• November 21, 2019

7 Anti-Inflammatory Foods

facial exercises

7 Anti-Inflammatory Foods

7 Anti-Inflammatory Foods 500 333 Facercise

facial exercisesThe buzz these days is all about an anti-inflammatory diet—and for good reason. Following an anti-inflammatory diet is an excellent way to improve your overall health and combat the signs of aging. Many doctors tout this type of diet because it can reduce blood triglycerides, decrease the risk of high blood pressure and prevent cardiovascular disease. Anti-inflammatory diets have been shown to improve physical recovery time and reduce the risk of many chronic illnesses and diseases. Eating anti-inflammatory foods is also an excellent complement to a good skincare program and regimen of anti-aging facial exercises.

While there are many different anti-inflammatory diets to choose from, there are several types of food that can be found in most. Most doctors recommend avoiding processed foods and those high in refined sugars and simple carbs. Read on for a few foods that will help you fight inflammation in your body.

1. Water

Proper hydration definitely helps your body fight off inflammation and flush out the toxins. If you get bored simply drinking water, switch it up with lemon water, honey water and green tea to up your antioxidant ante.

2. Leafy Greens

Dark leafy greens such as spinach, broccoli, collard greens and kale contains high levels of dietary fiber and a rich content of vitamins and minerals that fight inflammation, such as iron, calcium and an array of phytochemicals.

3. Fatty Fish

Oily fish that are high in omega-43 fatty acids are a great choice for your health, skin and waistline. Try to eat several servings of salmon, mackerel, tuna or sardines each week.

4. Nuts

Loaded with fiber, vitamin e and some healthy fat, nuts are a great way to satiate your diet and reduce inflammation. Almonds, Brazil nuts, cashews and walnuts are all great choices.

5. Whole Grains

Swap out white bread, pasta and rice for whole-grains that are fiber-rich. They will fill you up without spiking your blood sugar levels like “white” breads and other products.

6. Peppers

Bell peppers are the perfects example of colorful veggies that increase your antioxidant consumption and reduce inflammation.

7. Berries

Berries are loaded with vitamin C and antioxidants that can significantly decrease inflammation. The darker the berry, the higher the antioxidant content, but all are good choices.

Visit this link to learn more about our anti-aging skin care programs and regimen of facial exercises.