Much Organic Produce as Possible

Produce is a fundamental part of a healthy diet. Eat colorful fruit and vegetables, especially those that contain high levels of antioxidants. For the best balance, try to fit in as much of the color spectrum as possible. Choose more vegetables than fruit, as the latter has a higher sugar content.

3. Cut Back on Dairy

Much research shows a strong correlation between dairy products and skin issues such as acne and aging. This is due to the hormones that make their way into cows’ milk. These hormones cause inflammation, cellular breakdown and increase oil production. Cut back, and when you do partake, opt for organic, hormone-free products. Products such as coconut, almond, oat and cashew milk make excellent dairy alternatives.

4. Reduce Sodium Intake

Too much sodium in your diet causes water retention, making it harder for your lymphatic system to flush away toxins. Excess sodium exacerbates acne as well, as it irritates the pores and impedes the body’s natural removal of toxins.

5. Cut Down on Sugar

Excessive sugar intake leads to hormonal shifts and increased glycation. Glycation occurs when sugars affect fats and proteins abnormally, resulting in the production of harmful molecules called “advanced glycation end products.” These evil entities cause proteins like collagen and elastin to break down and grow stiff, weak and inelastic. The result is sagging skin with more wrinkles and less glow. Avoid this by reducing sugar intake as much as possible.

Follow these tips to enhance the results of your regimen of skin care products and facial exercises. It’s okay to treat yourself every now and then, just be sure to do so in moderation.

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