• September 10, 2020

Stress and Your Skin

facial exercises

Stress and Your Skin

Stress and Your Skin 500 333 Facercise

facial exercisesStress wreaks serious havoc on your skin. No matter what your age, stress can affect your immediate appearance or manifest over time—if not both. It’s essential to find ways to cope with it so that you can look and feel your very best.

Here are a few of the effects stress has on your skin and some ways to get it in check.


One of the most obvious ways stress manifests itself in your skin is with acne and breakouts. It’s common to experience a flare-up during a stressful period that causes your immune system to experience dysregulation. This makes skin more susceptible to bacteria and triggers inflammatory reactions. If you suffer from breakouts and acne regularly, deploy benzoyl peroxide for some extra help. If the breakouts persist, visit a dermatologist.


Stress triggers and exacerbates rosacea since those who suffer from it have highly sensitive skin and a compromised barrier to the elements. Try our Skin Brightening Cream to combat the redness and soothe inflammation.

Itchy Conditions

For those who suffer from eczema, stress can definitely incite a reaction. Take a calming bath with epsom salts and moisturize immediately afterwards. If you suffer from neurodermatitis, stress can exacerbate the itching and scaly patches caused by this condition. Do not scratch the area and see a physician if itchiness persists.

Reduced Blood Flow

Stress slows and reduces blood flow. This causes blood vessels to narrow and elevates blood pressure and heart rate, which further decreases circulation. This increases the signs of aging both immediately and over time, causing skin to look pale and darkened in some areas, and making our eyes appear sunken. Combat this with a daily dose of anti-aging facial exercises, which boost circulation while promoting a healthy glow.

Get Stress in Check

Find ways to get your stress in check and incorporate them into your daily regimen. Regular exercise is a great way to boost your overall health and reduce the effects of stress. Facial exercises boost circulation, help detox the skin and make you feel relaxed. Meditation is another excellent way to relax and mitigate stress. Hanging with friends, reading, writing, walking, relaxing with pets and engaging in your favorite hobbies are other great de-stressors.

Click here for information on the benefits of facial exercises.