• September 21, 2022

6 Weapons for Cellulite Reduction

6 Weapons for Cellulite Reduction

6 Weapons for Cellulite Reduction 561 394 Facercise

cellulite reductionLet’s face it—we all dread the “cottage cheese” appearance that cellulite causes on our legs, bum, stomach and arms. It’s one of the most difficult things to get rid of—people across the globe spend millions each year on topical agents and risky surgical procedures that promise cellulite reduction.

The good news is, there are some easy ways to reduce the appearance of this unsightly condition. If you want to feel more confident in swimsuits, shorts and sleeveless tops, try the methods below for safe yet effective results.

1. Flush, Flush, Flush

Proper hydration will flush out the toxins that lodge inside the fat layers underneath the skin, forming those bumpy lumps that appear as cellulite. Drinking water also plumps the skin, which can smooth out the appearance of those lumps.

2. Avoid the Whites

A healthy diet can prevent the formation of more cellulite and help diminish its appearance significantly. This means eating lots of lean protein and fiber-rich foods, while avoiding those with too much refined sugars and sodium. Overall, try to avoid as many processed foods as possible and steer clear of those with more than 200 mg of sodium per serving.

3. Dry Brushing

We always push our dry brushing technique, but for good reason—it stimulates the lymphatic system, which helps flush the toxins out of our body. It also boost circulation, which delivers oxygen to the cells and can help banish ugly cellulite before it forms.

4. Retinol Cream

Applying a topical formula such as my best-selling Retinol Conditioning Cream helps to smooth out the skin and make lumps less visible.

5. No Lipo Lipo

There is no better cure for cellulite than No Lipo Lipo treatments. If you can’t get to our spa, then get the No Lipo Lipo DVD and do this revolutionary treatment in the comfort of your own home.

6. Supplements

Kelp has been shown to burn body fat and therefore decrease the appearance of cellulite. Gotu Kola Extract is a caffeine-free supplement that thickens skin and improves elasticity. Try both for best results.

Click here for more information and to see results from No Lipo Lipo, our game-changing cellulite reduction technique.