• February 16, 2023

3 Reasons to Apply a Face Mask Right Now

face lift to go

3 Reasons to Apply a Face Mask Right Now

3 Reasons to Apply a Face Mask Right Now 500 333 Facercise

face lift to goMasking may be trending right now, but it’s a strategy we’ve always promoted as a complement to our facial exercises and advanced skin care products. It helps your other products absorb better and work more efficiently so that you maximize your overall benefits. Masks also give you immediate results in their respective areas of specialty. For example, if you use my Face Lift to Go mask, you’ll see toning, firming and a healthy glow with your first use.

Here are three reasons to start masking now.

1. Masks Go Deep

Applying masks takes cleansing to another level by removing excess dirt and impurities that can sometimes linger on and underneath the skin’s surface. Masks can prevent acne and breakouts by drawing out impurities and unclogging pores. A good mask like my Face Lift to Go eliminates the dead skin cells that build up on the skin, making it look dull and clogging pores. This immediately leads to brighter looking skin and a healthy, youthful glow.

2. Masks Boost Your Normal Skin Care Routine

Applying masks on a regular basis makes the rest of your skin care products work better and boosts the results of facial exercises. Deep cleansing and exfoliating masks like Face Lift to Go improves absorption of the products you use, making them work faster and better. Masks can also stimulate circulation, causing your skin’s blood vessels to expand. This results in improved skin tone and a radiant glow.

3. Therapeutic Effects

One of the benefits of masking is that it gives you a chance to relax and be present. Set some time aside and turn your mask into a home spa experience. Light candles, run a hot bath with Epsom salts, play some relaxing music and simply indulge while you treat your skin. If time is short, at least lie down for a few minutes while the mask does its magic.

Introduce a mask like Face Lift to Go to your skin care regimen today!