• September 15, 2022

5 Fall Foods That Fight Aging

facial exercises

5 Fall Foods That Fight Aging

5 Fall Foods That Fight Aging 500 333 Facercise

facial exercisesFall is loaded with delicious antioxidant-rich produce that fights free radical damage and prevents aging. It’s the perfect time to bring more produce into your diet! An anti-aging diet is the perfect complement to daily facial exercises and quality skin care products. It also boosts your

Read on for five excellent foods to incorporate into your diet. They’ll boost your Facercise results—and your waistline too.

1. Pomegranate

This juicy fruit is loaded with vitamin C, which protects against sun damage and boosts immunity. Vitamin C stimulates the production of collagen, a critical protein that helps skin maintain elasticity. Pomegranates are also loaded with powerful antioxidants that reduce inflammation, acne, sun damage, fine lines and wrinkles.

2. Apples

Apples are another excellent source of vitamin C and also provide vitamin A, which plays an essential role in skin development. Apples are rich in copper, an important mineral that helps our bodies produce melanin. This is the pigment that colors your skin and protects it from the sun’s dangerous ultraviolet rays.

3. Brussels Sprouts

These green leafy vegetables boost skin’s elasticity with a high content of copper, vitamins A, C and K. They also contain several flavonoid compounds with strong anti-inflammatory properties.

4. Beets

This delicious root vegetable has been shown to reverse dull skin by stimulating the lymphatic system, which removes toxins from our cells. These vibrant veggies also boost your bloodstream’s ability to transport oxygen. This brightens your skin and imparts a youthful glow.

5. Cranberries

These tangy seasonal favorites pack a serious antioxidant and anti-inflammatory punch that helps fight free radical damage. Cranberries’ high concentration of phytonutrients helps detoxify the skin and is particularly helpful for acne-prone and oily skin. The anti-inflammatory properties in cranberries also help reduce redness and soothe itchy, irritated skin.

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