• November 21, 2022

5 Ways to Stay on Track During Thanksgiving

body sculpting

5 Ways to Stay on Track During Thanksgiving

5 Ways to Stay on Track During Thanksgiving 500 304 Facercise

body sculptingThanksgiving is here! While a day of thanks is an incredible tradition, don’t throw caution to the wind when it comes to eating. Research shows that overeating at Thanksgiving leads to bingeing throughout the entire holiday season. However, you don’t have to be one of the statistics. Instead of skipping your exercise and body sculpting routines, make a commitment to up your game this time of year.

Here are five tips for avoiding Thanksgiving weight gain without giving up holiday fun.

1. Start the Day Off Right

Don’t skip breakfast so you can go bigger at dinner. This is a common mistake that only leads to overeating. Skipping meals puts your body into starvation mode—this slows your metabolic rate and prompts your body to store fat. Start your day right with a healthy, protein- and fiber-rich breakfast so that you’re not starving when dinner rolls around.

2. Don’t Show Up Hungry

Don’t hit Thanksgiving dinner on an empty stomach. The idea of “saving up calories” all day only leads to overeating. It may sound counterintuitive, but have a small snack 30 minutes or an hour before eating Thanksgiving dinner. This will prevent you from overindulging.

3. Squeeze in Some Exercise

Don’t skip your workouts. Schedule exercise first thing in the morning so you make sure to get it in. This will rev your metabolism early on and give you energy for the day. If you don’t have time to hit the gym or take a class, go for a run, walk or hike.

4. Skip the Baggy Attire

Avoid wearing baggy clothes to “keep comfortable” after eating too much. Instead, wear a form-fitting outfit and make it to goal to keep everything buttoned throughout the dinner.

5. Stimulate Your Lymphatic System

Dry brush and do No Lipo Lipo in the morning to stimulate circulation and boost the lymphatic system. This is essential because the lymphatic system is responsible for the elimination of toxins.

Visit this link to learn about our revolutionary facial exercises and No Lipo Lipo body sculpting system.