• March 25, 2021

5 Steps for Reducing Crepey Skin

body sculpting

5 Steps for Reducing Crepey Skin

5 Steps for Reducing Crepey Skin 500 333 Facercise

body sculptingIf you have crepey, loose skin on your arms, there are several body sculpting tips that can improve the situation. Crepey skin is a very common problem associated with aging, and caused by several factors. As we age, our skin retains less moisture and our bodies produce less elastin and collagen. These proteins give your skin elasticity to stretch and contract, so when they break down, your skin sags and wrinkles.

If you want to avoid crepey skin, incorporate the following into your anti-aging skincare regimen. You’ll see a difference in about 10 days to two weeks—and it will be well worth it.

1. Silica and Vitamin C

These two nutrients promote healthy, elastic skin. Load up on fruits and veggies that are rich in vitamin C, like oranges, grapefruit, kiwi, pineapple, papaya, cantaloupe, red pepper and berries. Good sources of silica include leeks, green beans, garbanzo beans, rhubarb, cucumber, mango, kelp, whole oats, buckwheat, brown rice, alfalfa and green leafy veggies such as spinach, asparagus, celery and kale. Strawberries, bananas, broccoli and Brussels sprouts are all excellent sources source of both vitamin C and silica.

2. Load Up on Sunscreen

Sunscreen is an essential part of your anti-aging skincare regimen. Cover your arms and hands with sunscreen every morning and anytime you go outside when the sun is out. Sun damage decreases skin’s elasticity, resulting in crepey skin and wrinkles. Try our Protective Sunblock SPF 30.

3. Apply Your Vitamins

Apply our Nourishing Vitamin E Oil all over arms immediately after you shower in the morning. Wait a few minutes and let it soak in. Then apply Vitamin C Complex Serum. Once it’s absorbed, apply sunscreen. In the evening, apply Retinol Skin Conditioner all over your arms. Do this daily and you will see results!

4. Dry Brush

Dry brushing boosts circulation and helps shed dead cells that dulls your skin’s appearance. It also stimulates the lymphatic system, which flushes the toxins from your system. If you dry brush on a daily basis with one of our Sisal louffas, your skin will appear more lifted, tightened and glowing.

5. No Lipo Lipo

No Lipo Lipo will help you get that summer body like nothing else. This system breaks down fatty tissue and cellulite to trim inches all over your body. No Lipo Lipo uses strong upward sweeping motions to reverse gravity and firm skin while boosting the lymphatic system. The results are unparalleled when it comes to body sculpting.

Visit this link to learn more about our No Lipo Lipo body sculpting system.